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Chapter 23 who is responsible for the chaotic world

What we are concerned with is finding out the nature of love that comes only when our heart is concerned with the whole and not with any particular individual.When we are concerned with all, there is love, and then there is room for the individual in the whole. Together we discussed the nature and structure of thought, its space and its limitations, and the whole process and function of thought.If possible, this morning -- after days of rain, it's nice to see those mountains, and those projections and streams, and to breathe the clean air -- I want to go on about responsibility and answer questions about responsibility.Observing objectively, without any opinion or judgment, we can see what is happening in the world: war, terrible suffering and chaos.Who is responsible for all this, or has the answers?

In order to really find the right response, the right answer, we have to look at all the phenomena that exist.On the one hand, you've made great advances in technology that nearly destroyed the planet, and on the other hand, you've got hopes, or needs, or pleas to God, or truth, or whatever.The scope is vast, but we only seem to be able to answer a small part of it.The scope of existence and our daily lives is vast, and we cannot seem to respond to it all.We have to find out for ourselves what the right response is, what the right answer is.If we are responsible for only a small part of it—our little circles of ourselves and our lives, our little desires, our petty responsibilities, our selfish, self-contained activities—and neglect the whole of it, then we must Not only brings pain to oneself, but also brings pain to all mankind.

Is it possible to be responsible for all mankind? Thus responsible to nature - which is the full, complete answer - to your children, to your neighbors, to the efforts of men to try to live righteously.In order to feel that great sense of responsibility, not just intellectual, verbal, but profoundly answering all human struggles, pain, cruelty, violence and despair, in order to be able to respond fully to the above questions, you must Know what love means.You know the word love has been misused, abused, trampled on, but we still have to use that word and give it a whole different meaning.In order to be able to respond to the whole, there must be love.In order to understand its nature, its passion, its unrestrained capacity - which are not created by thought - we must understand pain.When we use the word understand, it is not the verbal or intellectual meaning of the word, but the meaning behind the word.Now, we must first understand and be able to go beyond pain, otherwise we cannot understand responsibility to the whole, which is true love.

We are sharing, not just verbally, intellectually, but beyond it, and it is our responsibility to share it.This means that you must hear the word, listen to the semantic meaning of the word, and also share the inquiry of the ego, and then go beyond it.You have to be involved in all these activities, otherwise you will only get verbal, intellectual, or emotional understanding, and then that is nothing. In order to understand responsibility to the whole, and thus understand the strange nature of love, you must go beyond suffering.What is suffering? Why do humans suffer? This has been a big question in life for millions of years.And obviously, very, very few people rise above suffering and either become heroes or saviors or become some kind of spiritual leader, religious leader, and become immortal.But normal people like you or me or anyone else don't seem to get past it.Right now, we seem to be stuck in it.We are asking whether it is possible for you to escape from these sufferings.Obviously, human beings are not yet free from psychological pain.He can escape, through all kinds of activities - religious, economic, social, political, commercial, all kinds of escapes, like drugs - never facing the real face of suffering .So what is suffering? Is it possible for our mind to be completely free from the pain caused by mental activities?

Humans, it seems, are not yet able to solve psychological pain.People can only escape, through various activities such as religion, economy, society, politics, business, etc., but never face the painful truth.What is pain? Can the mind be completely free from all mental activity that causes pain? One of the main causes of suffering is a sense of isolation, utter loneliness.That is, you feel like you have nothing to depend on, no one to relate to, and you are completely isolated.I'm pretty sure you feel that way.You might be with your family, on the bus, or at a party, and sometimes you can feel so alone, so insecure, so meaningless.That's one of the reasons for the pain.Suffering comes from psychological dependence on ideas, ideals, opinions, beliefs, people, and concepts.Please observe yourself.The world is a mirror, and this mirror allows you to see the workings of your mind.So watch there.

Another cause of pain is the sense of loss, loss of prestige, loss of power, loss of many things, and loss of people you thought you loved -- and death, which is the final pain.Now, can the mind be free from all this suffering? It cannot know love for all mankind, otherwise it does as it pleases.If there is no love in the life of all human beings, not just you but all human beings, then there is no compassion, then you will not be able to understand what love is.Among the loves for all mankind, there is special love.But when there is special love for someone, there is less love for others. So it is absolutely essential that we understand and transcend suffering.And is that possible? Is it possible for our hearts to know the loneliness deep inside, to understand that it is different from loneliness? Please do not confuse the two.There is a difference between loneliness and solitude.When we understand loneliness, we understand what loneliness is.When you feel lonely, don't rationalize it, can you observe it without any evasive movement?

