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Chapter 28 Chapter 27

Chinese water control epic 何建明 25719Words 2018-03-16
In a book called "Zengguang Xianwen" used by the ancients for enlightenment education, there is a saying that "mountains and streams are easy to rise and easy to retreat". It seems that only those who have experienced the mountains and rivers have such feelings.Especially in the mountains in the south, due to the relatively rich vegetation, the rainfall is 30 to 50% more than that in the plains. Seeing the clear sky and a gust of mountain wind passing by, the mountains and valleys are suddenly covered with dark clouds. When the clouds come to rain, the rain is like a piece of The huge curtain, pulled by Shanfeng's invisible giant palm, danced wildly in the mountains and rivers.The rainwater gathers into the lowest valley along countless gullies. The small stream that was singing a cheerful ditty just now will become rough and fierce in an instant. The trapped beasts rampaged all the way, rushed straight down from the mountains, and contained the evil waves from all the hills all the way. This team, which became more and more powerful, galloped to the gentle mountains, and it was already turbid waves.

If it wasn't for the mountain people, no one would believe that these gentle creeks would turn their backs and gather so many floods in such a short period of time.But the water receded quickly. When the rain stopped and the wind stopped, thousands of horses galloped into the distance. Once it calmed down, the creek turned into a trickle again in an instant.Like a weeping woman who just now shed tears and died, as long as she hears a funny sentence, she will immediately laugh through her tears. This is a landscape that has frequently appeared in front of mountain people for thousands of years, so it was accurately described by the ancients as "easy to rise and easy to retreat".

This is by no means a common daily performance, and it is not the scenery that mountain people sit in their houses or under the rocks to hide from the rain.Even an old man who has lived a hundred years in the mountains cannot estimate what kind of disaster a certain rain can cause.These raging mountains and rivers will directly tear the fields on both sides of the valley, and roll the crops into the dead leaves and trees and send them to distant places.Mountains and rivers will also cause the mountains to become soft, forming large and small landslides.There is no torrential rain that does not devour mountains, fields, houses, and even people and livestock.Whenever the mountain rains come suddenly, it is the time when the mountain people are in fear.In the mountains, heavy rains that can be called "mountain torrents" occur at least five or six times or ten times a year.

Along the big river in Pingchuan, a special profession came into being, called salvaging "big water slag".These so-called "big water dregs" are the beams, floors, beds, cabinets, live sheep, dead pigs, and dead people washed away by the "mountain torrents"... Every time a heavy rain comes, there must be a place in the distance. The mountain people in a certain mountain rush will unfortunately be hit by floods.No one can predict which ravine or hillside will be flooded and mudslides will occur.Those who fish for "big water slag" all grew up by the river and know how to be water-based. They are all masters of conquering wind and waves. booty.It is said that these things should be returned to those mountain people in distress, but this is unrealistic. These things may come from thirty or fifty miles or a hundred miles away, and the owner cannot be found. Some mountain people have never been down the mountain in their lives. I think I am unlucky, no one would think that those things will still exist.

Once a dead person is found, anyone who fishes for "big water slag" will try his best to fish it out, bury it well, and leave nameless marks such as stone tablets and wooden plaques, so that the descendants of the deceased can find it in the future .In case no one comes to look for it, every year on Ching Ming Festival, people will burn a piece of paper money for the dead, so as not to make the suffering person suffer too much in the underworld. No one can stop the coming of wind and rain, and no one can stop the occurrence of such traditional disasters.Is there any way to delay the formation of those floods, and the momentum of the evil dragon in an instant, so that people can take precautions?People look forward to millennia and EMI.

People in the mountains are afraid of water and even hate water, but they look forward to water and love water. When the flood floods suddenly and the streams and rivers are full of turbid waves, people are frightened. When the clouds cleared, the fog cleared, the wind cleared and the sun was shining, and the mountain stream became light and quiet again, people hoped that they would not walk so fast and thoroughly.Because when people need water, after all, it is far greater than when they are afraid of water. Like all people and crops, people and crops in mountainous areas are also inseparable from water.Because of the topography, people in mountainous areas are more dependent on water.When the water from the thousands of mountains and ravines is sent to the distant plains through countless streams, it is already a torrential river. With its abundant reserves, even the severe drought that has not been encountered in a century cannot make them describe it as withered. She can still Moisturize the earth.Even the Yellow River, which is often dry, people can still find water from its wide riverbed by digging wells.

Mountainous areas are different. The flood has just passed by, and the drought will follow.Most of the fields that people in the mountains rely on for survival are inlaid on the slopes of rocks with difficulty. Some fields are simply named "Coir raincoat hill" or "Bamboo hat hill" according to their size.A piece of land the size of a bamboo hat must be fully utilized by the mountain people, and it will also be honored as a mound field. It can be seen that it is difficult for the mountain people to find food, and it is difficult to see several fields on the same level.In the past, those who owned a few acres of land in our mountains were enviable rich people. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, most of them were classified as "landlords".

