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Chapter 10 Section 4 Relieve Work Anxiety

find happy self 卡耐基 1721Words 2018-03-18
If you're in business, you might think, "That's a ridiculous title. I've been in this business for a dozen years, and someone wants to tell me how to eliminate 50% of the troubles in business—that's ridiculous." That's not bad at all.I would have felt the same way if I had seen a headline like this a few years ago.This title seems to help you, but it is not worth a penny. Let's be open and honest.Maybe I can't help you solve 50% of the worries in your business, and judging by the results of my analysis just now, no one can do it except yourself.However, all I can do is show you how other people do it, and the rest is up to you.

I mentioned the words of the world-renowned Dr. Carell earlier: "People who don't know how to fight worry often die young." Since the consequences of worrying are so serious, if I can help you eliminate even 10% of them, you may be satisfied.I'm going to tell you how an entrepreneur not only eliminated 50% of his worries, but also saved 70% of the time he used to spend in meetings and solving business problems. Of course, I will not tell you things that cannot be verified at all. The protagonist of this matter is a real person——Leon Xu Mengjin.For many years he was one of the directors of several top units of Simon Publishing and is currently Chairman of Pocket Books, New York, NY.

Here's his experience: "For 15 years, I've spent almost half of every day in meetings and discussing issues. People are tense, fidgeting, walking around, debating each other, and going in circles. I feel exhausted by the end of the day. If someone To tell me that I can cut off 3/4 of my meeting time and 3/4 of my nervous tension, I must think he is crazy. But I have a plan that will do exactly that. This method I have already After using it for 8 years, it has had unexpected benefits for my productivity, my health and my happiness. "Here's my recipe. First, I immediately stop the procedure we've been using in our meetings for 15 years—my annoyed colleagues report the problem in detail before asking 'what should we do'. Second , I set a new rule - anyone who wants to return a question to me must first prepare a written report answering the following 4 questions.

(1) What exactly went wrong? (We used to spend an hour or two before no one figured out what the real problem was.) (2) What is the cause of the problem? (I'm amazed how much time I wasted. Not being able to clearly figure out what the underlying conditions were causing the problem.) (3) What are the possible solutions to these problems? (In the past, one person suggested a method at the meeting, and the other person would argue with him. The debate often went off topic, and several methods could not be come up after the meeting.) (4) Which method do you suggest? (Meetings used to involve spending hours worrying about a situation, going in circles, never thinking of all the possible options, and then writing them down. Here’s my suggested solution.)

"Now, my subordinates seldom bring up questions. Because they find that after answering the above four questions carefully, the most appropriate solution will be like bread jumping out of the oven. Even if it is necessary to discuss, The time spent is only 1/3 of the past, because the discussion process is organized and logical, and in the end, very sensible conclusions can be reached.” Frank Bigger, the tycoon of the American insurance industry, used a similar method to not only eliminate troubles, but also increase income.He said: "When I first started selling insurance, I was so passionate about what I did. Then something happened that really discouraged me. I started to look down on my career and almost quit - but then suddenly I thought of something. The thing, I sat down one Saturday morning trying to figure out the source of my worry.

"(1) I first ask myself 'what is the problem'. My problem is that I have visited so many people, but the results are not satisfactory. I have a good talk with customers, but when they are about to close the deal, they say to me 'I'll think about it, let's talk about it next time'. I have to spend time looking for him again, which makes me feel very depressed. "(2) I asked myself 'what are the possible solutions'. Before answering, of course I had to study the past situation. I took out the logbook of the past 12 months and looked at the numbers on it.

"I was surprised to find that 70% of the insurance I sold was closed on the first meeting; another 23% was closed on the second meeting; only 7% was closed on the third, fourth, and third meetings. Five times...to close the deal. In fact, almost half of my working time is wasted on the 7% business. "(3) So what is the answer? Obviously, I should immediately stop visiting after the second time, and use the free time to find new customers. The results were astonishing. In a short period of time, I The average achievement of earning 2.70 yuan per time has increased to 4.27 yuan."

Frank Bigger now receives more than $1 million in insurance business every year.But he had tried to give up his share of the profession, and was on the point of admitting defeat.As it turned out, analyzing the problem set him on the road to success. Here are a few more questions to see if you can apply them, too: (1) What is the problem? (2) What is the cause of the problem? (3) What are the possible solutions to the problem? (4) Which method do you suggest?
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