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Chapter 18 love is a blessing not a joy

We all know the pleasures that come through touch, taste, sight, and hearing.And when this intense pleasure is mastered by thought, there will be a reaction, and there will be emotions of aggression, revenge, anger, and hatred. This feeling comes from not getting the happiness you are after. In order to inquire into happiness -- which is a very important factor in life -- we have to understand what love is, and to understand that we have to find out what beauty is also.So it's about three things here: happiness, beauty that we talk about and feel a lot, and love -- a word that's been overused a lot.We will go into it step by step, hard and slowly, because these three things cover the realm of human existence.And to draw any conclusions, say: "This is happiness" or "One cannot be happy", or "This is love", "This is beauty", for me requires the knowledge of beauty, of love and of pleasure. There is a very clear understanding and feeling.So we must, if we have any wisdom, avoid any pattern, any conclusion, any definite explanation on the subject.In order to get to the deep truth of these three things, it is not a matter of intellect, nor literal definitions, nor their ambiguous, mystical, or supernatural sensibility.

For most of us, happiness and its expression are very important.Most of us base our moral worth on it, on ultimate or immediate pleasure, as do our genetics, our mental dispositions, our physical and neurological responses.If you examine not only this external value and society's judgment, but also yourself, you will find that happiness and its worth are the main goals we seek in life.We may resist, we may sacrifice, we may succeed or give up, but in the end it's always about feeling happy, fulfilled, and pleased.Self-expression and self-actualization are a form of pleasure; and when pleasure is thwarted, blocked, there is fear, and from fear, there is aggression.

Please note.You're not just listening to words or ideas, they don't make sense.You can read a book where the psychological explanations are worthless.But if we examine together, gradually, then you will find out for yourself what a marvelous thing will happen. Remember, we're not saying we can't have happiness, that happiness is wrong, as there are various religious groups that exist all over the world.We are not saying that you have to repress, deny, control, transform to a higher level, etc.We're just going to check.And if we can look deeply, quite objectively, then there is a different state of mind, that is bliss, not happiness, bliss is a completely different thing.

We know what happiness is: the beauty of looking at beautiful mountains, lovely trees, colorful lights in the clouds being blown across the sky by the wind, and clear rivers.There is as much joy in looking at these as in looking at the faces of women, men, or children.We all know the pleasures that come through touch, taste, sight, and hearing.And when this intense pleasure is mastered by thought, there will be a reaction, and there will be emotions of aggression, revenge, anger, and hatred. This feeling comes from not getting the happiness you are after.So if you watch, fear will arise again.Any experience will be dominated by thought, yesterday's pleasurable experience, whatever it may be: sensual, sexual, visual.The mind ruminates, chews on the past pleasure, examines it, creates an impression or image that sustains it, nourishes it.Thoughts keep yesterday's happiness and continue it to today and tomorrow.Pay attention to it.And when the happiness supported by thought is forbidden, because it is restricted by the environment, by various hindrances, then thought will react and turn into aggression, hatred, violence, which is another form of happiness.

Most of us seek happiness through self-expression.We want to express ourselves, whether in small or big things.The artist wants to express himself on the canvas, the writer through the book, the musician through the instrument and so on.Is self-expression—from which people take great pleasure—beautiful? Is that beautiful when the artist expresses himself, when he derives pleasure and intense satisfaction? Or, because he cannot fully express himself on canvas and in words? Feeling dissatisfied, is this another form of happiness? So is beauty a pleasure? Is self-expression conveyed when it comes in any form? Is love a pleasure? Love has now become almost synonymous with sex and everything associated with it Words - forget me and so on.When the mind gets intense pleasure from something, is that love? When it is thwarted, it becomes jealousy, anger, hatred.Along with happiness comes domination, possession, and dependence, and therefore fear.So one asks oneself, is love pleasure? Is love desire in all its subtle forms -- sex, friendship, tenderness, selflessness? Is that all love? And if it's not, then what is love?

If you watch how your mind works, if you understand the activity of your brain, you will find that from the beginning of time, from the beginning of human beings, people have been seeking happiness.If you watch animals, you can see how important it is to be happy, and the pursuit of it is the same, and when it is thwarted, aggression occurs. Our lives are rooted in this, our judgments, our values, our social demands, our relationships, and so on, are all derived from this important principle of happiness and self-expression.And when it is thwarted, when it is restrained, distorted, thwarted, there is anger, then there is aggression, and then aggression becomes another form of pleasure.

What is the relationship between happiness and love? Or is there any relationship between happiness and love? Is love something completely different? Is love taken out of context by society, religion - as profane or sacred? How do you find out ?How do you find out for yourself, instead of someone else telling you? If someone tells you, and you answer, "Yes, that's right." Then it's not yours, it's not your own discovery , so there will be no deep feeling. What has the joy of self-expression to do with beauty, with love? Scientists, philosophers, technologists must know the truth of things.Because man is concerned with his daily life, his livelihood, his family, and so on.And is truth static? Or, is it not static and does not exist forever, but always changes as you discover it? Truth is not an intellectual phenomenon, nor is it emotional or sensory.And we must understand the truth of happiness, the truth of beauty, the truth of love.