In order to plow the fields all over the mountains and ridges in a timely manner, the mountain people have a unique scenery, that is, they use a basket to carry the newly born cows to the mountains to feed them. Till those little fields.Because the mountain road is steep and dangerous, it is impossible for a grown cow to climb it.Pity those cows that were carried up the mountain, and they can no longer come down the mountain to see their relatives, friends and birthplace. In the long and typical farming society, these coir raincoat mounds and bamboo hat mounds can only be "looking at the sky to harvest", and if it rains a little more, the harvest will be three or five buckets more.When the times are not good, you can only sit and wait helplessly.These poor fields will never enjoy the full watering of the rivers and streams.

Since ancient times, "water flows to low places", in the eyes of my elders, this is a reasonable natural law and an objective law that cannot be changed, so they feel at ease and accept that their fate is miserable. As long as you still live in the mountains, the stream will not flow to you. in the field.Because it is difficult to go up the mountain with water, and the mountain cannot retain water, it is difficult to grow rice in the mountain, and most people in the mountain live on dry soil crops.The most drought-tolerant crops in the mountains are sweet potatoes, followed by corn and sorghum.When we were young, the happy life we ​​most yearned for was to eat a meal of pure white rice.Looking forward to such a meal of white rice, we often have to wait for a year. Only at the reunion dinner table on New Year's Eve, can we smell the pure aroma of white rice.In the experience and knowledge of the people in the mountains, I think this is the most wonderful fragrance in the world.

Our ancestors will always remember a Cantonese named Xie Zhongyuan.In the 50th year of Qianlong, the Xie family was the magistrate of Pingjiang County, my hometown. At that time, Pingjiang County was hit by a severe drought. The river below the mountain was almost dry, and the soil on the mountain was dry and smoking.Most of the crops planted in spring died young.It is a big deal to see that his subjects have no crops.Xiezhi County hurriedly introduced a kind of sweet potato called "Annan Potato" from his hometown, which was widely planted by the people.This potato does not need to be sown. It can survive by picking off its vines and inserting it into the soil. No matter on the hillside or depression, regardless of the soil, lean or muddy, it can take root when it sees the mud. It can withstand drought and wind and rain. After a few months You can grow fist-sized sweet potatoes.A scorpion can range from a few catties to a few tens of catties. If you eat it raw, you don't need to cook it, and you can also feed humans and animals.

This year, when the people of Pingjiang were helpless, they followed Xie Zhi County to plant sweet potato seedlings in doubt.Sure enough, the seedlings were not afraid of drought, and they gradually covered the hillside.In October, the potatoes are ripe, and when the mud ridges are dug, there are many fruits. The meat is tender, sweet and refreshing, and the juice is plump.People in Pingjiang relied on this thing to survive a catastrophic year. Since then, the Pingjiang mountain area, and even the entire southern mountain area, have transplanted this plant from Guangdong, and it has continued to become the staple food of the mountain people. Pingjiang called this thing "fennel".Wherever this plant is grown in China, there is no second place where it is called "fennel".Some historians have tried their best to study the origin of this name, but they have found nothing so far. For more than 200 years, Xiezhi County has brought great kindness and virtue to the people of Pingjiang, which is too numerous to write down, so a temple was built to remember it, and people called him "Master Hui". In the minds of our ancestors, the reputation of "Master Anise" is even higher than that of Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice today. Before the 1970s, "fennel" was the staple food of people from Pingjiang to the mountain people in the south, and rice became miscellaneous grains.At that time, the reason why state cadres and people's teachers were enviable was that they could go to the grain station to buy 27 catties of rice every month with the grain certificate.Even so, if the 27 catties of rice were not mixed with fennel, it still wouldn't last until the end of the month.What's more, the vast majority of cadres are from rural areas. There are old and young, and the whole family eats around the 27 catties of rice. Anise is full of treasures and can be used from head to toe.Fennel can be used to boil sugar. At that time, few families could afford white sugar, so they boiled fennel sugar for their own use. Good green food is a treasure on the banquet today; when the fennel grows to about two feet long, it is the season for the fennel to be harvested, and the fennel must be cut for use. The vines are tied into bundles and hung on the beams to dry. This is the scenery of farmhouses without exception.Regarding the benefits of fennel, there is a folk proverb in Pingjiang