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Chapter 44 Complaining: Dealing with Disappointment

Parents are constantly confronted with complaints from their children, which usually make them very angry.In order to avoid counter-complaints or justifications that lead to anger and even quarrels, parents need to learn to acknowledge their children's complaints as a response to their children's complaints, such as: Thelma: You never buy me anything. Mom: Is there anything you want me to buy for you.Don't say: how can you say that?I bought you so many beautiful clothes last week!You never appreciate anything I do to you, that's your problem! Julian: You never take me out to play.

Father: Where do you want to go?Don't say: You always fight with me at the end, how can I still take you? Zachary: You are always late. Mom: You don't like waiting for me.Don't say: You've never been late?You just don't want to remember every time I waited for you. Jessica: You don't care what happened to me. Father: You like me to be there when you fall down, when you need me.Don't say: I do so many things just to make you happy, how can you say that? "Never" and "always" are favorite words for kids who live in a world of extremes.But parents already know that gray is much more common than black and white, and parents should be able to educate their children by limiting them with the above expressions.

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