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Chapter 16 Chapter Sixteen Past Life Nostalgia

How much I want to drink a pot of light tea, no matter whether it is warm or cold, and taste the vicissitudes of half a lifetime.How much I want to write a concise letter, without leaving my first and last name, and send it to the unknown end of the world.How much I want to love a peaceful person, don't ask about right and wrong, and join hands with the world of mortals in troubled times. Sanmao knew very well that the reunion with Hexi must have a cause and effect that she could not predict.Jose really grew up, and he told Sanmao that he was only obsessed with two things in this world: one was his unchanging love for Sanmao, and the other was his deep love for the sea.He loves diving, playing with fish under the sea, taking adventures in the water and looking for adventures.He loves all creatures in nature, and is also full of curiosity about astronomy and astrology.

San Mao suddenly felt that He Xi was so similar to her.They are all people who love freedom and fantasies, and are unwilling to compromise with all the complexity.Those boyfriends in the past, when they were together, they always talked about literature, art, philosophy, and many profound life topics.Those elegance and detachment are the themes that Sanmao pursues all his life.But with Jose, they never touched on these topics. Jose's nature is honest, honest and simple, and Sanmao feels that he has a higher understanding and a more commendable detachment than those who think about and explore all day long.What Sanmao lacks is precisely this simplicity. She pays too much attention to the connotation of literature and the value of life.She began to enjoy her time with José and depended on the man who allowed her to breathe freely.

The two were walking in the park that day, and Sanmao was thinking hard about a manuscript that was about to be handed in, frowning.Jose was puzzled, pointing to the gardener who was busy pruning branches in the sun, and told Sanmao that he would rather be an ordinary gardener, breathe the fresh air of nature every day, and work under the sun and rain, than be locked up. In the day-to-day office, communicate with boring documents. After hearing this, Sanmao seemed to have realized something, and felt that life does not have to be taken too seriously, and any people and things that restrain him are cumbersome.Sanmao wrote to the editor that night to cancel the draft request. She hoped that she would write the words she wanted to write and live the life she wanted to live in the future.The simple and honest Jose made Sanmao change and broaden a lot inadvertently.

What moved San Mao the most was the evening when the setting sun melted gold and the evening clouds merged.Jose invited Sanmao to his house, and when Sanmao walked into his room, he was shocked—"I looked up, and the entire wall was covered with yellowed enlarged black and white photos of me. , I, with short hair, was imprinted under the streaks of light coming through the blinds. After seeing those photos, I was silent for a long time..." It's been six years. In these six years, Sanmao and Jose have no contact or intersection.She didn't understand why her photo was hung on Jose's wall and entered into his heart so deeply.It turned out that every time Sanmao sent photos to his Chinese friend Uncle Xu in Spain, Jose went to his house to steal the photos.Send it to the photo studio to remake and enlarge it, and then quietly send the original photo back.So much painstaking effort, just to protect the beloved woman and melt her into his own life.

Jose's infatuation with Sanmao puzzled his family members.They felt that Jose was suffering from delusional disease, how could he have deep affection for a person who was afraid that he would never see him again in this life.But Jose insisted that Sanmao was the only love in his life.Whether he sees or not in the future, he will carry this love to the end. San Mao never knew that He Xi was so sincere to her.Could it be that the rejection of him at the beginning was a testimony to the six years of affection?But in six years, she lost all her chips, youth, love, and her beautiful imagination of life.Although the past has been wiped out, it cannot be looked back after all.Looking back, the redness is everywhere, shocking.

"Do you still want to get married?" San Mao, who had been surprised for a long time, turned around and asked Jose.She didn't know why she would ask such a question.Do you want to affirm all the doubts, or want to re-examine the arrangement of fate.On the contrary, He Xi was startled by San Mao's sudden question, because he could hardly believe that the woman who had bid farewell to her back then had the idea of ​​changing her mind.Perhaps, waiting has become a habit, and he thought that happiness should not come in such a hurry. At this moment, San Mao's heart was surging, she could no longer be so calm and indifferent in front of him, she cried.Jose couldn't allow Sanmao to get lost from his side again.He firmly told Sanmao that in the past six years, he had worked hard to survive by waiting and making an agreement.If she turned around again, he didn't know if he could still wave his hands with a smile and promise tomorrow.