that praises it: Because there was no white rice to eat, the people in the mountains were very inferior at that time. Those who had white rice looked down on those who had no food.Respectable girls outside the mountains will not marry into the mountains. They are afraid of eating fennel and the smell of fennel in their husband's mouth. In the long years before the 1970s, it was difficult for the mountain people who depended on the mountains to enjoy the wealth provided by green. When the great leader Mao Zedong solemnly proclaimed the founding of New China at the Tiananmen Gate Tower, there were only 400 million compatriots in our country. In just two decades, China's population has soared to more than one billion, of which eight to nine billion are rural population.More than half of such a huge group of people who have eaten cooked food handed down from generation to generation do not know what electricity and coal are, and they all rely on cutting wood from the mountains for cooking and heating. In the early 1950s, I was born in a small hill in Pingjiang County, an old revolutionary area in northern Hunan.During the Revolutionary War, the head office of the Communist Party of China in the three provinces of Hunan, Hubei, and Jiangxi was located in the deep mountains and old forests of Pingjiang County.The high mountains and dense forests here have become natural barriers, protecting batch after batch of revolutionary fighters.According to my elders, in front of and behind my house, there are stretches of towering trees that several people can't hold in their arms. Relying on these trees, our small mountain has also made outstanding contributions. Well protected the guerrillas of the Communist Party.Because of the abundance of forests and water, there are often tigers and leopards in my hometown.Not long after I was born, all the militiamen in the village were mobilized to hunt a tiger that had traveled here.But in my sensible impression, the emotional descriptions of the elders sound like a fantasy to me. I can neither see towering ancient trees nor exotic flowers and plants. Like all the country children, I was only twelve or thirteen years old, and my immature shoulders could lift dozens of catties. Once this shoulder was useful, I would be like my peers All the same, the same thing that uses your shoulders the most is going up hills to chop wood!In the words of adults, chopping firewood is called "raising the stove".The adults have to do collective work, and the work of "raising the stove" is left to the women and us children. At that customary time, on the road into the mountain behind my house, there was the sound of chopping firewood knives on the skewer, which was a signal to gather a team to go up the mountain to cut firewood.The neighbors who like to live in groups also like group labor.The ancients said: "When many people gather firewood, the fire is high." Chairman Mao said: "The strength of the number of people is great." This flame, this power, generally refers to the excitement of group labor.This kind of excitement is very important for a manual laborer, and many hardships can be resolved in the excitement.Our team of cutting firewood on the mountain can often gather 20 to 30 people, or even 50 or 60 people.Dozens of sharp machetes, once inserted into the firewood on the hillside, are like a group of greedy caterpillars, which can eat up a piece of firewood in a short time.In a few days, a hillside can be gnawed clean.In a month's work, a mountain can be eaten clean.People not only have to gnaw out the seedlings, but also dig out the stumps and burn them into ashes... In this way, we only need to spend a few years to turn the dense jungle in front of our houses, as our elders said, into ashes. It was eaten up.A forest that is ten years long is only as tall as a person, and it only takes a few minutes to be put into the firewood stoves of the villagers before it becomes ashes.When our hillsides turned into yellow land, our team began to march towards higher mountains and forests with skewers. These extremely fast-reproducing "caterpillars" are inseparable from cooked food. The reality of survival forces them to Go endlessly to the mountains and jungles, devour the forests, ask for flames, and nourish yourself.Such a team can be assembled in a few housing estates.A village has several such teams.A township will have dozens of such teams. When my old elders watched such a huge firewood cutting team sweating profusely like caterpillars eating away at the greenery, their final emotion was nothing more than a helpless nostalgia for the convenience of burning firewood in the past.They said that in the bamboo garden behind my house and on the small hill behind, just go out and pick up some dead branches and leaves, and the problem of burning can be easily solved, which is not as difficult as it is now.The problem of burning has indeed become more and more a headache for farmers, and it is not at all easier than making food.When I was twelve or thirteen, shortly after dawn, the sound of beating skewers began to sound on the road into the mountain behind the house. This sound reminded us that we had to set off.So we had to eat in the dark, otherwise we would not be able to keep up