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Chapter 132 Lee Kuan Yew's "Learning From Others" Pose

When Lee Kuan Yew took office as Prime Minister of Singapore, he clearly stated the country's development direction to the citizens. He said in a speech that he "wanted Singapore to become such a country."Because the direction he pointed out conforms to the wave of globalization, Singapore is now very prosperous. He first positioned himself as "our country is a city-state", and then figured out how to achieve prosperity as a city-state.So he hired a Dutchman. Because the Netherlands is a typical city-state. Although the country is small, it has continued to prosper for more than 400 years. Until now, Amsterdam is still one of the busiest ports in the world.Singapore also wants to become like that. Although the country is small, it can create an economy suitable for this world.Lee Kuan Yew wanted to learn from the Netherlands how to get to this road. He himself was educated at the University of Cambridge in England, and he also had a great vision for the Netherlands.

Singaporeans do not dislike learning from others, and Lee Kuan Yew was touched by this enthusiasm for learning. In this way, the leader found "this man" from the world and brought him back. Over the past ten years, although Japanese leaders have lacked the abilities mentioned before, as long as they can do the last point - "If you can't do it yourself, then find someone who can do it", at least Japan will not Become the loser of the globalized economy. The reason this has not been done is that both the leaders and the people have become too arrogant and have lost their minds.

Our ancestors were keen to learn from others during the Meiji period, why can't modern Japanese do it?Didn't it all happen in the Meiji era to find out about learning modern agricultural technology and find out about building railways? However, ever since Japan became a top student, the Japanese have been complacent, and the world's second largest economic power has no desire to study.Moreover, after the collapse of the bubble economy, it became closed, and now I don't even know what to study.To be more specific, it is because the collective IQ is very low, so I didn't realize that I was "not learning".People should keep learning, no matter the country, enterprise, or individual, if you don't keep learning, there will be no tomorrow.

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