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Chapter 8 Chapter 6 Concentric Circles Wrapped in Layers——The Unknown Self

meet the unknown self 张德芬 2550Words 2018-03-18
Ruo Ling drove up the mountain again, this time he was familiar with the road. At this moment, she was both excited and nervous.Every time I want to see the elderly, I will have this feeling. Along the way, Ruo Ling was still confused about what happened last night, or rather curious. When she stepped into her mother-in-law's house yesterday, Ruo Ling decided to play a good actor. She greeted her sister-in-law with a smile, went into the kitchen to see her mother-in-law, and sincerely asked for help, which was completely different from the polite hypocrisy and pretentiousness in the past.At the dinner table, she suddenly felt that her mother-in-law's dishes were really delicious, and she sincerely praised her a few words.

Ruo Ling saw the light in the smiling mother-in-law's eyes; the mean corners of her mouth and stern eyes that used to be in Ruo Ling's eyes disappeared last night, like a miracle. When she finally left, the mother-in-law even said: "Don't work too hard!" Ruo Ling also felt her sincere care, and for the first time felt a little bit reluctant to leave! "Is this the fake with the real?" Ruo Ling wondered, "Why would she have such a big change when I changed my state?" * * * * * * * * * * * * "come in!" Ruo Ling, who was in a daze at the door, had no time to knock on the door in the future, and the door opened with a "ah".Behind the door is the kind smiling face of the old man.

Every time she came to the hut, Ruo Ling would automatically relax all over her body. This is not a home, but it has the warmth of home. Every cell of her will smile when she comes here. Ruo Ling sat down easily, but said eagerly: "I have discovered that the various roles we play in the world can cover up our true self. Also, how we play our own roles will affect others and the relationship between us. Interaction!" The old man looked at Ruo Ling. At this time, her cheeks were flushed because of excitement, and her eyes were full of youthful brilliance. She was completely different from the frustrated woman who had no home on a rainy night.

"Very good! Very good!" The old man appreciated, "Don't be too fast, let's go step by step! You still have a lot of questions that haven't been answered!" "Yeah, why can't we pursue the happiness we want after working so hard? What is the relationship between our real self and love, joy, and peace? Why do we stay away from our real self? Just role-playing can obscure our true self. face?" Ruo Ling asked like a cannonball. Looking at his favorite student, the old man was very pleased that Ruo Ling had grasped several important points so clearly in such a short period of time.

He took the chalk and drew a circle on the limestone. That means a perfect life, right?Ruo Ling thought about it.Or is it a case and we are the ones in the case?While thinking, the old man's hand didn't stop, and he drew a larger circle outside the circle. Then one after another, and one after another, finally forming a first-level concentric circle, Ruo Ling was confused.The old man picked up a pen and wrote in the middle circle: True Self/Love, Joy, Peace. Then he explained: "If this picture can represent the psychological mechanism of our people, the real self is surrounded by groups and it is difficult to touch!" Then, the old man pointed to other big circles around, "Guess they What is it?"

"The outermost one must be a role-playing mask, the mask we are going to wear!" Ruo Ling still did not forget her great new discovery. "That's right, that's it!" The old man agreed, and wrote on the outer circle: role-playing, identity. "Others... well, I guess, since it's a psychological mechanism, there should be obstacles at the level of thoughts, attitudes, and behavioral habits!" Ruo Ling remembered that she didn't know where she saw it: thoughts change attitudes, attitudes change I don't know if it is useful to talk nonsense about behaviors and behaviors that change fate.

"Well," the old man thought about Ruo Ling's words, and said for a while, "Let's put it this way to be more specific." The old man went on to write—mind, emotion, body. After finishing writing, the old man clapped his hands, brushed off the chalk shavings, and looked at Ruo Ling, who was a little dizzy from the circles, and said: "We have lost the connection with our true selves, but human beings still have to have a 'sense of self' , so we develop outwards, identify with our body, emotions, thoughts and roles, identities, etc., and the so-called "ego" and "ego" (ego) of ordinary people are born, and pursue external and material things , to seek satisfaction."

Ruo Ling is sure that this is the most abstract and incomprehensible picture she has ever seen in her life. She decided not to be afraid of difficulties, and started to ask questions from the core—— "Why is the true self love, joy, peace?" *** "Why do melons fall to the ground when they are ripe?" the old man asked back. He went on to say, "Because it's the most natural thing to do. You go to the old wisdom books, you look at the words of the wise men of old, and they all say the same thing: our essence is love, joy, peace. " In fact, Ruoling does not have any religious beliefs, has never touched Buddhist scriptures or the Bible, and has always been lacking in interest in the so-called "ancient wisdom books". Know how to prove what the old man said is true.

"Anyone who can let go of their false identities and is not limited and hindered by their own thoughts, emotions, and bodies can express the characteristics of authentic self." The old man continued to preach, but Ruo Ling couldn't think of anyone in his life who seemed to be able to truly live out love, joy, and peace.Like Mother Teresa, Gandhi, these great talents are qualified, but they are so far away from us modern people...that kind of realm is beyond reach. The old man looked at Ruo Ling with a suspicious face, shook his head regretfully and said, "Okay, I will give you some book lists, and at the same time, I will introduce some people who can live out some of the characteristics of my true self, so that you can go Visit them, seeing is believing."

Ruo Ling smiles all over her face, feeling that this experience is getting more and more fun.Will the old man introduce some friends to her?So funny! Looking at the kind and kind old man, Ruoling suddenly felt that the person in front of him seemed like an incarnation full of love, joy and peace? "Each of us is looking for love, joy, peace, right?" the old man asked again. Ruo Ling nodded. "Let me put it this way, if you've never had ice cream, do you crave ice cream? Do you drool thinking about ice cream?" Ruo Ling doesn't know why the old man likes ice cream so much, but the old man said it's right, he has never tasted ice cream, so how could he have the desire to eat ice cream?

So love, joy, peace are what we once had, and that's why we pursue them so fervently," the old man went on to prove, "and another simple example, just look at all the babies and you'll know. " Ruo Ling's heart twitched, and then she lowered her head.This is the pain in her heart.I saw those cute baby photos on the road, on TV, and in magazines. From love and longing to sadness and resentment, the mental journey of more than ten years of marriage is not easy. Only the parties can know the bitterness. Ruo Ling could understand what the old man said.Everyone will feel joy and love in their hearts when they see the little baby.Children seem to be equated with angels. Of course, it's time for them to stop crying and shitting! "Children's crying is a natural flow of life energy, which does not damage their essence. After crying and fussing, they can return to the joyful state of inner peace at once. It is the adults who cannot bear it, but go to it. Suppressing them is what caused the problem!" Looking at Ruo Ling's incomprehensible expression, the old man added, "I'll tell you later." See this content for a general understanding. But to be honest, I have never read this kind of book, or I look down on it. Maybe I'm a little biased.But I really don't like this kind of book... (I hate Bi Shumin the most) This is like a learning method, which sounds very useful, but in fact, only you can understand yourself. The detour that life should take still has to be taken.Only what you understand through failure is your own experience. This is what I have learned from Fiona Fiona and Jaycee Jaycee's works, and it is also the most profound point I have experienced in recent years: What is experience, only what you have experienced is called experience. PS: I prefer to buy books on Dangdang.com.I don't know why... Regardless of the excellence the service is better.I'll call and text you before I arrive to ask for the time.
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