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Chapter 19 Chapter 17 "Worry" is the worst gift—how about giving him a blessing!

meet the unknown self 张德芬 2180Words 2018-03-18
The old man added two words to the circle on the ground. "Now you know, the way to break the barriers of the body is to connect with your body." Seeing that Ruo Ling didn't answer, the old man finally asked, "What's the matter? Are you in a bad mood?" "Well, I... quarreled with Zhiming again." It turned out that after Ruo Ling had learned some ways of keeping in good health, looking at Zhi Ming's living habits, something was really wrong.Zhiming never eats breakfast, sometimes misses lunch, and eats and drinks with a big appetite in the evening.Moreover, Zhiming seldom does sports, the most he does is play ball with his colleagues, having fun more than exercising.The more Ruo Ling thought about it, the more worried she became, and couldn't help preaching to Zhiming.How could Zhiming hear these things, and said, "Where did I hear these crooked truths!" Ruoling felt that her love was not appreciated at all, and she was seriously insulted, so she rushed out again.

It took Ruo Ling some time to let the tears pour out, the sadness and grievances flowed out, and then she calmed down a little. The old man looked at Ruo Ling with understanding eyes, and when she finished venting, he cleared his throat and asked Ruo Ling seriously: "Why did you interfere in his affairs?" Ruo Ling was puzzled, and replied: "Because I care about him." "You love him don't you?" "Of course, otherwise, why would I care about him!" "Very well, you know? There are only three things in the world..." "..." Ruo Ling felt that the old man was a little puzzled, and waited silently for his explanation.

"God's business," the old man pointed at it, "your business, other people's business." "Are you saying that Zhiming's affairs are 'other people's affairs'? I disagree." Ruo Ling retorted, "He is sick, he is old, and I am not the one who is unlucky!" "So are you taking care of him for yourself? Or because you love him and need him?" the old man asked calmly. Ruo Ling was speechless.Caring for Zhiming, of course some elements are sincerely for his own good, but why is it not because of my own fear, fear of losing my partner, fear of causing trouble?

"Love, love, how many crimes have been committed in your name!" The old man shook his head and sighed. "I cared about him, but it became a crime?" Ruo Ling was very unbalanced! "You see, many parents discipline their children, urging them to obey the rules and study hard. How much of it is mixed with fear that the children will lose face when they go out (fear that people will say why the children you teach are so uneducated!), or hope , Expecting children to bring glory to their ego, or even projecting their own fear of the unknown and unknown future on children, adding to their burden?"

Ruo Ling said nothing, she knew what the old man said was reasonable.But what about between husband and wife? "Husbands and wives should also ask themselves: What is your real starting point? Is it for the other person's life, or is it more for yourself?" "Can you really ignore the things of the people closest to you?" "For the people closest to us, we should pay more attention to the way and method of communication. If it is for ourselves, and we think we have the right to control the other party, thinking that we can intervene in other people's fields and make others change, this kind of practice is not only a waste of effort, but also It will also create tension between the two.”

"But I'm really doing it for his own good." "You can share with them what you know, what you think is right, and what is right, but don't set an expected result behind it. (For example: You must listen to me, or...) In this case, the other party It is more acceptable. It is the same between couples and between parents and children." "It's hard!" Ruo Ling shook her head. "That's right, so you intervene in other people's fields and take care of other people's affairs all day long, but there is no one here here who cares about your own affairs." The old man joked, pointing at Ruo Ling's head.

"How can I watch my partner slowly commit suicide?" "You think that Zhiming's living habits are not good, but you have recently experienced some experiences and want to change your living and eating habits. You should work hard and do it with all your heart, let your partner feel curious, let him see the effect, and then He may be willing to hear why you are doing what you are doing, and at the same time, he may try to do some of what you are doing. But if you force these concepts on him, his "ego" will be the first to do The only thing to do is to resist."

"Hmm..." Ruo Ling thought it made sense. "So, remember, the most important thing is to take care of your own affairs." The old man reminded her. "Worrying for our relatives is actually an irresponsible act of harm!" "What?" Ruo Ling couldn't believe her ears. "Listen to me," the old man explained with confidence: "For example, a mother, her child is going to go hiking or picnic with friends. When he decides to go, the mother is worried that it will be dangerous for the young man to go out and try to stop him, but the child is too old. He couldn’t stop it, so when he went out, his mother told him to pay attention to this, pay attention to that... and kept nagging at the back..." The old man looked at Ruo Ling, "You know the laws of the energy world. What energy did you give him at that time?"

"Of course it's bad negative energy." Ruo Ling replied. "Yes," the old man nodded, "and the mother did it because she couldn't bear the slightest risk of losing her son, so she projected it onto the child. Now, you know what I mean: 'Worry is Is it an irresponsible act of harm?'” Ruo Ling thought for a while, then asked: "But sometimes children are really not very sensible, and things will really happen if you don't remind him." "Reminders can be reminded," the old man agreed, "but it still depends on your starting point. Your original intention is out of concern, so you regard reminding the child as an expression of love, or project your worries on the child out of fear." , put a lot of pressure on him."

"How to divide the two?" Ruo Ling asked. "It may not be visible on the surface, but it can be distinguished on the level of energy and the child's psychological feelings." Ruo Ling nodded as if she had realized something: "Isn't it attachment?" "Yes!" The old man praised, "It is to let go of the attachment of the ego." Ruo Ling asked again: "However, if something happened to the child, wouldn't the mother feel guilty for not giving the child enough warning or stopping him?" The old man smiled and asked, "I just said how many things there are in the world?"

"Three kinds of things." Ruo Ling replied honestly, "My things, other people's things and God's things." "How long a person lives is a matter of God. No matter how hard a mother tries to protect her child, she cannot defy the destiny." "Yes, who dares to fight against God..." Ruo Ling murmured. "Not necessarily, have you ever missed an appointment because of a traffic jam and sat in the car gritting your teeth?" Ruo Ling nodded embarrassedly, "Of course!" "Whose business is the traffic jam?" the old man asked. Ruo Ling thought about it and said, "God's business." "So, people often argue and contend with God without knowing it, don't they?" The old man stroked his beard and said, as if laughing at the ignorance of the world: "No matter how much you love him, unnecessary worry is The worst gift is to give him a blessing!"
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