Don't rationalize it, don't try to find the cause of it, just observe, and in observing, avoidance is through dependence on belief, on idea, on belief, can I understand loneliness? Can I understand that belief and it How was it avoided? When I observed it quietly, the avoidance and belief disappeared silently.When I try, the observer and the observed come into being and then clash, but when I understand what loneliness is all about, then there is no observer, only the fact of feeling completely isolated.This loneliness will show up in our daily activities - my ambition, my greed, my envy, the concern that my wishes will be fulfilled, become something great, improve myself.I'm only concerned with my little self, and that's part of being lonely.During the day, in my sleep, in the activities I do, I am so concerned with myself: "I" and "you," "us" and "them."I made a promise to myself that I wanted to do something for myself in the name of my country, in the name of God, in the name of my family, in the name of my wife.

So this loneliness that goes through every day selfish activities, and when I understand the meaning of those loneliness, I see it all, I see it, not theoretical.When I look at something, those details are all there.When you look closely at a tree, a river, a mountain, or a person, in looking at them you see everything.It will tell you, you will not tell it.When you observe in this way, or when you know loneliness well, without any choice, these things will all disappear.One of the causes of suffering is emotional dependence.Dependence, and find that painful, so we try to separate, and separation is another horror.Why does the heart depend? Dependence is a way to occupy the mind.If I love you deeply, I will think about you and worry about you.I will care about you in my own way, because I don't want to lose you, I don't want to set you free, I don't want you to do anything that will disturb my emotions.In that emotion, I feel a little bit at ease.So in emotional dependence there is always fear, jealousy, anxiety, pain.For now, just watch it.Don't ask me what to do? You can't do anything.If you try to do something with your dependency, you're trying to create another dependency.Am I right? So just watch it.When you depend on a certain person or a certain belief, you dominate that person, you want to control him, you don't want to give him freedom.When you depend, you totally deny freedom.

If our hearts see loneliness, dependence - which is one of the causes of grief - is it possible for our hearts to get rid of them? This does not mean that we should become indifferent, because we are closely related to the lives of all people, not only My life is relevant.So I must have a response, an answer to the whole, not my personal desire to cling to you and anxiety to overcome pain and jealousy.Because our concern is to find out the nature of love, which can only appear when our heart is concerned with the whole and not with any particular individual.When we are concerned with all, there is love, and then there is room for the individual in the whole.

And the pain of loss, losing someone you “love”—you know, I put the word love in quotes.Why are you suffering? I lost my son, my mother, my wife.Why do I suffer when I lose someone? Is it because I am suddenly left behind, and does the death of another hurt me deeply? Because I identify with that person? He is my son, I want him, in There is a shadow of myself in my son.I identified with that person, and when he ceased to exist, I felt so hurt because I couldn't find someone to continue my existence.So I felt deeply hurt, and self-pity arose in the hurt.Please take a good look at this whole thing.I don't care so much about other people, what I really care about is myself.Caring for myself through others, so I feel hurt when the other person is not there.From the deep hurt came self-pity and a desire to find someone else to keep me alive.

