Home Categories political economy Collected Works of Mao Zedong Volume VIII

Chapter 23 Proposal on amnesty for a group of criminals

(September 14, 1959) Standing Committee of the National People's Congress: The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposes to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress: when celebrating the 10th anniversary of the founding of the great People's Republic of China, amnesty a group of war criminals, counter-revolutionary criminals and ordinary criminals who have indeed changed from evil to good. Our country's socialist revolution and socialist construction have won great victories.Our motherland is thriving, production and construction are developing vigorously, and people's lives are improving day by day.The political power of the people's democratic dictatorship is unprecedentedly consolidated and powerful.The political consciousness and level of organization of the people across the country have risen unprecedentedly.The country's political and economic situation is extremely favorable.The Party and the People's Government have achieved great results in the policy of combining punishment with leniency, reform through labor and ideological education against counter-revolutionaries and other criminals.Most of the various criminals in custody have been rehabilitated to varying degrees, and many of them have indeed changed from evil to good.In light of this situation, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China believes that, when celebrating the tenth anniversary of the founding of the great People's Republic of China, it is appropriate to declare amnesty for a group of war criminals, counter-revolutionary criminals and ordinary criminals who have indeed changed their ways. .Taking this measure will be more conducive to turning negative factors into positive factors, and it will have a major educational effect on the continued reform of these criminals and other criminals in custody.This will make them feel that under our great socialist system, as long as they change from bad to good, they all have their own future.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China asks the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to consider the above proposals and make corresponding resolutions. [1] Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Mao Zedong September 14, 1959 According to "People's Daily" published on September 18, 1959. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ note [1] On September 17, 1959, the Ninth Session of the Standing Committee of the Second National People's Congress passed the "Decision Concerning the Amnesty of Criminals Who Have Really Changed from Evil to Good".On the same day, Liu Shaoqi issued the "President of the People's Republic of China Amnesty Order".

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