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Chapter 16 10

YOU: The Body Manual 7709Words 2018-03-18
--------------- asthma --------------- Look at the picture of the lungs of an asthmatic patient (see Figure 5.1), and imagine how it would feel if after you take a deep breath, a pair of forceps is clamped on the bronchi to evacuate all the air in the lungs.The air is squeezed at the choke point, and there is no way to move downward, like an upside-down bottle of water.You'll hear a whistling sound that gets louder when airflow through the ventilation system is blocked.This is asthma.The problem with asthmatics is not only difficulty getting air into the lungs, but also difficulty getting air out, as shown in Figure 5.1, which feels like pincers squeezing the bronchial tubes.There are many types and strengths of forceps, and the degree of tracheal obstruction of patients is also different, and some situations can be very dangerous.There are many ways to prevent and manage asthma.Once the blockage is cleared—

Usually achieved through medication— The airflow can be freed and the patient can breathe smoothly.More than 15 million Americans suffer from asthma, one-third of them are under the age of 18.Asthma can strike at any age.Although the link between asthma and aging does not appear to be strong, its potential impact on aging is important.In some respects, the last channel for many diseases to breed is in the lungs (if a person lives long enough, it will eventually be due to problems with the lungs that he dies).In fact, pneumonia used to be called "an old man's best friend" because of the comatose, fatal cardiac arrhythmia caused by lack of oxygen, and the patient's peaceful death.Asthma is a complex disease that can be triggered by a combination of factors including the environment (e.g. dust mites, dander), lifestyle (where you live determines levels of toxins), and genetics (if your parents have allergies, child has at least a 25% chance of developing asthma).Even if you inherit asthma, you can manage symptoms and reduce chronic inflammation caused by frequent exacerbations.An asthma attack begins when pollen or other substances that can cause an allergic reaction enter the airways.As pollen passes through the cilia, it attaches to the lungs.The body senses the entry of foreign substances and sends immune cells to the area.Immune cells hit the pollen and explode like a grenade, signaling more white blood cells

What is an allergy?Unless you or your doctor can hear wheezing in your windpipe, something is squeezing your bronchi (thinner windpipes).Asthma can be triggered by irritants, such as smoke inhalation, stress caused by stress, or allergies.Allergies are an overreaction of the immune system to substances to which most people are not allergic.Overreactions can manifest as follows: Skin rash (typically caused by chemicals) Stuffy, runny nose (caused by dust, pollen, etc.) Itchy eyes (caused by dust, pollen, mascara, etc.) Stomach Discomfort (food allergy) Coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, or respiratory problems (any allergen can cause it) More than one-third of Americans have allergies, but most don't intend to Control your symptoms.While a rash or red eyes can at best put a damper on your old school reunion, allergies can be deadly to your lungs.This is called anaphylaxis.For example, after being stung by a wasp and you have allergies, your blood vessels will perforate, blood will leak out (of course you want blood in your veins, not out) and your breathing will be very difficult, and the air in your body will not move (leaking out The blood squeezes the bronchi so badly that no air can pass through, and you can't even hear your own wheezing in your windpipe).At this time, it is necessary to send to the hospital for first aid and open the tracheal access.There are three basic approaches to treating allergies: medication, allergy shots (also called immunotherapy), and avoidance of the allergen.We recommend that you avoid known allergens, but if your allergies trigger a respiratory reaction, you may need to carry a syringe with you, inject epinephrine yourself if necessary, help open the airway, and fight for further treatment at the hospital time.Cells do reconnaissance.The mass migration of white blood cells to the area causes localized inflammation, transfers mucus into the lungs, and chemicals to inflamed areas, including near muscles.At this point, the muscles in the area become red and swollen and can easily cramp.The spasm compresses the bronchi, trapping air in the alveoli, which makes a sound like a small plastic flute as air is forced through the pores.It's certainly scary when you have an asthma attack.Asthma patients may start out peacefully, but an attack can last from a few minutes to a few days, during which time it is difficult to breathe, and some attacks can be fatal.But that doesn't mean we have to live in fear of an asthma attack.In fact, many treatments can help people with asthma complete their daily activities and enjoy life.First, you should learn to avoid things that trigger asthma attacks as much as possible.During an attack, you can take medicine to keep the airway open.One of the most common medications is a bronchodilator, which is inhaled by the patient and relaxes the muscles in the windpipe, opening the windpipe wide to allow air to pass (kind of like putting new filters or purifiers on your exhaust pipe).Another common treatment drug is an inhaled steroid.Steroids are the reading room custodians of the respiratory system, they calm the windpipe by relieving inflammation, quieting it, preventing asthma attacks, and preventing inflammation from causing aging (which is why you should be taking both, though you don't It feels good too, but if you prevent chronic inflammation, you avoid the aging of lung tissue associated with inflammation). 

