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Chapter 28 Chapter 27: Changing Expectations (2)

After some serious thinking, Alman decided to break through the original expectations of himself and his family and devote himself to website operation.It was a difficult choice, but several years have passed, and Arman has not regretted his decision for a moment.Starting my own business is fraught with hardships, but the most challenging part was making the choice to completely reinvent myself. So, get out of the high-tech world and see if you can break the mold and create extraordinary value in a completely different field.In recent years, the catering industry has sprouted a strong interest in new food, new cooking and new dining methods. A small number of chefs have abandoned traditional cooking techniques and experimented with "molecular cuisine", expanding food production methods in all aspects.These restaurants introduce the equipment and materials used in the original laboratory into the kitchen, using extraordinary methods to tease people's sense of taste.At Chicago's Moto restaurant, the kitchen is filled with balloons, syringes and dry ice, all tools used to create astonishingly delicious food.Restaurants have a dish called an "eating menu," which is a menu that you can actually eat, and it might taste like an Italian panini sandwich. Moto strives to make every dish unconventional, from food that looks like a packaged stuffing, served in a FedEx box, to desserts that look like cornflakes, but are actually made of chocolate, frozen mango cubes and Made of cheesecake.Because Moto's chefs have made unexpected changes in the shape and structure of dishes, the design is completely beyond people's imagination of food shape and taste. One of Moto's chefs, Ben Roche, said the goal was to create a food circus for customers, allowing diners to use all their senses to taste food. Moto has challenged all stereotypes about food preparation and presentation, inventing new culinary techniques and even custom-designed tableware.This example is enough to show that no matter what field, restaurant or career, people can break through the rules and regulations that seem to be comfortable but limit themselves everywhere, and gain freedom.

At one point, I met with a dozen students and asked them to share their stories of breaking their expectations.After everyone told stories about overcoming obstacles in study, work and travel, Mike Rothenberg, who graduated two years ago, summed it up in one sentence.He said: "When you stop doing things mechanically, step by step, all good things will happen." Ready-made passers-by will go, but only when you open your heart and make a sudden turn somewhere, when you are willing to try new things, or Only when you are willing to challenge the established rules will your eyes shine and you will see interesting things.It's fun to stay on the track, but it's more fun to explore the wonderful world around the bends.

Knowing that rules can be challenged is heartening, and a reminder that conventional approaches are only one solution.One can certainly make food from a recipe, drive a car on the main road, and follow in the footsteps of those who came before, but as long as people are willing to think outside the box and not be trapped by personal and other expectations, there are many options available.Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, learn to correctly despise the so-called impossible, completely change old ideas, and "no longer act mechanically step by step" as my student said above.Of course, this requires repeated practice, and the more you practice, the more options you have to choose from.Your drive and your imagination are the only determining factors.

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