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Chapter 43 Section 2 Design a happy mood for yourself

find happy self 卡耐基 1860Words 2018-03-18
As we all know, emotions can affect or even dominate people's mental and physical health, and boredom is the root cause of many psychological disorders and life diseases.Shortness of breath, headache, poor sleep, dizziness, impotence, and itchy skin are some common physical symptoms.What is even more worrisome is the psychological impact of boredom on people. Boredom dulls the spirit of people's life, extinguishes the enthusiasm of people's life, and takes away the goal of people's life. People often think that those who are easily afflicted by boredom are those who are unemployed, idle, and idle, but in fact, working people are also not immune.Whether at work or at leisure, the people who are most likely to get bored tend to have some of the following characteristics:

(1) Longing for a sense of security and material security. (2) Very sensitive to the evaluation of others. (3) Go with the flow. (4) Worried. (5) Lack of self-confidence. (6) NO CREATIVITY. Emerson has a very incisive saying: "When you feel safe, boredom will follow. It is a sign of insecurity." Because those who choose a safer and less risky path in life, in fact He also chose mediocrity.Their lives lack adventure and passion, lack of creativity and innovation, so it is difficult for them to obtain success and satisfaction in return. And for those who choose the life path of continuous improvement and climbing, life is always full of challenges and stimulation, and almost anything can ignite the enthusiasm for life and the desire to create.There are always many things to do, and many ways to choose from everything.They are so full, busy, optimistic and cheerful. Faced with their resilience and vitality, boredom can never find a breakthrough to sneak into their hearts.For everyone, there will always be times in life that are more or less boring.It is especially possible that many of the things we usually relentlessly pursue may end up boring us.A hard-won job brings endless pressure; the originally sweet and warm relationship with his girlfriend has become boring and boring; the precious leisure time that was longed for has become a stagnant pool due to nothing to do.So we tend to start blaming things around us, society, friends, dirty cities, gloomy weather, bad TV shows, ugly and talkative female co-workers and even the neighbor's stupid dog.This is really the easiest and most common reaction.Freely blaming external influences not only obtains the satisfaction of self-inflated psychology, but also finds various reasons for oneself irresponsibly.

Psychologists have analyzed many causes of boredom, some of which are common: (1) Expectations Frustrated Work is not challenging. (2) Lack of exercise. (3) The gas volume is narrow. (4) Lack of enthusiasm for investment. (5) Emotional vulnerability. (6) Life is monotonous. But the question is, who is keeping our hopes from being realized?What makes our lives static?What makes us so apathetic?Why can't we be more open-minded?If these issues are not resolved, these feelings will recur in our lives, and we will be trapped in the emotional vortex of boredom. So, at the end of the day, we have no reason or need to blame anyone or anything when we're bored.Boredom is our own making.Blindly complaining can't change anything, and can't solve any problems. If we want to make life colorful, rich and interesting, we must rely on ourselves.No one can help us solve our own problems.To eliminate boredom, it all depends on whether you have the courage to take responsibility, the confidence to overcome difficulties, the determination to face pain, and the actions to change the status quo.When we do that, boredom is no longer a problem.

A wise man once said: "If I am bored, I think it must be my own masterpiece." Remember this sentence, if you are bored, it is you who bore yourself, and all problems start with you, All changes can only depend on you.Roman statesman and philosopher Seneca also said: "If you feel dissatisfied all the time, you will feel sad even if you have the whole world." It can be seen that mood will determine a person's attitude towards life.However, not everyone can spend every day in a good mood. People often encounter such and such unpleasant things, which spoil their mood and affect their lives.

About 90% of the things in our lives are good and only 10% are not.If we want to be happy, we have to think more about the 90% good and ignore the 10% bad. We are often faced with situations that bring misery into our lives and are beyond our control.For this situation, we can adopt a more optimistic solution, seeing suffering as a part of life, and no one can escape it. We can learn to cope with problems and accept the inevitability without worrying about suffering because it is more harmful to us than the problems themselves. We can cultivate a happy mood, although it is not easy, but it can be done with hard work.The most important point is that we don't need to worry about the things that have happened and cannot be changed.We can temporarily forget about those things and discover the joy of work and life.If things go on like this, our mood will obtain a lasting pleasant feeling.

Regardless of office or business, there are many attitudes that are very important, one of which is to work with a happy mood.If you are bored with work and do not have interest in doing business, it is a very unfortunate thing in life, and of course there will be no work results to speak of.Therefore, even if it is a monotonous job, it must be done happily. So how to have this mood?I think getting people right is one of those things, but it's more about getting everyone to enjoy their work.If you think that your work has nothing to do with others and has no meaning, of course you can't enjoy your work.Therefore, you should establish a correct business philosophy, execute your work, and support each other.

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