Home Categories contemporary fiction The Castle of the Soul - Understanding Franz Kafka

Chapter 38 A contest of two wills (5)

1. Demonstration of the way of life As the thugs and guards of the law enforcement officers, their task is to educate K and convey the spirit of their superiors to K through words or actions. What K saw that night was such a scene that Fa had designed to inspire him.This scene is very tragic, Fa will emphasize the frightening side of its will, and it has the momentum of a dignitary giving up all hope.After K tried hard to try to accommodate but failed, the thugs raised the deadly whip, and a murder case was about to appear before K's eyes—of course it could only be a show.After witnessing such a scene, if K didn't have the protective instinct to deceive himself, how could he not be out of his wits?The law can neither be bought nor accommodated, so what else can criminals do but sit and wait for death?Fortunately, K is a defendant, and he will not be subject to such punishment immediately.According to the provisions of the law, he still has a lot of room for action. He can make full use of this provision to run for himself, but he cannot escape the final punishment. "The legal net is restored, and it is sparse but not missing."But is the revelation of the Fa limited to this aspect?There are also some ambiguous details in this scene.

Rationally faithful to the law, the guards were punished voluntarily; but the law was indeed so terrible that when the punishment came they lost their reason and became less docile.They lie, make up stories, and even put the blame on their colleagues, hoping that others will be punished on their behalf.They know that the law cannot be deceived, and out of base nature and fear, they still try to deceive, and this deception must increase their punishment.What do these episodes imply for the accused IH future criminals?The implication here is: don’t give up the right to live; whether it’s cheating or confronting, people can only do this if they want to live;Dharma does not advocate waiting for death; on the contrary, Dharma tolerates acts of resistance.If everyone becomes a tool for taming, there will be no place for the law.Then, after K discovered the deceitful deeds of the guards in front of the law, he should have a comprehensive understanding of the will of the law.It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand, he never intended to die, he was far from dying. K understands that the vileness of the guards means he is obsessed with his desire to live.Comparing one's heart to one's heart, under the tyrannical power of the law, how can people not be despicable just to pass the test in front of them?Is there really anyone who is not afraid of death?

After witnessing the scene of torture, you have to keep what you saw in your heart and experience it over and over again.As an indicted defendant, although not equal to a criminal at present, the prospect of the defendant is immutable.Therefore, it is impossible to put K in such a state of mind: while always seeing the prospect, he is always trying to change the prospect.This is reminiscent of what the footman said earlier, when he said that only K could press the university student because K had already been prosecuted.Those who have been prosecuted and have not yet been sentenced can rebel with all their strength, but when they reach the stage of criminals, they can't do it, they can only engage in deception.This is the logic of the law.So K's status is a kind of setting, he is no longer equal to the legal blind (the former K), nor is he different from the law enforcer (criminal), he is an intermediate state between the two.He has been trying to change the judgment of the law from the beginning to the end of this scene;Until the next day, the scene in the storage room was still emphasizing this purpose to K, in case he had any slack in spirit.To face up to one's final destination, and at the same time not to give up life, but to obey with active resistance is what this enlightenment education requires of K.This is an impossible requirement; and the law is to ask K to do the impossible.This guy will always find a way.

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