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Chapter 6 October 2

corrosion 茅盾 4432Words 2018-03-19
My guess was not completely lost. Maybe he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, but F, who was always so casual with me, suddenly expressed his "great concern" in front of me.I didn't "disappoint" him either, so I gave him a sweet smile and said, "They're deliberately joking with me, I know. If I'm in a hurry, then they will get more excited, and the joke will get bigger and bigger, but Isn't it? So I think it's better to ignore it." "However, comrade, don't be careless!——" He looked around, and Fang Shi said softly, "I have seen one or two people who didn't take it seriously, and the result was very embarrassing—a tragedy!"

"Oh, really?" I still half-truthed, but F's voice and attitude gave me a different impression; I fixed his face and felt a little sorry.I asked again casually, "Comrade F, what have you heard—about me. Can you tell me?" "Find a suitable place and I can tell you." This ordinary sentence immediately felt like a thorn in my ear. I smiled maliciously and said, "That's right, I need a suitable place. When I have a chance, I'll ask you out." Looking at his back as he walked away, I suddenly felt that I shouldn't treat him like this.How can I conclude that he has bad intentions?But why do I dare to believe that he is really honest?How can he be sure that his sincere and indifferent attitude is not a disguise?In this circle, even a bloody and upright person will become selfish and cunning.

I have, by my own admission, become hardened long ago, but this little episode of F kept me uneasy for a long time, until another incident distracted me. R called me to talk! Half an hour later, I was sitting in a small living room waiting to be called.I've been here five or six times, and I'm sweating every time, and this time I'm in a particularly bad mood.There were question marks popping up in front of me, and I could hear people passing by outside, whispering,—ah, is it G?Accent like him. "Okay, okay! When a person reaches a dead end, he is finished anyway, so what's so scary?" I thought to myself while wiping the sweat off my face; I thought my face was covered with a sneer.

The first sentence after meeting: "I heard that you work very hard, very good!" The ghost knows the true meaning behind this sentence!I just pursed my lips and smiled. A slightly faded photo was placed in front of me, and I asked, "Do you know this person?" As soon as I got the photo in my hand, my heart skipped a beat!Hey, isn't this Xiao Zhao's face?Let me re-identify carefully——who else is he?How did it appear here? It's weird! I put the photo back on the table and peeked at R.I guess he was watching my face.I heard his voice ask again: "Do you know him?"

"Know!" - I felt my heart beating a little. "Have you written with him recently?" "No." "What was your relationship with him before?" I looked up at R, and thought to myself: "Of course you already know, why are you still asking me?"—But I didn't say that, and only answered two words: "Co-living." "How did you start living with him?" I blushed a bit: "That's not the same thing!" "Then why did you separate again?" "Disagreement!" I emphasized my tone, "I don't have a good relationship!"

"When you separated, who took the initiative?" I pondered for a while and replied: "It's hard to say. Both sides felt that it couldn't go on, so they went their own ways. Anyway, we have no children." "What did you all do then?" "They both teach - he teaches junior high school, and I teach senior elementary school." It seemed that all the scheduled questions had been asked, R picked up the photo from the table, took a look at it, put it in a stack of documents, raised his eyes, and asked again: "Do you know what he is doing now? Where? Haven't you heard from him?"

"No. Not at all." "Oh——" he said with a half-smile, and his eyes fell on my face, "but I have some materials here——I'll show you." He took out a piece of paper from a stack of documents, He glanced at it and handed it to me. There were only a few lines, and while I was looking at it, I thought to myself: "It's hard to guess the details of today's practice. But no matter what, it won't be useless." In a hurry, I was never sure how to express it. , - I just sneered and put the paper back on the table. "Now I'll send you a job," R said after watching my face, "you go to him, restore the old relationship with him, and pay attention to his actions."

I was completely flabbergasted.Logically, I have to obey, but I can't help asking: "Report to the director, I'm afraid this job is not suitable for me, and I'm afraid it will make things worse—" "Why?" R interrupted impatiently. "Why are you inappropriate?" "It's not that I disobeyed the order. It's really difficult. I used to have a bad relationship with him, and now I can't find any results when I go to him. This is one thing. Besides, I'm afraid—I'm afraid that what job I am holding now, he I already know, this is even more difficult. I put my work first, so I ask for reconsideration."

