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Chapter 61 Put your heart and soul into your speech

language breakthrough 卡耐基 658Words 2018-03-18
Sincerity, enthusiasm, and a high level of enthusiasm can also help you deliver a successful presentation.When a man is governed by his feelings, his true self comes to the surface; his passion sweeps away all obstacles; Can naturally achieve its true colors. So, in the final analysis, if there is any expressive skill in speech, it is to go back to what this book emphasizes again and again: devotion to the speech. Dean Brown said in a sermon to Yale Divinity School students: "A friend of mine once described to me a church service he attended in London, which I will never forget. This friend Tell me that the main speaker of the sermon that day was the famous evangelist George Macdonald. He read the verses from the eleventh chapter of the "New Testament Hebrews" first that morning. When he came to the sermon, he said and made the following meaningful passage: 'You have all heard the stories of these men who were sincere in their faith. I don't have to tell you what faith is, because the professor of theology can explain it far better than I can. I have come to I am here only to help you in your faith." He then proceeded to state his personal belief in the unseen eternals in a concise, sincere and dignified manner, hoping to help his faithful to establish in their minds and hearts He was absorbed in his work with all his heart. It is self-evident that his sermons had a remarkable effect, for they flowed entirely from his own inner life, and had a real beauty."

The above-mentioned "his wholehearted focus on his work" is the secret of his success, but it can also be applied to anyone.But as far as I know, this advice has not received widespread attention.It fell short of what it should have been, probably because it seemed a little vague and not clear enough.Most people hope that the advice they get is simple and clear, and it must be something he can touch with his hands. This kind of advice is best as precise as a car driving manual.
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