People have learned about the torment of love, the dependence on it, the fear of it, the loneliness of being unloved, and the never-ending search for love in various relationships without ever being fulfilled.So some people can't help asking, is love contentment? At the same time, is it tormenting people in the form of jealousy, envy, hatred, anger, and dependence? When there is no beauty in our hearts, we will go to museums and concerts.We marvel at the beauty of the columns of ancient Greek temples, their proportions against the blue sky.We keep talking about beauty; but we lose contact with nature because we live in cities more and more, as modern people.So we formed an organization for bird watching, tree watching and stream watching. It seems that through bird watching, you will come into contact with nature and meet the breathtaking beauty! It is because we lose contact with nature that paintings, museums, music, etc. will become so important.

There is a kind of emptiness, that is, the inner emptiness, always looking for opportunities and happiness of self-expression, so there is a fear of not being able to fully possess them, so there is resistance and aggression.We keep trying to fill the inner void, the feeling of emptiness, utter isolation and loneliness, I think you must have experienced this, we fill it with books, knowledge, relationships and all forms of falsehood, but in the end we still There is a void that cannot be filled.Then we turn to God, which is the ultimate appeal.Is love and beauty possible when we have emptiness and this deep, unfathomable emptiness? If man knows this emptiness and does not run from it, what is he to do? We try to use God, knowledge, experience, music , paintings, ever-changing technological information to fill this void, that's what we do from morning till night.When a person realizes that this emptiness cannot be filled by anyone, he will discover the importance of this.If you fill the void with "relationships" with other people, with impressions, then there is dependence and fear of loss, and then aggression, possession, jealousy, the whole emotion follows.So one has to ask oneself: Can the emptiness be filled through social activity, a good job, going to a monastery, training oneself to be aware? — this is absurd.If man cannot satisfy it, what is man to do? Do you understand the importance of this question? Man tries to fill it with so-called pleasure, self-expression, truth-seeking, God, and then understands that nothing can fill it , neither impressions created by man himself nor impressions or ideologies of the world created by man can fill it.So man uses beauty, love and happiness to cover up this emptiness.What is man to do if he no longer runs from it but lives with it?

What is this loneliness, this deep void? What is it and how is it created? Does it exist because we want to fill it, or do we want to escape it? It exists because we are afraid Is it? Is it just an empty idea, so that the mind never comes into contact with its actual side, never has a direct relationship with it? I found my own emptiness, and I stopped running away because that was clearly an immature move.I noticed it's there, it's unfillable.Now, I ask myself: How does this happen? Is it my life, all my daily activities, etc.? Is the self separated in all its activities? The essence of the 'I', the 'self', the 'self' is alone, it is separate.All activity creates this state of isolation, of deep emptiness within itself, so it is a result, not something inherent.I have discovered that as long as my activities are self-centered and self-expressive, there must be a void, and I have also discovered that my efforts to fill the void are again self-centered, Then the emptiness becomes bigger and deeper.

Is it possible to go beyond this situation? Not by running away, not by saying, "I will not be self-centered." When people say "I will not be self-centered," they are already self-centered.When one uses willpower to block the activity of the ego, that will is the cause of loneliness. Over the centuries, the mind has been conditioned by its need for safety and security; it has built up this egocentric activity both physically and psychologically, and it has spread throughout everyday life—my family, my my job, my possessions—and these created emptiness and loneliness.How does one end this activity? Can it be terminated? Or do people have to ignore it completely and add another quality to it? So, I understand the emptiness, I understand how it is formed, and I notice that the will or any activity to drive out the author of the emptiness is just another egocentric activity.I saw very clearly, objectively, and it dawned on me that I couldn't do anything about it.Before, I would do things, I would escape, or try to satisfy it, try to understand it, go deep into it, but it was all another form of loneliness.So, it suddenly dawned on me that I couldn't do anything, and the more I tried to do something, the more I built a wall of loneliness.The mind itself understands that it cannot do anything, that thought cannot touch it, because as soon as thought touches it creates emptiness again.So by observing carefully and objectively, I understand the whole process, and this understanding is enough.Learn about what happened.Before, I struggled to fill the emptiness, wandering about, and now I find its absurdity - the mind knows very well how absurd it is.So, now I don't waste any more.The mind has become silent, the mind has become completely silent, it has seen all the situations, so it is silent.There is no loneliness in silence.When the mind is utterly silent, with only beauty and love, it may or may not express itself. Are we exploring together? We're talking about the hardest, most dangerous of these, because if you're neurotic, like most people, then it can get complicated and ugly.It's a very complex problem, but when you look at it, it becomes very, very simple, so simple that you think you've got it. Therefore, only blessings are beyond happiness.Beauty is not the expression of a cunning mind, but when the mind is completely silent, there will be beauty of understanding.When it rains, you can hear the rapid patter of raindrops.You can hear it with your ears, and you can hear it in that silence.If you can hear it with a utterly silent mind, its beauty cannot be expressed in words or painted on canvas, for that beauty is beyond self-expression.Obviously, love is a blessing, not a joy. Excerpts from Sanin's Dialogue of Sanin's Speeches in 1968
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