--------------- Young Healthy Lungs Action Plan (1) --------------- It makes perfect sense for a well-known sneaker company to market their line of sneakers with the term "Air," because air is everything.It gives us strength, it blows out birthday candles, it whispers something into a lover's ear, it gives us life.Sneaker companies can have their famous air-cushioned shoes, but you have the more important "Chi"—— — your own breath.You can make your breathing system work as efficiently and comfortably as possible.With a few simple changes (and if you're a heavy smoker, quitting smoking can change your life), you can make your ventilation ducts smoother.Now, let's take a look at what you should do.

Action 1: Take a deep breath The way most people breathe is like dancing.They think they know what they are doing, but they have no idea what is right.Pause now, and please focus on your breathing.Look down, do you see something moving?Probably not, and that's because most people breathe very short and shallow, relying only on the chest cavity.To strengthen your lungs, you need to practice how to breathe deeply and completely.Remember what moves the lungs?is the diaphragm.This muscle pulls the lungs down, which expands the lungs and allows oxygen to flow down and circulate throughout the lungs (see Figure 5.2).To learn the technique of normal breathing, take a yoga class.There, one pays as much attention to breathing as to the ability to touch one's head to one's toes.Lie flat on the ground with one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest, and take a deep, slow breath.It is important to practice lying on the ground first, because if you are upright, it is easy to achieve the illusion of "deep breathing" through an exaggerated chest stretch, instead of letting the inhaled air naturally fill the lungs.Visualize your lungs filling with air. It should take 5 seconds to inhale.As the diaphragm pulls the ribcage down, the navel should bulge away from the spine as air is pumped into the lungs, and the ribcage expands, perhaps slightly.When the lungs feel full of air, exhale slowly, taking about 7 seconds to expel all the air.You can bring your navel close to your spine to push all the air out of your lungs.Okay, now you know how to take a deep breath.But what are the benefits?Aside from being noticed on the subway, what good does taking a deep breath do us?In fact there are many benefits.First, it facilitates the delivery of nitric oxide to the lungs.Nitric oxide stays in the nasal cavity and is a very important pulmonary and vasodilator, so it ensures better functioning of the lungs and blood vessels.Deep breathing can fully saturate the lungs with oxygen from 98% to 100%.Another benefit is to improve the drainage function of the lymphatic system to flush toxins out of the body.Of course, it also relieves tension.Deep breathing works like a short meditation, and from a longevity perspective, deep breathing is an important way to relieve stress.Slowing down your breathing during times of stress can help you calm down and allow you to be as comfortable as you can be, both physically and mentally.We recommend that you practice deep breathing 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening. Other times, such as shooting skeet or chasing yawns, is due to fatigue. Is it true?In fact, fatigue is only part of the reason.From a professional point of view, yawning is because the human body perceives that the oxygen content in the blood has decreased, so it inhales more air through yawning to allow oxygen to enter the blood.What we don't understand is why yawning is "contagious."