with the team.In this way, we can plan to chop a load of firewood from the mountains a few miles away in the morning, and after a quick meal, we can chop another load of firewood before dark in the afternoon.Although it is "black at both ends", these two loads of firewood can solve the burning problem of a family for three or four days.But this kind of situation passed away very quickly. In only two or three years, there was no firewood on the mountains five or six miles away from my home, so we had to go further into the mountains.Soon our "two-headed black" can only chop back a load of firewood.Later, we took grain and some local products that were not available in the mountains, walked dozens of miles of mountain roads, looked for relatives and friends, and lived in the homes of mountain people in the old mountains to chop firewood, and then moved out slowly like ants moving house. Due to excessive deforestation, the dense jungle in the legendary hometown of my elders has finally become a legend. At this time, even an ignorant child will deeply feel the crisis of burning - if the mountains are all cut down, what will we use to cook? People in my hometown knew the word "reservoir" in the early 1970s.Before that, we only knew that the "pond" was the most capable of storing water.One or more ponds of different sizes are dug in front of and behind almost all houses and in places with paddy fields.The function of these ponds is to open the gates to help the seedlings when the river ditch dries up in a severe drought.Followed by laundry and fish.With the emergence of reservoirs, people realize how small the pond is. The largest pond can only irrigate a dozen acres of crops, while a small reservoir can protect hundreds of households in a radius of more than ten miles. worry. Reservoir, a fresh term, appeared after the founding of the Republic, and it is one of the important manifestations of Mao Zedong's strategy of governing the country. Shaoshan, the birthplace of Mao Zedong, is the most typical hilly area in southern China.All mountain people's feelings about the characteristics of water are also his personal feelings, and there is no difference.The country is based on the people, the people depend on food, water and agricultural production, water and the daily life of ordinary people are closely related, this point, the young Mao Zedong already had a deep understanding. In the early 1930s, Mao Zedong, who had become a member of the Communist Party of China, wrote the famous "Investigation of Xingguo" and "Longevity" based on his own experience and actual investigations in foreign lands when he launched the Agrarian Revolutionary War in Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province. Gang Township Survey" two good articles.During these two investigations, Mao Zedong noticed the flood and drought disasters and was very concerned about the soil erosion in southern Jiangxi. He explained in the article: "The mountains in that area are all sandy mountains, there are no trees, and the sand in the mountains is covered by water. If it rushes into the river, the river will be higher than the field, and the height will be higher every year, and once the river embankment is broken, it will become a flood, and if it does not rain for a long time, it will become a drought." After conducting an investigation in a place called Changgang Township, Mao Zedong clearly stated: The Soviet government must focus on water conservancy and establish water conservancy committees. The chairman of the township Soviet concurrently serves as the director of the township water conservancy committee. Each village must have a water conservancy committee member. As early as the spring of 1933, Mao Zedong convened a meeting of Soviet cadres in Shuishi Township, Wuyang District, in Yeping, Jiangxi Province, to hear reports on the situation of water conservancy repairs.After listening to the report, Mao Zedong instructed the land department of the central government to write the "Outline of Summer Plowing Movement", introducing Wuyang's experience, and making the construction of water conservancy one of the central tasks of summer plowing.The poor agricultural harvests in most areas of the central base areas have a lot to do with the natural disasters of floods and droughts.In order to reduce the adverse effects of floods and droughts on the growth of crops, an upsurge in the construction of water conservancy projects has been set off. The Ministry of Land of the central government requires all base areas to protect and repair water storage facilities such as water pits, canals, and ponds. Yes, and build new ones.Where water is scarce, ponds should be dug at high places, and waterwheels that have not been repaired should continue to be repaired.It is suggested that bobbins should be installed in all areas along the river to ensure that when water is scarce, this simple semi-mechanized tool can be used to lift water ashore.Water is the blood of rice fields. If the water problem is not solved, there will be no water irrigation or flooding during flood periods, and the fertilizer and labor invested by farmers will be useless. In January 1934, Mao Zedong made a report "Our Economic Policy" at the Second National Congress