In addition to personal pain, there is the pain of human beings, the pain of war for the innocent, for the dead, the murderer and the murdered, the mother, the wife, the children.Whether in the Far East, the Middle East or the West, human beings suffer physically and psychologically.Unless our hearts understand all these problems, I can use the word love, I can do social work, I can talk to everyone about the love of God, the love of people, the love of all things, but in my heart I don't know what it is what.So can my heart, your heart, your consciousness look at this fact, look at it and the pain it brings, not only to others but also to yourself? See how you deprive another when you love him freedom; and when you are loved, you deprive yourself of that freedom.So the war is waged between you and me.Can our minds observe these? Wisdom arises only when suffering is over.Wisdom is not something you can buy in books or learn from others.Wisdom arises only in understanding the process of suffering and the meaning of suffering, and suffering is not only personal, but also the suffering of all mankind.Wisdom can only arise when you go beyond it. Then you will understand, or meet this thing we call love.I think we also have to understand what beauty is.May I discuss this topic? Beauty.You know it's one of the hardest things to put into words, but we'll try.Do you know what sensitivity means? Not sensitivity to your desires, your ambitions, your injuries, your failures, your successes -- that is easy.Most of us are sensitive to our own needs, and to the pleasures, fears, anxieties, and pleasures we seek.But we're talking about acuity -- not about something, but acuity itself -- mental and physical acuity.Physically, sharpness means having a very sharp body -- healthy, sober, not overeating, not overindulgent -- a sensitive body.If you are interested, you can give it a try.We do not separate the mind from the body, they are related; but if there is any harm, you cannot be mentally sharp.Psychologically, we humans are badly damaged.There are traumas, both subconscious and conscious, either self-inflicted or hurt by others.In school, at home, on the bus, in the office, in the factory, we all get hurt.That deep scar, conscious or subconscious, makes us mentally insensitive and dull.Watch your scars if you can.A gesture, a word, or a look can be used to hurt someone.And when you're being compared to someone else, when you're trying to imitate someone else, when you conform to a norm, you're hurt—whether the norm is set by someone else or by you.So we humans are deeply wounded; and those wounds cause spiritual activity -- all beliefs are spiritual, ideals are spiritual.Is it possible for us to understand these hurts, get rid of them, and not be hurt again under any circumstances? I have been hurt by different things or accidents since childhood, such as a word, a gesture, a look, contempt, Ignored etc.These wounds I have, can they be undone without leaving any scars? Please note.Don't look at others, look at yourself.You have these traumas, can you undo them without leaving any scars? If you are hurt and you become dull, you will not know what is beautiful.You can go to all the museums in the world, compare Michelangelo and Picasso, become an expert on these people, their paintings, their structures, etc., but as soon as the human heart is hurt and dulled, it will It is impossible to know what beauty is - in something made by hands, in the line of a building, in a mountain, in a beautiful tree.If there is any hurt in you, you cannot know what beauty is, and without beauty there is no love.So can your mind know that it has been hurt? Can it know that hurt and not react to that hurt on a conscious or subconscious level? It's easy to learn about conscious damage.Can you know your subconscious hurts? Or do you have to go through all the stupid analysis process? I will analyze it quickly and get rid of it.To analyze means to have an analysand and an analysand.Who is the analyst? Is he different from the analysand? If he is different, why is he different? Who created the analyst so that he is different from the analysand? If he is different, how can he know the truth of the matter? What? So the analyst is the analysand.Such an obvious thing.In order to be analyzed, each analysis must be complete.It means that if there is any slight misunderstanding, when you do the next analysis, you cannot analyze completely because of the previous misunderstanding.Analysis implies the intervention of time.You can go on analyzing for the rest of your life, and when you're dying, you're still analyzing. So how does the mind unearth subconscious deep wounds, traumas that have been suffered? When the conqueror conquers the victim, he has wounded him.That's racial harm.To the imperialist everyone is beneath him, and on those he conquers he leaves deep, subconscious wounds.The damage is there.How does our mind unearth all this hidden hurt, hurt deep inside? I see the fallacy of analysis, so I can't use analysis.Please pay attention.Analysis cannot be used, and our tradition is analysis, so I have put aside the tradition of analysis.Are you doing that? What happens when the mind is denying, putting aside, or seeing the falsity of something, the falsity of analysis? Isn’t it trying to get rid of that burden? So it becomes sensitive, it becomes See more clearly, more clearly, more sharply.So by setting aside an accepted tradition - analysis, introspection, etc. - the mind becomes free.And by denying tradition, you have denied subconscious content.This subconscious is tradition: the tradition of religion, the tradition of marriage, the tradition of many things.And one of the traditions is to accept the hurt, and after you have been hurt, analyze it and get rid of it.Now, when you negate it because it was wrong, you have negated the subconscious content.So you can get rid of subconscious damage.You don't have to analyze the subconscious or analyze your dreams. So by looking at the harm and undoing it without the traditional tools like analysis, talking about it together - you know all the things that are going on, group therapy, individual therapy and collective therapy - the mind comes through understanding, understanding tradition Eliminates damage.When you deny tradition, you deny acceptance of this harm of tradition.Then our mind becomes extra sharp - mind becomes body, heart, mind and nerves.All sharpened. Now, we ask what is beauty.We say it's not in a museum, it's not in a drawing, it's not in a face, it's not a reaction to your traditional background.When the mind puts it aside because it is sensitive and already understands pain, you have passion.Clearly, passion is not the same as carnal desire.Carnal desire is a continuation of pleasure, seeking pleasure in a different way.When there is no harm, when pain is understood and transcended, then you have the passion necessary to understand beauty.Beauty cannot exist when the "I" is always asserting.You can be a great painter, considered the greatest painter in the world, but if you only care about your little self, you are no longer an artist.You are just using art to perpetuate your own selfishness. A free mind has transcended painful feelings, it is free from all hurt, and has the ability to be hurt again without any circumstances.Whether it is praised or insulted, nothing can touch it.But that doesn't mean it's resisting.On the contrary, it is very sensitive. Then you start to find out what love is.Obviously love is not joy.Now, we can say it's not happiness, it's not the past, because you've gone through everything now and put it aside.You can still enjoy those mountains, those woods, those streams, those pretty faces and the beauty of the land.But when the beauty of the earth becomes the pursuit of pleasure, it ceases to be beauty.So love is not joy.Love is not the pursuit or avoidance of fear.Love is not dependence.Love has no pain.Obviously, love expresses love for all human beings, which is compassion.Love has its own order, both inside and out, and this order is not legislated.Now, when you understand, and live like this every day -- otherwise it is worthless, just meaningless words, just ashes -- then life will have quite a different meaning. Sanin · July 23, 1974
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