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Chapter 9 Tip 7 Control Your Frizz

I have a friend named Helen who works as a talent agency and is highly regarded in the industry.Helen can often find the ideal talent for her clients.Once I asked her where was the secret of her success."Probably because I can almost spot when applicants are lying," she said. "how do you know?" She said: "Last week, for example, I interviewed a young girl who was applying for the marketing director of a small company. Throughout the interview, she crossed her left foot with her right foot. Her hands were naturally placed on her thighs. up, looking straight at me."

"I asked her what she wanted from her salary. She looked at me without blinking and answered the question. I asked her again if she liked her job, and she answered 'yes' comfortably, still looking directly at her. Me. Then I asked her why she left her previous job." "At that time, her eyes were looking away before looking at me. And when she answered, she shifted her position and changed her right foot to straddle her left foot. For a while, she even put her hand over her mouth." Helen said: "As long as I have this information, the answer she gave me was that she didn't think there was much opportunity for development in the previous company. But her body language told me that she didn't tell the truth."

Helen then explained that the little girl's actions were not enough to prove that she was lying.However, these small actions are enough for Helen to conduct further verification. Helen continued: "So I tested it out. I changed the subject to a more general subject. Then I asked her about her goals for the future. By now she was no longer embarrassed. She put her hands lightly on her lap again, Tell me that she would like to work in a small company and gain experience in many aspects, so that she does not only know a certain job she is responsible for." "Then I repeated the original question. I asked her if she left the previous job simply because of limited development? Sure enough, she began to change her posture and shift her gaze. While talking about the previous job, she even started rubbing her forehead. gone."

Helen kept testing her, and finally found out the truth.It turned out that the girl was fired by the previous company because she had a fierce conflict of opinion with the marketing executive at the time. Human resources specialists and police officers, who routinely interview applicants or question suspects, are trained to tell when a person is lying.They know very well to catch those clues.As for us ordinary people, although we don't know how to catch wind and shadow, our sixth sense can often detect that someone is lying. Here comes the problem, sometimes we are not lying, but because of the person we are talking to, it makes us have emotional changes, or feel timid.A young man may act unnaturally when talking about his successful career to an attractive woman.Or a woman may involuntarily scratch her neck when talking to a key client about her company's past performance.

There are also many problems caused by the atmosphere at that time.A man may loosen his collar while talking business, though not at all nervous, because it is too hot in the room.Politicians can blink their eyes constantly while speaking outdoors because of the dust in the air.These actions can give the audience or bystanders the false impression that something must be wrong with the speaker or that the speaker is lying.
If your nose, ears, or soles of your feet itch every time you have an important conversation, let it be.Don't move around, grab this and pick that.Most importantly, never touch your face with your hands.Holding your hand close to your face, like any other small gesture, can make the listener think you're talking nonsense.

Communications professionals are on high alert for mistakes like this.They will deliberately avoid such behavior, so as not to be mistaken for cunning and dishonesty.They will continue to maintain eye contact with the audience.And never touch your face with your hands.If your hands feel tingling or your nose itches, you will never scratch.When you feel hot, you won't loosen your collar; even if there is dust around you, you still won't blink your eyes.They don't wave sweat away with their hands or reach out to shade them.They try to live with the discomfort because they know that small gestures can destroy trust.

If you want to leave a good impression on others and feel that you are someone when you have an important conversation, you must try to quit these unnecessary small gestures.
Now we are going to start with "wisdom".You might ask, "What? Is it possible for people to act smarter than they are?" Have you ever heard of Hans the Horse, the horse that counts?Hans is the smartest animal that ever lived, and the tricks he uses are what I'm about to say next.
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