of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers held in Ruijin.The report reiterated the importance of water conservancy in agricultural production.This scientific thesis accurately expressed the important position of water conservancy in agricultural production, and played an important guiding role in the agricultural construction of the Soviet area.Mao Zedong clearly put forward the idea that "water conservancy is the lifeblood of agriculture" in his article "Our Economic Policy". In the 1950s, water conservancy became one of the important contents of the eight-character agricultural constitution proposed by Mao Zedong. Water is a product of nature, an important natural resource, the foundation of a country, the foundation of a strong country, and the minimum guarantee for human survival.However, water is both beneficial to people and harmful to people. It can bring benefits and disasters.How to better eliminate water damage and promote water conservancy?Before the Communist Party of China seized power, Mao Zedong had already had a systematic idea. After the founding of New China, Mao Zedong and his comrades in arms could implement the water control strategy according to their own will. In the late 1950s, in terms of water control policies, "storage" [mainly storage], "small" [small-scale], "group" [management by the masses] and "platoon" [mainly row], There are two different opinions on "big" [mainly large] and "country" [depending on the country].In this regard, Mao Zedong pointed out at the Central Chengdu Conference in 1958: "There are two routes, one is 'more speed, better economy', and the other is 'less slow travel fees'. Let's study it and see if it can be said that way. The water conservancy department has obvious Two routes: one is called row [drainage] big [large] country [government office], the other is called storage [store up] small [small] group [established by the masses], as mentioned in an article in Henan. , Dayu's method is not to focus on storage; it is mainly based on large-scale projects, relying on the country, relying on the country, Sanmenxia, ​​Foziling, Guanting Reservoir,... Now it is mainly 'storage' and 'small' , The 'mass' is the main thing, it's not that you don't want to be big. The unity of opposites, and gradually understand. The main thing is to 'build a small group', but also to 'arrange the big country'. The Three Gorges, the Sanmenxia can only be done by national power." Mao Zedong's concept of water control is very clear, large water conservancy construction should be based on state investment, and small water conservancy construction should give full play to the power of the local and the masses.Moreover, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the national strength was still weak, and under the situation that a thousand wastes were waiting to be rebuilt, the policy of focusing on small water conservancy construction was advocated. In 1955, Chairman Mao pointed out in the commentary to the article "Every person should have one mu of water land": "On the basis of cooperation, the masses have great power. Ordinary floods and droughts that cannot be solved for thousands of years may be resolved within a few years." The "Outline of National Agricultural Development from 1956 to 1967" promulgated by the central government further pointed out: "The development of national water conservancy undertakings should focus on the construction of small and medium-sized water conservancy projects, and at the same time build necessary large-scale water conservancy projects." "Small water conservancy projects [drilling wells, digging ponds, building embankments, digging dry wells, opening ditches, building polders, building reservoirs, constructing water storage and drainage systems such as ditches, furrows, fields, and terraces] The management of small rivers is the responsibility of localities and members of agricultural cooperatives. It is planned to carry out as many as possible. Through these works, combined with the construction of large and medium-sized national water conservancy projects and the management of large and medium rivers, it is required to basically eliminate ordinary floods and droughts within twelve years." "Any water conservancy that can generate electricity Construction of small and medium-sized hydropower should be carried out at the same time as possible, combined with the construction of large and medium-sized power projects in the country, and gradually increase rural electricity consumption.” Because Chairman Mao of the Party Central Committee firmly believed that the masses can solve their own problems, shortly after the founding of the People's Republic of China, a massive mass movement to build water conservancy flourished all over the country. "Self-reliance and hard work" became the most resounding slogan for water conservancy construction in mountainous areas in the late 1960s and early 1970s.Inspired by this slogan, a battle without gunpowder was launched among the high mountains.Although I did not sweat profusely on this battlefield, I was fortunate to be a witness to the entire construction process.My colleagues and I, every once in a while, in accordance with Chairman Mao's great call to "serve the