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Chapter 62 Practice making your voice powerful and elastic

language breakthrough 卡耐基 577Words 2018-03-18
As we grow older, most of us lose the innocence and spontaneity of our childhood, and we fall into certain fixed patterns of physical and vocal communication without knowing it.Our speech will become less and less lifeless, and we will become less and less willing to use gestures, and we will become less and less good at raising and lowering our voices in rhythm.In short, we have lost the liveliness and spontaneity of real conversation.Perhaps in the course of time we get into the habit of speaking too quickly or too slowly, and our words, if we are not careful, become scattered and careless.

This book tells you to be natural, and you may mistakenly think that I can forgive you for using some poor words and sentences, or using monotonous expressions.completely opposite!The naturalness I am talking about here means that one should fully express one's ideas with all one's energy.And don't forget that a good speaker never thinks that his vocabulary has been exhausted, that he can't expand it, that he can no longer make it richer in imagination, can't find a more perfect form of expression, and can't make it expressive. The effectiveness has been enhanced a little bit.As a good speaker, these are exactly what you should strive for and improve yourself.

You'd better be able to measure your volume, key changes and speed.You can use a tape recorder.Also, asking a friend to rate it is also helpful.It would be better if you can get expert guidance.Remember, though, that these exercises don't yet include the audience.Paying attention to your presentation skills in front of the audience should be more important to effectively express your ideas.Once you're in front of an audience, focus yourself on your speech, focus on making a mental and emotional impact on the audience, and your presentation will be stronger than what you get from a book. more powerful.

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