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Chapter 10 Nine

last lover 残雪 1662Words 2018-03-19
Mr Reagan (1) On the rubber plantation farm in the south, under the summer sun, Reagan felt that he was gradually losing his mind.Reagan was an orphan. In his early years, he worked with his uncle in the tobacco business, earned some money, and bought the farm.He hardly ever went to school, and all his knowledge was acquired through tenacious self-study.He became a cultured man without a teacher, a stern, yet humane farmer.He likes to work, and sometimes he goes to tap rubber and pick lotus in the lake himself.Although the women dote on him, the farmer is 50 years old and still single.He felt that there was some kind of hard shell enveloping him, and his worldly feelings could not break through this shell, because this shell grew together with his body, and he even doubted his heart.

There is this kind of hard shell on the dirt. Ada is a brown Asian woman with curly black hair.She was also an orphan, who flew here from an island country in Southeast Asia to join her aunt whom she had never met before, and then settled down on Reagan's farm.At first Reagan thought she was unattractive, a bit like an orangutan, and her arms were too long.But she is a very dedicated worker, and she has a good grasp of technical work. She uses farm tools as if her body is integrated with them.Soon Reagan developed a father-daughter feeling towards her from his heart, always wanting to take care of this "orangutan".But Ada refused to accept his care, she was not afraid of her boss at all, and sometimes satirized him.Reagan had no choice but to resentfully put away the idea of ​​giving grace, and stood to observe her from a distance.

About the second year of Ida's coming to the farm, her only relative, the aunt, died.According to Regan's observation, the aunt was a cruel woman, because she never came to the farm to see Ida once.Hearing from Ada that her aunt is rich and has three sons, in order to prevent those sons from "misunderstanding" her, she does not visit her aunt.Ada took two days off to go to her aunt's house to help with the funeral.She returned to the farm late at night on the third day.Reagan was fishing by the lake at the time.He heard someone on the other side calling for help, saying that someone had fallen into the water.He dropped his fishing rod and ran to the other side, and it took about five minutes before he reached that place.

It was Ida, but she didn't really "fall into the water", but walked in the water once and then came back up again.When Reagan came to her, she had changed and was wringing the water out of her hair.Under the hazy moonlight, she rolled the whites of her eyes and looked at Reagan a few times, as if condemning him. "Has the aunt's matter been settled?" He held back for a long time before he could say this. "She hurts so much, you can't imagine how much she hurts, and I can't. So I just went to the lake to experience it. But I can't experience her pain, can I?"

Contrary to her usual arrogance, she hurriedly finished these words.She stood there with no intention of leaving, but just stretched out her hand and grabbed the air a few times, like catching a butterfly. "Ada, my aunt is gone." "Yeah. For every dead person, there will always be another person who remembers him. Doesn't he feel like he's alive?" "Ada is so smart." "Some people think they know everything." Reagan felt his face burn. He couldn't get used to the girl's way of talking.Could it be that he is too educated?Or was she flirting with him in a covert way?What kind of weird thoughts are in the mind of this little female orangutan who ran from the tropical rainforest?

Because she stood there silently, Reagan had no reason to stay any longer, so he bid her farewell and told her that he was going to continue fishing.After hearing what he said, Ada sneered and turned her back. When walking back, Reagan saw that the rubber trees under the moonlight had completely changed. They were so short, like a group of dwarves.There were several coconut trees beside the rubber plantation. At this time, their treetops were all in the clouds, and Reagan could not stand firm just by looking at his feet.He thought, he was like those messy shadows, without substance, but Ada was like these rubber trees in front of him, standing firmly on the ground, clear and impossible to solve the riddle inside.

That time when he went to work in the city, he never expected to meet Ada in the hotel.Ada in the hotel has completely changed, pretty and tropical, like a lemon.Reagan's hidden desire was suddenly evoked by her. "Ada, what are you doing here?" "Don't you see? I'm doing a treat, helping a friend. It's my day off." She moved from table to table, nimbly carrying glasses and plates in her long arms, and all the customers craned their necks to admire her dance-like movements.Reagan sat there in embarrassment, as if an earthquake had occurred in his heart.

He left the hotel without a drink, turned into a long, dark street, thinking about the sales manager of the clothing company.It was a very determined man with an unfathomable heart, with bright gray-green eyes.Every time he sat in his office, Reagan felt like his prey.Suddenly, he was blocked by a black woman, a young woman with long curved eyebrows and large whites rolling in their sockets.She stood calmly in front of him, blocking him on the narrow sidewalk.Reagan blushed and seemed to turn away.
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