workers, peasants and soldiers", show revolutionary films that inspire fighting spirit and sing revolutionary model operas for migrant workers who are fighting on this battlefield. At that time, my hometown, Pingjiang County, started to build three backbone reservoirs at the same time. 30,000 to 40,000 migrant workers from 13 districts marched to various construction sites in accordance with the instructions of the "Pingjiang County Hydropower Construction Headquarters".Each reservoir construction site is called a "battalion" according to the military system, and there are "companies, platoons, and squads" under it.A shift is composed of ten strong laborers in a production team. Their labor remuneration is not paid, neither by the state nor by the county. They go back to the production team to record work points, which are shared by all the people in the production team. , That is to say, the method at that time was to mobilize the power of the people in the county to build water conservancy, do their own things, and be self-reliant in the true sense. Migrant workers are not only not paid, but even the rice, oil, and salt they eat are sent by the production teams.There is no shortage of firewood, and the dam is about to be built. The water in this reservoir will submerge the mountain for more than ten miles in the future, and the firewood below the water level will not be able to survive. It can be used to burn fire and keep warm. Rural water conservancy repairs are generally arranged in winter and early spring during the slack season.After the late rice was put into the warehouse and the winter crops were put into the soil, migrant workers from all directions headed into the mountains with cotton wool for the winter.At this time, the mountain wind was already bitter, and the cold had come. People cut bamboo and wood from the mountain that will soon be submerged. According to the arrangement, a long shed is built on a flat place at the bottom of the mountain not far from the dam construction in units of "rows". The bunk that sleeps dozens of people is covered with thick thatch, the walls are made of bamboo strips, and the outside is covered with mud to keep out the wind. The buglers who returned from the army returned to their old jobs, commanding tens of thousands of migrant workers to get up, eat, go to work, rest, and turn off the lights several times a day with loud bugle sounds.Red flags were flying around the entire construction site, and slogans became a city.Tweeters were set up everywhere, and from dawn to dusk, majestic and mighty revolutionary songs and the hoarse agitation of the head of the command were played non-stop.All these means can't help but make this team excited and excited, and then, like soldiers in the war years, they scrambled, risked their lives, fought bloody battles, and moved forward one by one. On the water conservancy construction sites in the 1960s and 1970s, there were no excavators, bulldozers, mixers, road rollers, and vibrators...the builders, including the head of the headquarters, had never heard of such machines .I have seen cars before, but cars are still too rare and precious, and I am reluctant to use them to pull dirt.It all depends on people to use their shoulders to carry the soil to the dam foundation one by one, and build it up inch by inch.It was a very spectacular and tragic picture - a team of hundreds of people lined up in a long line, carrying a dustpan, fighting bravely to be the first, and gradually approaching the dam from all directions like ants.Numerous teams of sand-making teams are embedded on the dam like nails. They work in groups of four, lift the stone-walls high with their hands, and smash the stone-walls into the soil heavily, relying on manual labor. Strength, come and beat the soil tightly, I hope she will be unbreakable for thousands of years.Facing the increasingly hard northwest wind, these hard-working men were all sweating, wearing single clothes or shirtless, and every inch of soil on the dam was squeezed tightly by the sweat and strength of meticulous people.In today's construction site, there are only machines roaring, and there are few people to be seen. A road roller can run over gently, and it can be regarded as hundreds of people shouting hoarse throats. Think about the heroic defeat of thousands of troops in the past. With the power of diesel, I can't help but feel nervous. How much sweat and hard work have brought about today's modernization. Tens of thousands of troops have to work until the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month before they can go home for the New Year, and they have to return to the construction site on the third day of the first lunar month.In the era of "breaking the four olds", traditional festivals were also the objects of "revolution". It is very humane to have a few days off during the Chinese New Year so that everyone can go home for reunion.If someone dares to be absent from work because of nostalgia for the New Year, it is a very big matter. If such a thing happens, it must be linked to class struggle.Because if one person does not come, it will affect the mood of the people in his class; if a class starts to hinder the revolution, it will inevitably slow down