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Chapter 15 Chapter Thirteen Revisiting Childhood Memories——The Obstacles of Our Body

meet the unknown self 张德芬 2316Words 2018-03-18
After listening to Ruo Ling's subconscious report, the old man nodded in satisfaction, and then said teasingly, "Is there a gunman to help you?" Ruo Ling blushed for a while, bowed her head and said nothing. The old man stopped chasing and said, "Very well, when this happens in your life, you have to remember that it is a sign that your subconscious mind is communicating with you." Seeing Ruo Ling's embarrassment, the old man added: "Don't worry, I will remind you too. Today we will officially start the work of unraveling the circle!" "Really?" Ruo Ling raised her head excitedly, barely jumping up.

The old man shook his head, smiled childishly, and then pointed to the circle on the ground: "The circle around the real self is the body. How does the body constitute an obstacle between us and the real self?" The old man paused, suddenly Ask Ruo Ling: "Do you want to find the answer to the question from scratch?" Ruo Ling nodded. The old man asked, "Do you remember what happened when you were born?" Ruo Ling replied naturally: "Of course I don't remember!" "Actually, your body remembers it. You might as well ask your own body." The old man raised his hand seriously, and Ruo Ling couldn't help but look at the old man's hand, only to see the old man put down his hand, and said in an authoritative voice: "Close your eyes!" Ruo Ling did as he did.

"Imagine that you are a fetus in the mother's womb. The space you are in at this moment is very soft and warm, in the darkness, surrounded by water. You are like a boat, gently swaying. You can also hear loud, There are regular drumbeats, thump, thump, and the sound waves caress your whole body. There is also the sound of running water, and other irregular sounds, and you are full of curiosity." Then the old man asked, "How do you feel now?" "It's so comfortable!" Ruo Ling truthfully expressed her feelings. "Very well, but be careful!" the old man warned her.

"The warm embrace suddenly squeezed from all around, just for a moment, but it is something you have never experienced before, and you start to feel a little uneasy. After a while, there is another blow. You start to worry inexplicably, what is this?" What's going on? But that kind of squeezing is getting more and more frequent, completely breaking your peaceful and comfortable wandering in the sea of ​​dreams." "Ah——" Suddenly Ruo Ling heard a scream, which made her shrink into a fetal position.Then there were screams and cursing: "Damn it! If I knew it was so painful, I wouldn't have given birth, just take it away, doctor, doctor, help me, ah—it hurts to death!" Ruo Ling was frightened all over her body. Trembling violently, I have never been so afraid in my memory.

After an unknown period of time, Ruo Ling felt that her whole body was being squeezed. Someone was grabbing her legs and trying to pull her out, but her head was so big that she got stuck there when she passed through a tunnel. She heard more The voices of many people talking, screaming, cursing, comforting, and fussing scared her at a loss.After finally passing through the tunnel, Ruo Ling felt that she had entered an extremely bright space, the lights were very dazzling, the temperature was low, there was no warm water around, and there were only rough things rubbing against her skin. She suddenly felt suffocated and was struggling in a panic. Someone slapped her butt hard. Ruo Ling burst into tears. With blurred tears, she saw strange things around her. environment?What about the source of my life?no yet?lost?She kept crying hard, crying in fright, crying in fear, crying without hope... Finally, she was tired of crying and fell asleep.

*** I don't know how long it has passed, Ruoling wakes up from a deep sleep, she feels a very comfortable sleep, touches the cool place on her face, it turns out that there are really tears!Ruo Ling looked at the old man suspiciously, wondering if she had gone to "Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly" just now. The old man smiled mysteriously, but did not answer Ruo Ling's suspicious gaze. "Why is the process of our birth so miserable?" Ruo Ling couldn't help but marvel! "Yes!" said the old man, "Have you heard of cellular memory?" Ruo Ling shook her head blankly. "After receiving an organ transplant, some people will inherit the thoughts, character, temper, etc. of the person who donated the organ..." the old man reminded.

"Oh! I've heard of this." Ruo Ling at least read the newspaper, "So the memory of the dramatic trauma when we were born will be retained by our cells?" The old man nodded and said: "Yes, and after we are born, how many of us are lucky enough to be hugged by our mothers from birth, to eat milk when we are hungry, and to be comforted when we cry?" "Yes, most of the modern education is about not spoiling the child, feeding regularly, and not feeding the baby even if the baby is hungry in the morning. Let the child cry when he cries, so as not to spoil the old man hug!"

Ruo Ling agrees that there are some problems with the concept of raising babies in modern times, especially after going through the birth process of a baby just now, she feels that a newborn baby needs infinite love and comfort. "Think about it," said the old man, "before the moment you become a fertilized egg, you are just a conscious existence. Then suddenly you enter a small cell, and slowly, you have a body that grows every day. body, but you’re still in a safe environment and you feel one with everything around you.” The old man took a sip of tea and continued to talk eloquently: "Then, you came out, experienced that huge creation and shock, you were separated from the source that provided your life needs, at first you were very confused, and you didn't know why you turned your stomach If you are hungry, you will not be able to eat, because you think you are one with the world." The old man sighed, "So, we gradually learned that I and my body are separated from the world. In order to maintain When we feel, we develop the ego, grabbing all the things we can grab in this world. Because the ego is so illusory and fragile, it needs more grabs and acquisitions to continue it Weak life."

"It turns out that the body separates us from the real self...it's not the body's fault!" Ruo Ling seemed to be talking to herself. "That's why each of us is born with a lot of unnamed fears and feelings of separation, which become an existential anxiety and become the background music of our daily life, which plays non-stop." "Ah, no wonder I always feel uneasy and don't like to be alone quietly. Every time I am alone, I want to talk to someone, turn on the TV, radio, or find something to do. It turns out that I don’t want to face the background voice of existential anxiety.” Ruo Ling had this realization!

"Then how can we get rid of the barriers in our body?" Ruo Ling was straightforward and wanted to solve the problem. The old man looked at her angrily and funnyly, and shook his head helplessly, "Child, it can't be removed, just like we are far from being able to get rid of the darkness. All the things that separate us from our true self are like darkness, what we can do It is to illuminate them with the light of awareness." Seeing that Ruo Ling frowned, the old man added: "In this part of the body, the so-called light of awareness is to reconnect with our body. Most of us only have 5% understanding and control of our body, 95% of the body The % is subconsciously controlled on autopilot. So reconnecting with the body can help us expand the 5% and find more of ourselves.”

"How do I regain my connection with my body?" "Talk to your body and listen to your body's messages." (to be continued)
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