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Chapter 39 Lesson 4: Eloquent Strategies for Successfully Persuading Others

Around us, we often see some people talking incoherently and endlessly when persuading others about a certain matter, but the object of persuasion is at a loss and does not understand why.Insufficient words and too many words will not only fail to convince the other party, but will make the other party more bored. There are also some people who can quote widely around a topic, see the big from the small, and explain the deep with the shallow. Although they are eloquent, their words not only take into account the special status and psychology of the persuasion target, take care of face, but also allow the other party to quickly understand their intentions and effectively Dispel their rebellious psychology, and convince the listener through their own organized and well-structured language.

"Persuasion" is the art of influencing people to buy your point of view and show your charisma.People with persuasive ability are mostly people who are good at insight into the psychology of others, and they always show a confident and energetic appearance.They can grasp not only their own emotions, but also the emotions of others, so that they are always in an active position. If we want to persuade others, we must first thoroughly understand other people's opinions, see what they think, how they feel, and understand how they see things. The better we understand what other people think, feel, and perceive, the more persuasive we will be.The more we know about other people's thoughts, the more persuasive our words will be.

Only after you have mastered the road leading to the hearts of various characters can you gradually clear away their inner worries, answer their inner doubts, and push aside those opinions that are different or opposite to yours. There are many people who are very eloquent. After refuting the other party's verbal opinions with their own rhetoric, they think that they have persuaded others, but they don't know what unsolved problems are still hidden in the other person's heart.This kind of persuasion is only verbal persuasion, but not in my heart.If others refuse to accept it, it cannot be regarded as persuasion.If others are not convinced by your words, they will not follow your words.Therefore, we should always care about their lives, get close to them, listen to their conversations, pay attention to their performance in all aspects, and study and analyze their behavioral motives and their psychological activity patterns.These are our preparations for persuading others.

If you want to improve your ability to persuade others, you must regard caring for and understanding others as a job that requires constant effort.
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