When chasing children running around, try to take as many deep breaths as possible. Action 2: Test it out We all know quizzes are almost as unpopular as catheterization, but this one is easy, takes a minute to do, self-graded, and results are available immediately.Here's how to test it: briskly run up two floors, or walk six blocks, it's that simple.If you can do it without stopping to rest, your lung function is probably in good shape. (This is actually a test for suitability for surgery. For those who pass, it means that the chance of dying or being disabled during surgery has been reduced to the same level as someone 10 years younger. It also shows that the oxygen supply to the lungs and The ability to exhale carbon dioxide.) Scoring is simple: pass or fail.Run up two floors in a row without exhaling like an industrial fan and you pass.But if your breath is so rapid that you have to stop halfway, even if it is caused by a poorly functioning heart, it means that the lungs are at least under some kind of compression.We recommend that you take this test monthly as a way to regularly check your lung function and to help you understand your overall health.This is important because a major warning sign of declining lung function is a dramatic change in the performance of this test—

From being able to go upstairs easily at first, it suddenly became very difficult to move.Why?Such shortness of breath after exercising for such a short period of time means that all organs in the body feel hypoxic, and it also means that some organs may not get enough oxygen.Action 3: Be your own air "traffic controller" We know that small changes can make a huge difference when adding chili to a dish or hitting a golf club.The same goes for improving the quality of human ventilation.Now that we can control the air coming in and out of the mouth and nose, we can also ensure an unobstructed traffic environment for the air that is about to enter the respiratory system.Here are some of the ways we ensure proper air flow.Shortness of breath is a sign of lung problems, is it true?Granted, lack of oxygen means that part of the respiratory system isn't working, but the problem doesn't always start with the lungs.If the heart is not working properly, it cannot push the blood forward, and the blood pools in the lungs, making the dry puffy lungs sticky and unable to exchange air.So when you feel short of breath, the solution is usually to first check what's going on in the heart, get the blood out of the lungs, and restore the lungs to their normal function.

--------------- Young Healthy Lungs Action Plan (2) --------------- YOU: The body manual air filter works, is it true?On the surface, air filters may seem like the best thing for the human lungs since diving snorkels.It is believed that the principle of air filters is to allow people to breathe cleaner air by filtering out allergens in the air.However, many air filters do not work so smoothly, and the main reason is not technical problems, but user problems.Most people don't change their air filter or air humidifier often enough, so the machine isn't working effectively.If you don't clean your humidifier regularly, the water in the unit can become a grime breeding ground for mold and fungus, which you end up breathing.On the contrary, if you insist on regular maintenance, these machines can effectively filter airborne allergens, which is very useful.close to trees and flowers

In short, plants improve air quality because they produce oxygen, increase indoor oxygen levels, and absorb airborne pollutants.According to a NASA study, amurberry, spider plant and golden kudzu (a type of pothos) are the most effective air purifying plants.taking supplements Magnesium is a mineral that can relax the bronchi and thus play a role in the treatment of asthma, and 400 mg of magnesium should be supplemented every day.If you frequently cough up mucus from your lungs (not just a runny nose, which is usually caused by sinusitis), then consider N-acetylcysteine ​​supplementation.This substance reduces mucus production and boosts glutathione production, which helps prevent cell damage.We recommend N-acetylcysteine ​​supplementation twice a day, 600 mg each time. (In intensive care patients, we're actually using a compound related to N-acetylcysteine.) Caffeine can also help with asthma because it steadily shrinks the lining of the airways, allowing the patient to breathe smoother.Say no to toxins

We have to live with toxic substances all day long, which is a feature of the rapid development of today's modern society.Toxic substances include pollution, carbon monoxide, and motorcycles with stereos whizzing by in the morning.However, there are ways to completely avoid exposure to many indoor pollutants, such as radon, asbestos and mold.Before buying your next home, you should test for radon levels.Did you know that the air quality in an ordinary poorly ventilated tunnel is equivalent to the carbon monoxide emitted by driving an hour on the Los Angeles freeway.Drive on highways in big cities with windows closed (or avoid major roads).Maybe you will not deliberately move your home from the city to the countryside in order to avoid pollutants, but it is worth noting that if you can also refuse to work in areas where you may be exposed to pollutants and toxins, your biological age can be 2 years younger .8 years old.That's because avoiding pollutants at work can reduce hardening of the arteries and reduce the likelihood of all the diseases associated with aging arteries, such as lung infections, asthma, heart attacks, strokes and memory loss.If the place of residence you choose can be included in the list of low pollution by the Environmental Protection Agency, then you can make yourself 2.2 years younger.That's especially important because the EPA assesses pollution levels in cities based on the size of pollutant particles.The smaller the particle, the deeper it can enter the lungs, the more harmful it is to the human immune system, and it can increase the probability of inflammation in the lungs, arteries and the entire cardiovascular system. (For environmental assessments of cities, see the EPA's international website. The organization updates its pages with the latest information faster than most people can change their own air filters.) By the way, the more airtight a house is, the more air-tight the interior is. Building materials bring more toxins.So, keep the windows open and let in the fresh air, which can keep you and your family looking younger.Action 4: Say No to Smoking

