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Chapter 47 told with infectious enthusiasm

language breakthrough 卡耐基 549Words 2018-03-18
Every time you speak, and the purpose is to persuade the other party, all your performance will affect the attitude of the other party.If you don't show up, your audience won't either; if you're casual or intolerant, neither will your audience.Henry Ward Beecher once said: "If a believer falls asleep while listening to a sermon, there is only one thing to do-give the church administrator a sharp wooden stick, and ask him to poke the preacher immediately. A note." I was invited to Columbia University to present a medal in a speech contest.There were 3 referees including me that day.There were about six or seven college students participating in the competition, and everyone was well trained and ready to perform well that day.The fly in the ointment is that they put all their energy into winning that medal, but neglected to really convince the audience.

The topics they choose are obviously not of personal interest, but based on the play of presentation skills.A series of conversations is thus no more than an exercise in the art of oratory. The only exception was a prince from Zulu.The title of his speech was "Africa's Contribution to Modern Civilization".Every word he spoke was filled with intense emotion, not just a drill of oratorical technique.What he said were the living facts, all from the conviction and enthusiasm in his heart. He seemed to be the representative of the Zulu people and spoke for his own land.With his wisdom, his nobility and his goodwill, he communicated to us the hope of the people of that land and begged for our understanding.

We awarded him the medal.Although he could not compare with the other two or three in his speech skills, his conversation was full of sincerity and burned with a real flame.Compared with this, other people's speeches are but a faint flame in a gas furnace.
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