"Why didn't you want me at that time? If you insisted on me at that time, I was still a good person. When I came back today, my heart was broken." At the beginning, if there was a mistake, it was because they were too cowardly.Sanmao was unwilling to entrust her life to a boy in the third year of high school easily, and Jose could not calmly marry her home.Six years has become a necessary journey for this love. But she clearly came back, and he was clearly still waiting here.A broken heart, if you want to make up for it, you can't.But whose life has never been cut, as long as he can still breathe and feel, everything can be restarted.In the spring and autumn of decades of life, feelings can also bloom and fall like flowers, and bloom and blossom after falling.As long as you meet someone who is worthy of your heart, you can stay together at any time.

Jose said that he would trade his heart of gold for Sanmao's broken heart.But, can hearts really be exchanged?This is not a gorgeous love performance, and there is no deliberate reunion after six years, everything is God's will.Sanmao asked, is it too late for this kind of love?But there is no sooner or later in love, as long as yesterday is dead, you can enjoy today. After all, Sanmao was unwilling to go so fast, and promised Jose tomorrow.She doesn't want to get married yet, because deep in her heart, she still has a romantic and beautiful wish that has not been realized, and that is to go to the Sahara Desert, which is separated from Spain by a water.Sanmao once accidentally saw a report on the Sahara Desert in the National Geographic magazine published in the United States.The setting sun of molten gold leans over the boundless desert.This movie is engraved deep in her memory, like it has taken root, she will always think of it.

"I only read it once. What I can't explain is the nostalgia that belongs to the memory of the previous life. It is inexplicable and unreservedly handed over to that strange land." This is what Sanmao said. In her heart, she believed that the Sahara Desert , is her nostalgia from her previous life.I went to the Sahara not to be the female explorer who crossed the desert, but for the difficult nostalgia in my heart and the complex of my previous life.She is willing to give herself to that desolate land, not afraid of the dust and the wind. Sanmao didn't know that it was the Sahara Desert that made the legend of her life.She proved to the world that there are lives and miracles in every barren corner of the vast world.As long as you have a broad heart and a broad mind, you can go wherever you want and create the magic of dreams.

Later, people who have been to the Sahara or who have never been to the Sahara remember this woman named Sanmao.Her footprints stayed in the Sahara, together with her dreams, love, and faith.She told us so many true stories, of putting herself in danger and getting out with tenderness. And Jose also has a wish, which is to invite a few friends to sail to the Aegean Sea in Greece.In this life, apart from Sanmao, there is only the sea, which makes Hexi miss him so much.Naturally, Jose's long voyage is inseparable from Sanmao, and what he arranges for Sanmao is to be the cook and photographer of the sailors.

The Aegean Sea is a place full of legends and dreams. There are Aegean stories that have been lost for thousands of years, and there are blue and deep scenery.Sanmao also hopes to enter the ancient Greek kingdom, listen to the magical stories told by the waves, and become a poet who wanders on the shore for a long time. The Sahara and the Aegean Sea, two completely different landscapes, have the same realm.Sanmao and Jose are both yearning for nature and yearning for exile.They are eager to stay away from the hustle and bustle of cars and horses, and are willing to give up the prosperity of the city to pursue ancient history, awaken the sleeping civilization, and find the value of their own existence. Sanmao wants to try both the desert and the ocean.But spring flowers and autumn moons cannot have both.For the nostalgia of her previous life, Sanmao can only let go of Greek mythology and the customs of the sea.Sanmao told Jose about her choice, she would go to the Sahara desert alone, and live there for a year or so, or even longer. A woman who ventured into the barren desert alone, her courage deeply admired by Jose.Before, Sanmao once told her father that she wanted to travel to the Sahara, and she also got his father's approval and support.My father loved sports all his life, but he never really traveled far.Sanmao felt that she traveled through thousands of miles of wind and sand to relieve her nostalgia in her previous life and to help her father realize his dream. She needs Jose's pampering, it's not because she is selfish, she feels that she is no longer young, and she doesn't want to wait any longer.Sanmao made up her mind, whether Jose followed or not, she would go.I was already prepared to go on the road alone, if there is someone who is willing to go through the storm with her, it would be great.If not, there will be no regrets.Because everyone is lonely before realizing their dreams.She can forget herself, but she cannot forget her dream. Jose is also facing an important decision in life. To follow Sanmao, he has to give up Haiyang; to choose Haiyang, he has to throw Sanmao.But he knows better than anyone else what he wants most.He is well aware of Sanmao's determination, and also knows that to love her is to fulfill everything about her and tolerate everything about her. The love within reach does not allow him to hesitate for a moment.Jose calmly made a choice, whatever sacrifices he made for the one he loved was willing and joyful.His decision changed the fate of Sanmao's life. Sanmao didn't know that there was a period of happiness waiting for her in her hometown in her previous life.I don't know, the legend of her life was written from the story of a grain of dust.
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