For barbecues and horror movies, smoke might be welcome.But instead of being a heavy smoker, you should know how smoking can damage your lungs.In fact, getting smoke into your windpipe ages you by 8 years and puts you at risk for lung diseases like lung cancer, emphysema and bronchitis.However, we will discuss the topic of cancer further in Chapter 11.One of the great things we can do for our own health is to remove smoking from our lives, whether you smoke or your family smokes.While antioxidants and vitamins have been tested to fight cancer, there is no way to undo the negative effects of smoking.This is not something that the White House press secretary's eloquence can undo.Your only option is to quit smoking.The advantage of quitting smoking is that as long as you don't smoke for two months, you can be 1 year younger.If cigarettes shorten the life span of 8 years, if the old smoker does not smoke for 5 years, then he can regain 7 years.If you smoke...American society doesn't like people who give up easily-- This is true in sports, in schools, and in chicken wing competitions.So, to give up one thing we've started doing vitamin A and beta carotene are good for the lungs, is it true?Supplementation of vitamin A and beta-carotene in the diet may cause overdose, that is, intake of vitamin A exceeding 2500 international units.If the human body supplements more than this dose of vitamins, vitamin A will not have an antioxidant effect, but will have the opposite effect, causing cell oxidation and gene damage.A Finnish study showed that people who supplement vitamin A are more likely to suffer from lung cancer and atherosclerosis, while smokers who supplement vitamin A are more likely to suffer from stroke.Therefore, it is against our nature to limit vitamin A intake to between 1500 and 2500 IU per day, even for smoking.The hardest thing about quitting smoking is that the addiction is both physical and psychological.From a physiological point of view, smoking triggers the release of dopamine -- --------------- Young Healthy Lungs Action Plan (3) --------------- — Dopamine is a substance produced naturally by the body that makes pain go away and brings pleasure.The body adapts to the elevated levels of dopamine when smoking, so once you stop smoking, you feel unreasonably bad, much like a pregnant woman craving a chocolate bar.Fortunately, the level of dopamine will not always be maintained at a high level. As long as you quit smoking, the level of dopamine in your body will return to normal.From a psychological point of view, smoking is a behavioral addiction. You smoke when you drink beer, you smoke after meals, and you smoke after sex.You're used to the sensation of holding a cigarette in your mouth.The first week of quitting smoking is the hardest.You feel the extreme craving for cigarettes, laziness and lethargy, and a lot of filth will be produced on the lung walls, and the body will expel these filth.But as long as you keep at it, all these symptoms will subside in a few weeks.Fortunately, there is a way to quit smoking effectively.The plan is as follows: From the first day to the 30th day (don't rush to quit smoking, replace it with another behavior), take a walk for 30 minutes every day, and persist every day.After you've finished your walk, tell someone else that you're done (report to the same person every day).Walking for 30 minutes a day can help prevent weight gain when you quit smoking, and you can prove to yourself that you can stick to a plan.There's only one rule to follow: Don't be like those middle school kids who skipped their chemistry homework.Don't cut corners.tired?Let's go.Is there a hurricane blowing outside?You can walk around the dining table for 30 minutes.Want to watch reruns of your favorite TV series?Buy a pocket one and watch it while walking.In short you have to go every day.From the 31st day to the 32nd day, the antidepressant bupropion extended-release tablets (bupropion) 100 mg was started to be taken every morning, once a day.This manic-calming drug (and, in larger doses, also acts as a depressant) can help with smoking cravings. (If you have high blood pressure or mental instability, please consult your doctor before taking it, because bupropion may cause side effects when taken with other drugs.) Stick to walking for 30 minutes (or more) every day, do not make excuses, Report to the same friend.On day 33, quit smoking.Throw away all your cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, ashtrays, lighters, pipes and sports boxers with the cigarette