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Chapter 47 talk in a friendly way

Now more and more people realize the importance of a friendly way of talking, and more and more businessmen are also increasingly understanding that being friendly to strikers is something to be admired. When 2,500 workers of the Walt Motor Company organized a trade union strike to increase wages, the company manager Burlake did not get angry, punish, or intimidate.Instead, he also praised the strikers.He placed an ad in the Cleveland Gazette extolling their "tool-down peaceful situation."When he saw that the pickets were bored, he bought them baseball bats and gloves, and asked them to play baseball in the field.In order to please those who like to play the earth, he even rents an earth room for them.

Manager Burlake's friendliness had an immediate effect, awakening the spirit of friendliness in the strikers.So the strikers borrowed brooms, shovels, and garbage trucks and began sweeping the factory grounds.In the history of strikes in the United States, such a thing has never been heard.That strike was settled within a week—without any bitterness or disgust. Daniel West is good looking, an eloquent and very accomplished defense attorney.He has a knack for expressing his strong points in court in kind and gentle terms.For example, he will say "This should be considered by the jury", "Gentlemen, this may be worth thinking about", "Gentlemen, these few facts I believe you will not ignore", or "Because of your understanding of human nature knowledge, it is easy to see the importance of these facts".

There is no coercion or high-pressure means, and he never imposes his opinions on others.West's soft-spoken and serene friendliness in his defense is what he is famous for. Of course many people will never face and regulate a strike wave, or speak to a jury, but you might want your landlord to reduce your rent.Then, this kind approach will also be of great help to you. There was an engineer in my class named Staber, who was struggling for a while, so he wanted his rent to be reduced.But he knew that the landlord is a very difficult person, "Nevertheless, I still want to try." Sdebo said in a speech in class, "So I wrote him a letter. Inform the landlord, the contract When the term is over, I will move out immediately. But in fact, I didn't want to move out at that time. If the rent can be reduced, I would like to continue to live in it, but it seems that this is not possible. Other tenants have also tried various methods- — including warnings and even intimidation — people tell me landlords are hard to deal with. But, I said to myself, I’m learning how to get along with people, so I’m going to try it on him — see if it works.”

As soon as Staber's landlord received his letter, he and his secretary found him.Staples stood at the door to welcome the landlord, full of kindness and enthusiasm.At the beginning of the conversation, Staber did not talk about the high rent, but emphasized how much he liked his house.Stable praised the landlord for his management and said that he would like to stay for another year, but he really couldn't afford the expensive rent. "He obviously had never seen a tenant so enthusiastic about him, and he simply didn't know what to do." Sdeber described the scene at that time.Next, the landlord began to complain to Staple, complaining about the tenants, saying that one of them had written him 14 letters, which were too insulting to him.Another tenant threatened to quit the lease if the upstairs tenant couldn't be stopped from snoring. "It's such a relief to have a satisfied tenant like you!" the landlord praised Stable.

Of course, the final result is satisfactory.The landlord offered to reduce some of the rent before Staber made a request. "But it's still a relatively high number," Sdeber said what he could afford, and the landlord agreed without saying anything.When he left, he turned around and asked, "Is there anything I want to decorate for you?" "If I had used the same methods that other tenants have used to force the landlord to reduce the rent, I am sure I would have encountered the same difficulties as them. This kind, sympathetic, and appreciative approach has brought me to my own Purpose."

If a person can realize that a friendly way can better improve the interpersonal relationship around him, then he will also show a gentle and friendly attitude in his daily words and deeds.Violent and rude methods can never win good popularity, only friendly methods can conquer the hearts of others.
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