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Chapter 11 ten

last lover 残雪 1464Words 2018-03-19
Mr Reagan (2) "Stop!" she said, her voice crisp. "I've seen several people like you." "so what?" Reagan gave her a curious look, but she just rolled her eyes at him. "The southerners are like you, trying to get into dark corners. I don't want to do business with people like you. I have a job. I'm a street cleaner. I stay here during the day to see if there are any There's no business to do, but I don't want a southerner like you. Damn." She stomped her feet, left him and shrank into a flower shop, her curvy back looked very annoyed.

Reagan looked at those potted flowers, and the scene in front of him became blurred. Are these real flowers or paper flowers?Then he suddenly saw three pairs of big eyes staring at him in the dark of the room.His heart beat wildly, and he walked away.He didn't want to linger in the city any longer. He stepped into the train carriage exhausted physically and mentally, and sat down in an empty corner in the back row.He held a newspaper in his hand to hide his bewildered face.Someone was talking and laughing loudly in front, and the voice was very familiar. "Did he slip away like this?"

"I'm not worried at all. The area here is so small, he will show up again in a few days." "What a scheming fellow." It is a man and a woman talking at the right window, and they kiss without any scruples, and there may be more daring actions.They paid no attention to the noise they made. Reagan, who was hiding behind the newspaper, began to feel hot.He started to turn his face to look at the dull image of himself on the window glass. Looking at it, he could see the breath of the dead from it, especially the left nostril, which seemed to have dropped to the corner of the mouth, which was terrible.He wanted not to look at it, but he couldn't help it. The person on the glass plate looked very eager, as if he was still in pain.

"Are you sure he's hiding around here?" the man said. "There are obvious signs." The woman replied, as if trying to hold back a snicker. As he passed the cave, Reagan felt someone touch his face.He reached out to touch that person in the dark, but he couldn't touch him no matter what.And the feeling that the man's hand brought to his face was not quite like a hand, but like something softer, such as fur.The soft fur-like hand actually covered his nostrils, and Reagan yelled out of suffocation.He heard the young woman in front of him saying: "This kind of person will not be a member of the crowd, it is probably a sojourner in some ancient village."

The cave is over.Reagan looked into the glass and found that there were blood spots on his face, and then looked at the ground, and saw a few white bird feathers.Was it just a bird?He obviously felt that it was a person, and even heard the man's heavy breathing. When he returned to the garden, there was a thunderstorm. His car passed through the dense rain curtain and stopped under his small gray building, and the chef Ali greeted him. "I'm back. There was a thunderstorm just now, which burned out the electrical appliances at home. I thought I was going to hell. How could such a thing happen?"

She looked very abnormal, and she didn't come to help him carry his things, but twisted her bloated body and hid in the room at once.It looked like she was really freaking out.Reagan was also surprised, what's going on, isn't there a lightning rod on his roof? As he went upstairs, he felt top-heavy and felt as if he were walking under the deep sea. All sorts of frantic voices shouted in the black storm that night, and Reagan heard talk of the water rising. In the morning, the garden was already sunny, but Reagan was still asleep. Ali was busy at the door in a panic, and the driver was washing the car.

"Is the master not up? This is the first time." The driver said with a smile. Ali gave the young man a stern look, but did not speak to him. Upstairs, Reagan's dreams sank to a level he had never reached.Under the deep black soil, countless crazy tree roots were entangled together, making him completely give up trying to keep his mind clear.He naively believed that as long as he dug a tunnel in the soil like an earthworm, there would always be a day of success.The skull was pressed against the soil, and his mouth was filled with soil, so he could move slowly.There was something chirping, chirping, chirping here and there, perhaps those obscene roots.There are gaps between the roots, although they are often blocked, they can still be passed through after all.Reagan decided to rest on the thickest one. He stuck the ear that was stuffed with mud to it, and heard the sap roaring inside like a flood, making it vibrate endlessly.At this moment, he remembered Ida, how similar her flexible body was to these tree roots!But he himself was largely out of breath, and he had not yet adapted to such dreams.

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