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Chapter 6 Chapter 4 To succeed you need a blueprint

life plan 格莱恩·布兰德 4988Words 2018-03-18
Imagine that you are an internationally renowned architect and you have just received a contract to design the tallest and most beautiful building in the world.Your first job will be to estimate the quantity and quality of building materials this massive structure will require.Your next step, then, would be to ask the builder to hire skilled workers: steelworkers, carpenters, bricklayers, surveyors, and electricians, as well as the unskilled labor needed to complete a project of this magnitude.Now let's imagine you're at a construction site with building materials piled high and workers standing around the builder.You give the order: "Get me started on a building!" The first question the builder and every worker who works for him will ask, "Where are the blueprints?" Ideas go to work and this building will go down in history as a monster.There can be no organized effort towards a common goal, as all workers will be scattered in every direction at the same time, and the most likely thing that will happen is that the building will never be completed.Doubt and confusion will rule.If each crew member is busy with his own business, there will be no coordinated work, and without sketches, the wholeness of the vision will be lost.What was planned to be one of the great wonders of the world will never be built.A skilled worker should have a plan!He cannot use his talents effectively unless they are directed.If he's going to build something beautiful, he has to have a blueprint.Your own life is like the building we have just described.You are the architect, and you can build a life of joy and success or a life of misery and failure.The blueprint is the key to what kind of results you get.If you want to be successful, you have to have a plan!Without a blueprint to guide your efforts, you will end up feeling dizzy and burnt out.

People who have goals and plans in life succeed, and those who don't fail.A prominent physician in New York City recently declared: "After examining 15,321 New York City residents, I have come to realize that the main problem with these patients is a lack of values ​​and purpose in life." Around the world, there are thousands People in the medical industry came to the same conclusion.We live at a point in world history where people are constantly wandering, looking for something unexplainable.They're confused, they're tired, they're full of anxiety and can't understand why.There is only one solution, and that is: we must go back to where it all began!Any good sportsman will tell you that he has to get back to training the basics at every stage if he wants to be at his peak.If he doesn't, his movements become erratic and his craft less effective.Every champion boxer, for as long as they hold the title, goes to a sparring partner to practice the basics before every fight.When overconfidence gets the upper hand and basic skills are lax, failure follows.Like athletes, one has to get back to the basics of living skillfully -- the great laws of nature that God has given to His universe.In Ecclesiastes 7:13 you will find this gem of wisdom: "See what God has done; for who can make straight what God has made crooked?" You cannot beat he.Many more capable than we have tried and failed, so you'd better obey him and let his laws of nature do you good instead of harm!

One of the most famous laws of nature in the universe is the law of gravitation, you know that if you go to the top of a tall building and jump out, you will fall - you never "fall" up!You can't see, you can't smell, you can't feel the law of gravity, but you know it exists.The same goes for the natural laws of the universe about happiness and success. You can't see it, you can't smell it, you can't touch it, but they exist.If you act within the limits of these laws, happiness and success are at your disposal.The Creator has certain goals to be accomplished by man and He has a plan to ensure their fulfillment. The "Bible" is the long-term plan of the Creator. From "Genesis" to "Revelation", everything is explained in great detail, just as the Creator planned.Please note: Even the most powerful force in the universe, the Creator, has set his goals and made plans to accomplish them.We, too, should follow his example by setting definite goals and making individual plans to accomplish them. As has worked for the Creator, it will work for you too.Goals and plans are the magic keys to happiness and success!Only 3% of all people have goals and plans and write them down, another 10% have goals and plans but keep them in their heads, and the remaining 87% just go with the flow in life, No definite goals and plans.They don't know where they're going, and others are calling the shots.Let's take a closer look at the data.People who have clear goals and plans and write them down accomplish 50 to 100 times more in their lifetime than people who have goals and plans but keep them in their heads.This data alone should motivate you to set your own clear goals, create an action plan to accomplish them, and write your goals and plans down.

You must have goals and plans.Prisons are full of people without goals and plans, who one day find themselves unfortunate because they have been excluded from social life.And to those who base their aims and plans on the laws of nature which are beyond the laws of men, such things never happen.Setting goals and plans within the framework of natural laws frees your life from worry and frees your mind to seize your opportunities. There are four reasons why most people don’t set goals and plans: 1. They don't know how to do it. 2. They find it too cumbersome to do so. 3. They have no confidence in the goals and plans they have established.

