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Chapter 5 October 1st

corrosion 茅盾 1394Words 2018-03-19
In the past few days, the surrounding air seems to be quite mild.Xiao Rong suddenly became intimate with me; as for G, since the "trouble" that day, he ignored me, and I never went to him again.Fatty Chen told me, "It's not a big deal", it's all because of my "nervousness". Hmph, looking at their various performances, especially Fatty Chen, who suddenly appeared as a third party, a good gentleman who "keep things quiet" and show his face, isn't this all very simple?Oh, thanks to the guidance, it's all my own nervousness, amazing, amazing!

Fatty Chen pretended to come here three days ago, and seemed to have mentioned that incident by accident. He said lightly that Xiaorong was "just a little hysterical, but she was straightforward", and finally boiled it down to "one thing more is worse than one thing less". ,—haha, isn't that the tone of a hermit who "has nothing to contend with"? I stabbed him and said: "I really didn't expect Secretary Chen to see through the world of mortals. He is a high-ranking scholar who is about to lose his fortune! Fortunately, I didn't ask you for help a few days ago, otherwise, I would have made things difficult for you!"

"That's not necessarily the case!" He said with a serious face, "Resolving disputes goes hand in hand with my philosophy of life." Before I could answer, he moved his shiny round face closer, almost touching my fluffy curly hair, and continued in an earnest tone: "It's common practice here to fly short and long. Actually, it's not a big deal, why should you be nervous?" Allergies. It’s all because of being too idle. I understand their style very well. But I also understand you, you are deeper than them. A small misunderstanding may come from this, it doesn’t matter!”

The smell of his body was mixed with strong perfume, which made me unbearable. I sideways slightly avoided it, smiled and replied: "Teach me, teach me. Since I'm nervous, I don't need to worry about it." You have come to resolve it. I hope it is really my nervousness!" Later, I regretted that the way I dealt with Fatty Chen was a little wrong.I didn't see his intentions clearly and followed suit.I already knew what a hypocrite he was, and it was my carelessness to have skimmed his "interview". Chen and G, and Xiao Rong, are they in the same group?There's no reason why they must not be.

Since yes, why did Chen come to "visit" me again?Why do you say it's no big deal, and pretend to be so indifferent?Could it be that my "counter-offensive" worked and they retreated?No, no!I can't be confident that I'm that powerful, especially I can't believe that they are so "kind" and will easily hide their evil intentions! But Chen's "interview" and Xiao Rong's sudden friendship with me, isn't it a kind of temptation? It seems that Xiao Rong is here to test, but Fatty Chen is not. I doubt very much that although Fatty Chen conspired with them, he had his own purpose.Let’s assume this: Chen Xiji was impatient because they pushed me so hard, so I naturally asked him for advice; but after waiting for a few days and seeing no movement from my side, he was a little anxious, and that’s why he put on a pose this time. Access".So the purpose of the "interview" was not to test me how to deal with it, but to open a way to lure me into his arms, and to achieve this goal, he used the means of playing hard to get.

But I was too careless and "failed" his "hard work". Although what I deal with is beautiful, it is not exempt from mediocrity. Although he left with nothing, I also let him go for nothing! Guessing, the "peace" of the past few days was just the silence before G and the others rearranged and launched a new offensive; but I gave up an opportunity for no reason.I don't imagine that Fatty Chen will really save me from my difficulties.Adding insult to injury, watching the wind and turning the rudder, and laughing at other people's pain—this is the totalism of their group; what's more, for me, he has long had the ambition of "playing with others"?But since the environment is like this, if I just hope that a good person will come out of mid-air instead of making the best use of the dogs in the fox group, then I can only wait for death.

I'm not a woman like a woman, why don't I dare,—hmph, why should I still want to cherish my body!I have to make good use of my only capital. There are plenty of good people out there, I'm sure.But can they believe that I am also a good person?I am in no position to convince them.The blood of the pure and innocent is on my hands.Although I am also a victim, I don't want to forgive myself; I want to wash the blood on my hands with the black blood of the sinner; maybe I can, maybe I can't, but I believe there is a chance.
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