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Chapter 52 "A Very Short Legend" Translator's Notes (2) [1]

"A Very Short Legend" Translator's Notes (2) [1] Vsevolod Michailovitch Garshin was born in 1855. Under the oppression of the Russian Emperor Alexander III's government, he was the first novelist to become famous and bear the suffering of the world with his whole life.His striking short story, "Four Days" based on his impressions during the Russo-Turkish War, was later published in succession with "Weakness", "Encounter", "The Artist", "Memoirs of the Soldier Ivanov" and so on. All works are famous. However, his artistic talent became more and more developed, and he became more and more sick. He was sympathetic to the world, and finally went crazy, so he was admitted to the insane hospital; Thirty-three years in 1888.His masterpiece "Safflower" describes a half-mad character who took safflower as a symbol of all evil in the world and died desperately picking it up in the hospital. The commentators may think that he is describing himself in a state of madness.

"Four Days", "Encounter", and "Safflower", all have translations in China. Although "A Very Short Legend" is not well-known, the author's fraternity and humanity can be seen, and the "Triumph of Death" written by D'Annunzio[3] in southern Europe, in order to kill Suspicious lover for permanent possession, thinking is diametrically opposed. ※ ※ ※ [1] This article, together with the translation of "A Very Short Legend", was printed in "The Strange Sword and Others", one of the "Short Stories Collections in the Modern World" published by Shanghai Chaohuashe in April 1929.

[2] Alexander III (EUI] XNFGHO, 1845-1894) the son of Tsar Alexander II of Russia.In 1881 Alexander II succeeded to the throne after being assassinated by populists. [3] D'Annunzio (G.D'Annunzio, 1863-1938), interpreter of D'Annunzio, an Italian aestheticist writer.In his later years, he became a nationalist and supported fascism. "The Triumph of Death" is a novel written by him in 1894.There is a translation of Fangxin, which was published by Shanghai Guanghua Book Company in October 1932.
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