4. They set their goals too far ahead, which makes it impossible to see immediate results, causing them to lose courage. If one of these reasons is holding you back, the Bland goal setting and planning method will solve your problem.My method is the simplest and most efficient of all devised methods.It teaches you the principles of short-term and long-term planning, allowing you to see right away that the plan actually works.My method is not based on the laws of the world, but on the laws of nature, it will give you the confidence to stick to the plan, my method is your path to a happy and successful life , all you need to do is make it work for you.You have to really want to set goals and plan for their attainment. No one can force you to do this. After you decide you want to set goals and plans for yourself, take a moment to establish specific goals and plans for yourself.You'll find the hardest part of the process is putting your plan into practice once you've written it.At first, you'll find yourself going off track many times, but as long as you stick to your plan, you'll mostly stay on track.Depending on your own abilities, it may take a year to three years before your mind is fully programmed to carry out every minute detail of your plan.You will encounter temporary defeat many times, but by sticking to the plan you will triumph over adverse circumstances like a racing star towards the finish line.Remember this principle: "For every difficult situation lies an equal or greater opportunity." This principle never fails.This principle was clearly demonstrated a few years ago in Houston, Texas.People designed a huge stadium, the first of its kind.The stadium will be covered with turf so that sporting events can take place in the perfect climate, no matter what the state of Mother Nature.When the splendid structure was completed, Mother Nature had her revenge.The turf won't grow on the playing field, and builders have created a multi-hundred-million-dollar sports complex for professional football and baseball, rendered worthless because the turf won't grow.According to that principle, the builders attacked the problem.This difficulty culminated in the discovery of an artificial playing surface that experts say is even better than natural turf, which today covers many of our nation's arenas. "In every difficult situation lies an equal or greater opportunity" is just another way of saying "Need is the mother of creation."You'll discover that obstacles that seem insurmountable but exist only in your imagination are actually trivial. "If you are timid in the day of trouble, your strength is small." (Proverbs 24:10) When you plan your goals in your mind, the goals look high!A wise man said, "Better to aim your arrow at a star and hit an eagle than to aim your arrow at an eagle and hit a stone." For example, let's say my income last year was only $5,000, and I Unsatisfied with that number, I set a goal of earning $35,000 a year because that would better serve my needs.I worked my butt off to reach this new income level goal, and I found out that I am now making $28,483 a year.Did I fail? Of course not!It's true that I missed my goal of making $35,000 a year, but look at how exciting I've come.Dare to set your goals high.

As long as you really believe that one day you can make it happen, you can even make it your goal to reach the moon.Don't let yourself get too wrapped up in how you will achieve your goals.Commit this question to a Power far more powerful than yourself.Emerson said: "Assume in your imagination that you already possess those objects which you dream of realizing. Enter your part with enthusiasm, just as a great actor absorbs in his own personality the essence of the part he plays." Same character." As you set your goals and plan, it's wise to ask other qualified people for their opinions.In Chapter 15, verse 22 we find the following piece of wisdom: "A plan is of no avail without first deliberating; a plan is succeeded by many counselors." Ask people you highly admire for input and form a "success council" to exchange ideas on each person's individual goals and plans. "The Bible" also says: "The heart of a wise man acquires knowledge, but the ear of a wise man seeks knowledge" (Proverbs 8:15) So when you form your reserve force, choose someone who can help you grow in this relationship .When two minds come together, their interaction appears to create a third "mind", generating very creative ideas and solving many problems. "Whoever walks with the wise will become wise." (Proverbs 13:20) A "success council" can be of great value in helping set goals.

First, in order to function properly, there must be coordination and harmony among all members. Second, pessimism cannot be allowed, otherwise the group will become a negative force that destroys every member of it.To be successful, the "success council" must function in an appropriately positive atmosphere.Stay away from negative people because they will lead you to failure. Third, guide group thinking by establishing positive guiding principles. Fourth, arrange regular brainstorming sessions.Allocate time for each member to give individual progress reports.This provides helpful advice for making personal goals and plans a reality.

It's not enough to set a goal and create a plan to achieve it, you also have to decide when to achieve your goal.Set a date, it could be as short as an hour, a day, a week, or a month, or it could be a year, five years, or fifteen years from now, who knows? But if you want your goals to become a reality, you have to establish a goal time.In 1960, President John F. Kennedy addressed the nation, announcing the start of a ten-year space program with the goal of putting a man on the moon.Let's analyze why this effort was such a huge success: First, a clear goal was chosen, putting a man on the moon! Second, there was a basic plan to follow, many questions were left unanswered, but there are A place to start, a basic plan.Third, there is a target time to turn this dream into reality within ten years.There is a fourth step in this plan, and although we haven't discussed it yet, it is also a fundamental part of the goal-setting process.After the first three steps, a goal, a plan, and a goal time, it is imperative that we keep our goals in front of us every day to keep us positive as they become a reality.We will discuss this principle in detail in the "Action Plan" section.The men and women who went to the moon worked day after day to achieve their goals.

They didn't know exactly how to put a man on the moon, but they were true to the goal and sure it could be done; they didn't know exactly what a spaceship would look like, let alone imagine that computers would play a role in the project. Such a big positive.Although there are many unknown factors, they always keep their goals in front of them. They use the wisdom of the group and maintain the confidence to achieve their goals even if they encounter temporary failures.Because they were convinced that their goals could be achieved, the result was that the United States successfully sent a man to the moon one year ahead of schedule.The great achievement of the moonshot program once again shows you that there is incredible power in setting goals and planning and following the right wisdom.The spaceflight program applied every principle of successful goal setting, so there was no way the program could fail, and man landed on the moon.

Let's repeat the steps to start a space program: First, set a goal Second, start to make a plan Third, strictly stipulate a time to achieve the goal Fourth, use collective wisdom Fifth, everyone keeps the goal in mind Sixth, take action Seventh, have the confidence to win to achieve the goal The result: they can't fail! Before continuing to the next chapter, you must accept the following principles: First, dare to set your goals high! Second, make a plan to avoid chaos.Third, seek your opportunities in adversity.Fourth, get in that 3% who have goals and plans written down.Fifth, create a success council to keep the plan you wrote down working.Accepting these principles means you are one step closer to a life of happiness and abundance.

The key points that must be remembered are number one, those who have goals and plans succeed in life, and those who do not have failures. Second, goals and plans are the magic keys to happiness and success. Third, goals and plans within the framework of natural laws keep life free from troubles. Fourth, for every difficult situation lies an equal or greater opportunity. Fifth, you will discover that obstacles that seem insurmountable but exist in your imagination are actually insignificant. Sixth, dare to set your goals high!
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