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Chapter 53 february 10

corrosion 茅盾 532Words 2018-03-19
I can't help but have a little "action".I can't help but believe in "man-made". What heinous crime have I committed?I know no.I only want to save a poor innocent person, I just want to snatch a lamb from the tiger's kiss, and I want to pull out another innocent person-myself!This is my crime! I wish that my accusation would be publicized and told to all faithful men and women in the world! I want to use my "actions" to straighten myself: if I am straight, then there is still justice in the world; if it doesn't work out, then I will publish my "crime" and let the good men and women of the world make a judgment!

I set the "action" steps: From now on, I demand to leave this "cultural zone" where the epidemic is rampant; The fellow allowed me five days.Counting from today, there are still more than 80 hours, is it enough for me to do my work?I dare not say that it is absolutely enough, but I only know one thing: N must be on the road after more than eighty hours!If we decide to do this, we will definitely be able to, and the conditions have already been met. In the end, I am left alone. ——Hmph, I've been through this for so long, and I've seen all kinds of ghosts and monsters, so am I afraid of staying longer?I am planning for three months, six months or even a year! ...

After thinking this way, I am like a soldier who has already arranged for his family and funeral, and embarked on my long-term struggle with ease. All of this had to be hidden from N, and even I didn't tell her until the last five minutes that I couldn't walk.Let her know first, it won't do any good, but it will cause extra problems; she said that sometimes I look too much like a man—yes, at this time, I have to show my wrists and face like a man. of.
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