"Hey——" R's face changed a bit; he rubbed his chin, stared at me for a while, and then said: "You still have to accept orders. If there are difficulties, you try to overcome them." After speaking, he said Reach out to ring the bell.I knew it would be useless for me to say anything, so I took my leave and left. How unreasonable it should be that the reasons I have given are perfectly sufficient should not be accepted!That's not deliberately joking with me!I suspect this is part of G's plot. The voice I heard while waiting to be heard must be him.However, why did Xiao Zhao appear here again?And is it doing that kind of work?We haven't seen each other for five or six years, has he changed into another person?But I have become what I am now, where do I have the courage to get close to him again, and "restore the old relationship"?

Maybe any material about Xiao Zhao is basically a ghost show by G and the others; there is nothing this kind of people can't do, making something out of nothing is their way of making a living! If this is the case, then I will have many difficulties; they will not admit that their information is inaccurate, they will definitely say that I am "slack in work" and will not try to find it, and they will even say that Xiao Zhao and I have an old relationship. Tell him the news and tell him to hide. I saw an abyss in front of me, I clearly saw it, but I couldn't help jumping into it!

Before yesterday, I thought that there was nothing I could do to deal with them. With my sharp eyes and quick hands, I might not necessarily lose somewhere; now I know I was wrong.You need insidiousness, you need meanness—in a word, the less human you are, the more resourceful you are. However, if a person is determined, it is not easy to manipulate.As long as your information is true, as long as Xiao Zhao is really here, let's see, don't scold me at that time; it was a clever plan that you came up with yourself, "lose your wife and lose your army"! Over the years, there has been no trace of Xiao Zhao on my heart; but today he appeared again.I recalled the past and his short life one by one. My heart was very confused, and I couldn't tell whether it was sweet or bitter or sour or spicy.I wish I could see him right away.God, I'm afraid I'm going crazy! In the evening, I was about to take sleeping pills when suddenly Shun Ying came again.I invited her into the room with some annoyance, and at the same time I was thinking about how to send her away early. As soon as the "former wife of the committee member" sat down, she cursed the bad weather, bad roads, deceitful bearers, especially the second landlord, the "dark mind" of the businessman, thieves as rampant as mice, and even oranges. No sweet, no lights,-- Conclusion: "Nothing is as good as Shanghai!" She stretched out her two hands to show me: "I've only been here for a few days, and my skin has become rough. What a pity! There are no good cosmetics here. Oh, there are, but at that price , Only those who have a dark heart can speak! This is not a business, it is blackmail, it is robbery!" When she saw my half-new woolen coat on the hanger, she took a handful of it with her hand, turned her head and asked, "Is it made here? How can I make such a ghost!" "I came back from the war last year. Everything is gone." I replied with a sigh. "This is a second-hand product. The style is a bit old-fashioned, so just deal with it carelessly." "But are you still afraid that you won't have money to send? The one who hides legal currency now is a fool!" I just sneered and didn't answer.I don't need to complain to her, and why should I complain to her. I looked at the toes of my shoes, and then I remembered that I saw a pair of new two-color inlays in a department store the week before, but I still haven't had the money to buy them; who doesn't like novelties, and I used to have a small head on clothing. Ken is sloppy, but in recent years it has become unbearable to ask, but people think that I am not afraid of running out of money, and I am saving legal currency!Such injustice, only God knows. "Why don't you have enough?" Seeing my silence, Shunying seemed to be very concerned and asked. "Why do I have enough? There are plenty of people who make money for the country, but it's not our turn! Besides, there are plenty of colleagues who make money, but they are others, and I am me! Shunying, You know my temper, I don't deserve to be a saint, but I don't want to beg for scraps from people who are worse than dogs. I think it's too bad to be a good person, and it's too good to be a bad person. I know that my temper is already gone. It has killed me for half my life, but my temper is my temper, what can I do?" Probably I was really dizzy at that time, and I said a lot of words without knowing it.But having said that, I