the progress of a platoon; if it spreads to a platoon, it will be like a fruit that starts If it goes bad, it will spread quickly and burn a basket of fruit. "An embankment of a thousand miles collapses in a hole", "prevents the gradual progress", "a grain of mouse droppings spoils a pot of porridge"... At that time, any worker and peasant cadre in the headquarters, even an uneducated worker and peasant cadre, would use these words from Chairman Mao's works Use the aphorisms in folk sayings to describe this danger and analyze the seriousness of the matter.Since it is considered dangerous, it will be resolutely stopped.Even if a parent dies, gets married, or has a child at home, they are not allowed to ask for leave.Tens of thousands of people are on the construction site, who doesn't have something important at home?If one person walks, everyone can walk.If you are on the battlefield, throwing down your guns and going about your own business is tantamount to running away-and this is the battlefield, a team managed by the military system.Once such a thing happens, the headquarters will cooperate with the local government, arrest people without mercy, and put on a high hat to criticize them on stage. In order to clean up the "military" discipline, they have to kill chickens for monkeys to see.There was no leeway for such a major issue of right and wrong, which was related to the stability of the army. In that era, there was absolutely no back door to open, and the commander had no power to approve anyone who asked for leave.If any cadre dares to do such a thing, he will probably be pushed to the stage to criticize and lose his job. We went to the construction site to condolences to the migrant workers. Even in the snowy weather, the movies and performances would go on as usual. Thousands of migrant workers would be as unruffled as soldiers and persist in watching the show.Of course, individual violators are often criticized before the performance begins.Before the performance, we often have to listen to the head of the command department brutally denounce some phenomena of laziness or irregular labor. Chairman Mao made such an exciting speech at the second meeting of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "'Let the mountains bow their heads, and the rivers give way' is a very good sentence. The mountains, we want you to bow your head, how dare you not bow your head! The river water Well, we want you to give way, how dare you not give way!" "Is it arrogance to imagine this way? No, we are not madmen, we are pragmatists, we are Marxists who seek truth from facts." It seems that it is impossible to make the mountains bow their heads and the rivers give way without perseverance, courage, extraordinary means, iron discipline, and steel will.In Chairman Mao's view, these warriors who built the dam relying on their shoulders were not madmen.But in the eyes of today's people, it is an unimaginable crazy move. A reservoir power station completed in Pingjiang County in 1971 has a dam height of 52 meters, an effective storage capacity of 17.28 million cubic meters, and 29,100 mu of irrigated fields. It is the first medium-sized reservoir in the county. Completed 5.8235 million man-days; another reservoir power station completed in 1978 had a dam height of 58 meters and an effective storage capacity of 30.4 million cubic meters. The station was built in two stages, with 4 hydroelectric generating units installed, with a total capacity of 4,000 kilowatts, and 5.6727 million projects were invested ; In 1980, the third reservoir power station was completed and put into operation, with a dam height of 53.3 meters and a storage capacity of 8.3 million cubic meters.The station will be built in two stages, with 6 hydroelectric generating units installed, with a total capacity of 3,400 kilowatts, and 3,035,300 workers invested. When building these three small and medium-sized reservoir power stations, 30,000 to 40,000 migrant workers worked at the same time every day, and it took more than 300 days and more than 500 days to complete them respectively.what does this mean?How much rice do 30,000 to 40,000 people eat a day?How much vegetables to eat?How much firewood do you burn?How much stool is excreted?How many shacks covered with thatch will sleep in more than five hundred days?Broken dustpans, broken shoulder poles, worn-out straw sandals have to be piled up into several hills...and such huge consumables are all brought in from all over the county on shoulders.Some have to travel dozens of miles, while others have to travel hundreds of miles.There is no and no one will expect to find a car for a ride-such a project completed with crowd tactics cannot be done without the support of "madmen" and tenacious revolutionary sentiments. The earth dam of more than 50 meters is still standing firmly among the green mountains and green waters after more than 30 years.The soil that was stepped on with bare feet, solidified with stones, and poured with sweat locked the rampant torrents in the mountain rush. On the dam built by the "madman", even a small hole the size of a needle nose was scoured out.The occupation of fishing for "big water slag" under the mountain has since disappeared.There is a dam blocking the river as a barrier, and the sudden wind and rain can no longer frighten the people in the mountains. In the early 1970s, a general named Yu Jie gave up being a senior official in Beijing and returned to his hometown in Lijiang Village in Pingjiang County to settle down.He was not demoted because of the "Cultural Revolution", but he didn't want to stay in the chaotic environment at that time, and he wanted to come back.This matter became a hot topic in Pingjiang for a while.