brand on them.Put on a nicotine patch prescribed by a doctor (if you smoke less than half a pack a day, the drug dose is usually about 7-10 mg; if you smoke half a pack to one pack a day, it is 14 mg; if you smoke more than A pack, you need 21-22 mg).Additionally, increasing bupropion intake to twice daily— 100 mg in the morning and the same dose in the evening.Keep going for a walk.The 3-5 days after quitting smoking are the hardest, but as long as you persist until the 40th day—— That is, 7 days after quitting smoking—— It's like walking through the desert, surviving the most difficult period of quitting smoking.After two months, you can reduce the size of the nicotine patch, after four months, the size of the patch can be further reduced, and after six months, you will gradually get off the control of the drug and no longer need to use it.What about daily walks?As long as U2 is selling their albums, keep walking.In other words, keep going forever.Five days after quitting smoking (around day 37), you will start doing 10 minutes of weight training every day (see Chapter 4).One of the biggest problems with quitting smoking is significant weight gain.On average (without walking), men gained 4.5 kg after quitting smoking, and women gained about 3.6 kg. After 6 months, the average woman was two pounds heavier than when she smoked, but the men and women who implemented the above-mentioned smoking cessation plan, who added walking and weightlifting sports, were on average 2.7 kilograms lighter than the day they quit smoking.Although the dangers of smoking far outweigh this risk of weight gain, we can prevent weight gain while quitting smoking.Walking can do just that.Chewing sugar-free gum will also soothe food cravings in your mouth.Wrap a rubber band around your wrist so your fingers have something to do instead of the habitual urge to pick up a cigarette.Eat mostly low-fat foods such as fruits, vegetables, and butter-free popcorn, with snacks that contain a small amount of healthy fat, such as a fruit and walnut platter.If you want to make changes to improve your health and preserve your youth, here's what you can do.Be such a "halfway" person once in your life—— Proud to be "halfway".Think about the rewards: No matter how much or how long you smoke, "quitting halfway" can usually restore the negative effects of smoking within 5 years, and the recovery effect can reach 7/8.If you're surrounded by smog... Secondhand smoke is the rare type that affects your own aging process due to the actions of other people.An hour of being smoked by others is equivalent to smoking 4 cigarettes yourself.In other words, for every cigarette a smoker smokes, others inhale a third.Just look at the consequences: Smoking for 4 hours a day can make your biological age 6.9 years older.Because of this, if you live with a smoker, you must encourage him to quit smoking gradually.It's good for your companions— Not to mention yourself.smoking cessation program Fill in the date when the program will begin. 1.Start walking for 30 minutes every day, don't cut corners, and stick to it every day.Start with ______________. 2.Fill out the prescription.Ask the doctor to prescribe 100 mg of bupropion tablets and nicotine patches. The dosage of the patches is determined according to your smoking amount, as follows: Smoking half a pack of cigarettes a day, 7-10 mg of medication Sucking half a pack to one pack a day Pack of cigarettes, medication 14 mg · Smoking one pack to two packs of cigarettes a day, medication 21-22 mg · Smoking more than two packs a day, please consult a doctor for dosage 3.On (Day 31: two days before the planned quit), take bupropion (bupropion) once daily. 4.Take bupropion once every morning for the next two days. 5.On day 33, use a nicotine patch that penetrates the skin (the day you officially quit smoking).Patch (replace daily) on arms, chest, or thighs. 6.For the next few days, bupropion was taken every morning and evening.Most people can wean themselves off bupropion by day 90 to 180. 7.Continue to walk for 30 (to 45) minutes a day; drink as much water and coffee as you want, without restriction. 8.Give a list of daily activities. 9.Call or email your contact every day to report on your quitting progress. 10.Start weight training on the 37th day (or earlier), and the increase in exercise volume should not exceed 10% per week. 11.Reduce the dose of the nicotine patch (cut the patch in half) every two months until the patch is no longer needed.
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