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Chapter 31 Notes for the Translator of "A Survey of Modern Czech Literature" [1]

Notes for the Translator of "A Survey of Modern Czech Literature" [1] The Czechs are the oldest people among the Slavic peoples[2], and they also have the richest literature.But in the 1920s [3], it was rare to see a book in Bohemia [4], and later J. Kollar [5] and the literati who succeeded him gave literature new life. By the end of the last century, they had more than 3,000 literati! In this rich Czech literary world, the three most prominent stars are: Naluda (1834-91), Czech Republic (1846-), and Vrkhrejic (1853-1912).The current translation of part of the 112th and 19th sections of the second volume of Josef Karasek's "History of Slavic Literature" shows the general situation at that time; as for the latest literature, it is not yet detailed.In addition, there are fellows and tribes of Fuerhelezhiqi such as Ad. CKerny, J. S. Machar, AntonSova〔7〕; and essayists such as K. Rais, K. Klostermann, Mrs Ktik brothers, M. SKimacKek, Alois Jirasek〔8〕, etc. are also famous, but unfortunately it is too late to go into details now.

Addendum on September 5, 2011. ※ ※ ※ [1] This article, together with the translation of "Overview of Modern Czech Literature", was originally published in October 1921 in the "Novel Issue of the Damaged Nation", Volume 12, No. 10 of "Novel Monthly", signed by Tang Qi.Karasek, interpreter Karasek. 〔2〕The Slavic nation The largest national community in Europe, divided into Eastern Slavs, Western Slavs, and South Slavs.Both Czechs and Slovaks belong to the West Slavs. [3] The twenties refer to the twenties of the nineteenth century. [4] Bohemian is Czech.Bohemia is in the west of the Czech Republic and was originally an area inhabited by Czech nationalities.

〔5〕J. Kollar Jan Kolar (1793-1852), Czech poet.He wrote in the national language and was one of the earliest founders of Czech literature.His main works include the collection of poems "Slavic Daughter" and so on. 〔6〕Neruda (J. Neruda) now translated Neruda, Czech poet, political commentator, one of the founders of Czech realism literature.His poems inherit the tradition of folk songs and are full of the spirit of resisting social injustice and national oppression.His main works include poetry anthology "Flowers in the Graveyard", "Song of the Universe", novel "Story of a Small Town" and so on.Czech (S. CKech, 1846-1908), general translator, Czech poet and novelist, had actively participated in the national independence movement.Most of his works reflect the pain of the Czech people suffering from national oppression and social oppression.His main works include poetry collections "Song of Dawn", "Song of the Slave", etc., and a long satirical novel "Mr. Brucik's First Travel to the Moon" and so on.

J. Vrchlicky, whose real name is E. Frida, is a Czech poet, playwright and translator. His main works include "Narrative Poems", "The Spirit of the World", "Mythology", etc. collection of poems. 〔7〕Ad. CKerny Adolf Czerny (AdolfCKerny, 1864-?) Czech writer. J. S. Machar, Machar (1864-1942), Czech poet and critic. During the First World War, he was arrested and imprisoned for participating in the independence movement of the motherland.His main works include "The Death of Satili", "Magdalen" and so on. AntonSova, Antonin Sova (AntoninSova, 1864-1928), Czech poet.He believed in utopian socialism, and his works were influenced by French Symbolism.The main works include "Frustrated Heart", "Past Troubles" and so on.

〔8〕K. Rais Rice (1859-1926), a Czech writer, his novels mostly reflect the pain of farmers and mountain residents, and sympathize with workers' struggle for a better life. K. Klos-termann (1848-1923), a Czech writer born in Germany, his works mainly describe the real life in Southwest Bohemia. Brother MrsKtik, Brother Morshtik, brother name Alois (AloisMrsKtik, 1861-1924), Czech writer, author of "A Year in the Country" etc. Brother name William (VilemMrsKtik, 1863-1912), author There are "The Story of May" and the novel "Santaluzia". M. SKimcKek, Shmacek (1860-1913), a Czech writer, worked in a beet sugar factory.Author of "Beside the Cutting Machine", "The Soul of the Factory" and so on. Alois Jiraek, Alois Jiraek (1851-1930), Czech writer.His works are full of yearning for the independence and freedom of the motherland.He is the author of the novels "Scarracci", "In the Torrent", "On Our Land" and plays "Jan Rishka" and "Jan Hus".

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