Home Categories political economy Collected Works of Mao Zedong Volume VIII

Chapter 14 Some people in the world are afraid of ghosts, and some people are not afraid of ghosts[1]

(May 6, 1959) Some people in the world are afraid of ghosts, and some people are not afraid of ghosts.Is it better to be afraid of ghosts, or not to be afraid of them? There are some stories in Chinese novels about not being afraid of ghosts.I think there will be some in your novels.I want to compile stories and novels about not being afraid of ghosts into a booklet.Experience has proved that ghosts are not to be feared.The more you are afraid of ghosts, the more you will have ghosts. If you are not afraid of ghosts, there will be no ghosts.There is a story about a crazy student sitting at night [2].One night, Kuangsheng was sitting in the house.There was a ghost standing outside the window, sticking its head in. It was ugly, sticking out its tongue. The head was so big and the tongue was so long.What should Kuangsheng do? He smeared ink on his face, making it look like a ghost. He also stuck out his tongue and looked at the ghost for one hour, two hours, three hours, and then the ghost ran away.

There are many ghosts in the world today.There is a large group of ghosts in the Western world, namely imperialism.There are also a large group of ghosts in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, who are the lackeys and reactionaries of imperialism. Who is Nehru[3]? He is a centrist of the Indian bourgeoisie, different from the right.The situation in India as a whole is, I guess, good.There are 400 million people there, and Nehru cannot but reflect the will of the 400 million people.The Tibet issue is a very big matter. If there is a big fuss, it should last longer, maybe half a year, or even a year.It's a pity that India dare not do it.Our strategy is to educate the working people in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, so that the Communist Parties in these countries will also learn not to be afraid of ghosts.

According to the "Mao Zedong Diplomatic Selected Works" published in 1994 by Central Literature Publishing House and World Knowledge Publishing House. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ note [1] This is the main part of the conversation between Mao Zedong and the delegations and envoys stationed in China of eleven countries including the Soviet Union, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia, Poland, North Korea, Vietnam and Mongolia. [2] See "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio Qingfeng".

[3] Nehru, then Prime Minister of India.
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