Home Categories political economy Collected Works of Mao Zedong Volume VIII

Chapter 38 letter to castro

(May 30, 1960) Dear Cuban Prime Minister Dr. Fidel Castro: It is my pleasure to meet your comrade in arms, Major William Galvez Rodriguez, Chief Inspector of the Cuban Rebel Army, and thank you very much for the warm and friendly greeting you have entrusted to him. The national democratic revolutionary struggle of the Cuban people is praised and respected by people all over the world.The heroic Cuban people overthrew the reactionary dictatorship of the lackeys of imperialism after a long and arduous struggle.After the victory of the revolution, you have bravely resisted the aggression and threats of US imperialism, and carried out land reform and other reforms that are in line with the interests of the broad masses of the people and necessary for the prosperity of the national economy.You are waging a just revolutionary struggle closest to America.Every victory of yours has dealt a heavy blow to the reactionary imperialist forces headed by the United States.The people of the world who are striving for peace and progress, especially the people of Latin America, have greatly strengthened their courage and confidence in victory from your victorious struggles.

The Chinese people and I have always been very concerned about the revolutionary struggle of the Cuban people led by you.The Chinese people who have lived in the revolutionary struggle for a long time feel special affection for your struggle.The same experience and common struggle have closely linked the people of our two countries.We supported and encouraged each other in our struggle against U.S. imperialism.We are delighted with every achievement, progress and victory you have achieved.Every time you are invaded, bombed and sabotaged by the U.S. imperialists, it makes us extremely angry.The Chinese people and the Cuban people are comrades in arms through weal and woe.We will continue to support your just cause with our victorious struggle and all the help we can.

The victorious outcome of the struggle of the peoples of the world against imperialism is already certain.This is an objective law of historical development independent of the subjective wishes of imperialism and the reactionaries of various countries.The imperialists and the reactionaries of various countries are adopting and preparing to adopt all kinds of heinous means in an attempt to save them from doom.There are still many difficulties facing the people of our two countries and the people of the world.The future struggles of Cuba and the people of other countries will still be arduous, complicated and tortuous.However, as long as the revolutionary leadership cores of all countries unite with all possible forces and rely on the unremitting struggle of the broadest masses of the people, no force in the world can stop the people from advancing.We firmly believe that the broadest masses of the people of all countries will be able to unite most closely, form the broadest united front, overcome all difficulties on the road ahead, and achieve success in opposing imperialism, opposing the reactionaries of various countries, defending national independence and striving for socialism. The complete victory of the just cause of liberation.

Please, honorable Prime Minister of Cuba, accept the high respect of the entire Chinese people and myself.I wish you good health! I wish the friendship between the peoples of China and Cuba grows day by day! I wish the Cuban people greater success in their revolutionary cause! Mao Zedong May 30, 1960 Printed from originals kept at the Central Archives.
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