don't regret it either.But I think Shunying has been sitting for too long, if I don't send her away early, do I have to wait for her to retire?I stood up and stretched, and was about to hint at her with words, but she also stood up, took my hand, and said earnestly: "I thought you might as well go to Shanghai! If you want to, go through the formalities. , I can still help out. You just have to—" As soon as I heard something in the words, my heart moved, and I forgot my tiredness; but I became a little impatient, and suddenly asked: "Should I agree to some conditions first?" She also hesitated: "That--that may not necessarily be necessary. But, but--well, I think we are old classmates, old friends, and you and Xiqiang have an old relationship. In this regard, you and Xiqiang Others are different." Oh, what Xiqiang is again, this despicable and shameless guy again.She doesn't need to say any more, I have already guessed nine out of ten of the secrets.But I still deliberately asked: "What are you going to do? Maybe I can do it? At that time, I was in a dilemma, so what should I do?" "You are worrying too much!" She said solemnly, "You must have done a good job. Anyway With Xiqiang there, are you afraid that no one will support you? Hey, you don't have to be half-hearted!" This winking "ex-commissioner's wife" actually thought I was hooked.Although I am not enough to be a good person, I am not shameless enough to beg for a living at the hands of traitors.But it's no wonder Shunying.How many people who do our work are ashamed?Whoever has money is the master—this is their common belief.But am I so top-notch in the eyes of others?Moreover, Shunying dared to tell me directly, as if she was certain that I would "happyly agree"?This can't help but make me angry.I didn't have time to think about it, so I replied arrogantly: "Thank you for your kindness! But I never thought of such a thing!" "Oh—" Shunying stared at me in astonishment, as if she hadn't figured out what I meant. I also suddenly realized that my style of work is not in line with the "principles of work", and I should use my tricks to reveal more of her secrets, but it is not easy to re-talk, so I had to slightly shift my goal and said angrily on purpose: "Shunying, I It doesn't matter what I say to you; I swore in front of Xi Qiang that no matter where I am, with him, there will be no me! I can't get along with him! Shunying, I didn't want to say this to you at first Say, it’s okay not to tell now, but you have to keep the secret for me!” She looked at me in disbelief for a while, and then said: "I can't imagine that your relationship with him will be so bad, but, he is really the most willing to help friends. Didn't he ask us to pay tribute to you again and again? I can guarantee that , he has no problem with you, he has no problem with this side!" I just smiled and shook my head without answering. "Moreover, the times are different now. There used to be rivals, but now they are together again. Good friends from the past have become rivals now. Everyone doesn't need to mention the past, so why are you so stubborn!" she said. , while approaching me, gently took my hand. "But, you don't know, I hate him!" I was really angry, "I hate him to the bone!" "Oh! That's strange, I really don't know." "No. You only know that he used to help me and treat me well, but these are all superficial! No one will believe it if you say it. He is—well, he is not that harmful !" "Ah! It turns out—but when you got married, although he used a little coercion, he didn't seem to treat you badly afterwards, why should you keep it in mind!" "It's not just this point." The voice has changed. "I hate him because he was the first bad guy who got me where I am." My face must have been ugly at that time, because Shunying let go of my hand suddenly, and took a step back in surprise.I made up my mind, took a step forward, put my arm around her shoulder and smiled and said, "Shunying, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to blame you. Although it was you who introduced me to him, I understand that you are Kindness,—isn't it? Of course you only see him on the surface. I haven't seen a second person like him—who treats women like a thing!" "Hey!——" Shunying sighed softly, as if she had given up trying to persuade me. "Forget it! Let's not talk about the past, let's talk about other things." As I said, I collapsed on the bed and asked her where she visited and who she often visited. .But she also seemed to suddenly become "smart", and she was a little wary, and refused to say more. After seeing her off, I felt like I was wearing a band around my head, my cheeks were flushed, and my mouth felt greasy; I quickly swallowed sleeping pills, and my clothes fell down.
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