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he did not join the army to confer military ranks, and served as the Deputy Minister of Food and the Deputy Minister of Commerce respectively.But Pingjiang people prefer to call him "General".At that time, we had just started working, and we were paid 28.50 yuan a month. General Yu earned 285 yuan a month, only a few tens of dollars less than Chairman Mao.Two hundred and eighty-five yuan is a big number for us. No matter how we imagine it for the general, the money will never be spent.We dare not imagine what a decent life a general has lived. General Yu Jie participated in the revolution in 1926. After more than 40 years, he still lives in an old earthen house. Some walls are cracked with a gap of one or two finger widths.There are three main houses, and the other two are covered with thatch. When it rains, water drips, and when the weather is fine, straw chips fall—this is because sparrows like to build their nests in the thatch. The general probably doesn't want to drive them away, so let them go. Living freely, they enjoy it, but people suffer.The general's bedroom is a muddy floor, and some new soil has been filled here and there, and the old pits have been leveled.White paper was pasted on the windows. There was no electric light here, and kerosene lamps were still used.There is only a bed, a table, and a chair in the room, all of which are made of white wood, and have not even been painted. When the general passed away in this room more than ten years later, these furniture had not been painted. In the dimly lit house, the most conspicuous things are a dark red old-fashioned leather box, a free stick and a top hat.The suitcase was given to him by Zhou Enlai when he was in Yan'an, and it contained the commission certificate issued to him by Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai and several Marxist-Leninist works.The freedom stick and top hat were given to him by an old man.These few things, he has been carrying with him all over the world, and he will never forget them wherever he goes. From the county seat to the general's house, it takes more than 80 miles to walk on a gravel road, and it is only more than 80 miles on a rough and winding rural dirt road, and it takes three to four hours to drive by car. In January 1970, when General Yu Jie returned to his hometown, the folks in Lijiang Village sent more than a dozen strong men to Chiayi Town to pick up his luggage. Take eight loads of luggage.Unexpectedly, there were only two bags of clothes in one box, and one pair of shoulders was taken away.轿子自然也是白扎了,一个革命家怎么会坐过去地主老财坐的东西。 平江县的地理分布,在老百姓的概念中,用“四乡八洞”来囊括。平江的山水、屋宇、田畴。四乡即东、南、西、北。八洞中,以辜家洞、徐家洞、灶门洞最著名。辜、徐、灶都属连云山脉,曾以丰富的楠竹资源成为平江的造纸基地。平江其时名声在外的四大特产“茶、麻、油、纸”中的纸,多产于此,曾拥有四千多纸业工人。革命战争时期,共产党组织这些纸业工人罢工、请愿、示威,到后来游击战争,对国民党反动派威胁很大,后来湘、鄂、赣三省的首脑机关,也迁到了这深山老林里。国民党军队一次又一次进剿,毫无建树,最后一招便是放火烧山,这几条洞的千年老林子连在一块,大火烧了十天十晚,才渐渐熄灭,房屋被焚烧殆尽,人民被杀戮无数,存活的大多逃生去了。丽江洞属徐家洞的分支,无一幸免此灾。喻杰是那场浩劫的目击者,那场灾难,几十年来还痛在心里。 喻将军回乡后抓了两件事:一是植树造林,二是修电站。 他在千年老林里长大,又看到这些林子被国民党“剿匪”部队烧得满山疮痍。几十年后刚开始恢复元气,“大跃进”时期搞土法大炼钢,又把大一点的树砍光了,从此一蹶不振。喻杰决心带领丽江的乡亲们改造荒山。他出钱买树苗子,动员老少妇孺上山挖坑栽树,花了几个冬春,终于让几千亩荒山披上了新装。人们看到:将军那高大的身影频频出没于山坡地脚,天天巡山,他担心牛羊上山啃树苗,担心春笋长出来被人挖走做菜吃。他亲自书写“护林公文”,安排插在所有路口。 一天他巡山发现路边有三只碗口粗细的竹笋不见了,只留下一个黄土坑。他看着这三只竹笋将泥土挤开裂缝到长出一个毛茸茸的尖脑壳、再到一夜春雨下来它迅速长出两三寸高……当它长到五六寸高时,便露出了它们结实的体魄。作为一个山里人,一看便可估量它们会长成可以派上用途的竹子。这个曾经出任过红六军团供给部长、西北农业银行行长,掌握过大钱的国家粮食部、商业部副部长,见到三只竹笋没了,心痛得很,愤慨不已。他马上叫来大队干部和护林员,小题大做限他们三天之内破案,要查清去向。 其实不用查,这三只又嫩又肥的竹笋,被剥去笋壳,安静地躺在喻老家的菜篮子里。原来大队干部们碰头开会时,谈到他为了大队的事出了这么多钱,这么多力,没有什么可以感激他的。有人就提议挖几只刚刚冒头的嫩笋,请他尝尝鲜,大队上也只有这么一个感激的能力。这个提议得到了大家的认可。 喻杰听了汇报,又爱又气,爱的是干部和老百姓是这么的敬重他。气的是怎么可以慷公家之慨来肥私人之肚?那可是三根参天大竹。最后他把三只竹笋算成竹子的价,由他买下来算是罚款交公。反复叮嘱大家,下不为例。 但尽管将军如此用心良苦植树造林、封山育林,还是防不胜防,他可以拒绝人们挖竹笋给他吃,但他无法制止人们上山砍柴。当生存成为问题时,就是人们敬爱的将军苦口婆心劝说爱惜林木也无济于事。 喻杰最关注的事情还是修电站。只有解决了“电”的问题,最终才能解决“林”的问题。有了电,谁还愿去毁林? 喻老很爱他的曾孙子。“公疼头孙,爷疼晚崽”,是平江重要的习俗之一。公为何疼头孙?因公公指望子孙早点生曾孙,曾孙又生太孙,都希望能五世同堂,这是非常体面的事情,过去皇上都要送匾祝贺的。喻老的曾孙很懂事,到了上学时便晓得前前后后保护曾祖父,上岭下坎给他当拐杖。但这孩子从童年到少年再到青年,老祖父虽疼他爱他,却不曾给过他一分钱。小时候,孩子很想曾祖父给他买个文具盒,这个愿望也没有实现。 但为了修电站,喻杰花钱却是大方。和他一起生活的孙媳妇给他记过账:祖父回来前,听说丽江大队想建水轮泵站,给他们寄了3000块;1973年丽江大队建小水电站,给了3600块;后来加义公社建电站,给5000块;他回来后,带领丽江人再建水电站,带头拿了4500块……在丽江人的印记中,一个步履蹒跚的白发老人、中国高官,为了建电站,不但拿出了自己的所有积蓄,还带领大家走遍了附近的山山岭岭,亲自选址、亲自把关购买建筑材料、亲自监督工程…… 自1976年至1985年,喻杰亲自指导成立“平江县加义水电股份公司”,倡导筹股集资办电,全区已认股2万份【每股10元】,由股份公司管理的电站6个,总容量1560千瓦。指挥和吸纳社会资金修建附近村镇好几个电站,他个人再捐11000多块……在他离开人世那一刻,他身上只有几十块钱——这便是一个将军的所有积蓄。 在丽江河上一个水电站的坝上,原全国政协常委喻杰题词道: “本坝修建的目的和任务:拦沙、截水、发电、灌田、滞洪。” 1985年12月11日,中华人民共和国主席李先念写信给离休老干部喻杰,对他为平江县大办小水电所作的贡献进行了表彰和鼓励,并号召全国人民向他学习。 喻将军以他晚年的不懈努力,终于圆了他毕生的梦。 他在村村寨寨的万家灯火中,在郁郁葱葱的青松翠柏的怀抱里,欣慰地走完了人生最后的历程。 他以他转战南北、纵观天下的视野,以他数十年来的人生经验向世人公示:兴水利,建电站,是从根本上改变山区面貌、改善山区人民群众生活的最有效、最紧迫的举措。 毛主席语录:“水利要搞中小的,搞分散的,搞游击的。”“水利建设不要说两三冬天完成,要搞八年计划,八年后还要搞,不要急,要长期打算。”“每县都应当在自己的全面规划中,作出一个适当的水利规划。兴修水利是保证农业增产的大事,小型水利是各县各区各乡和各个合作社都可以办的,十分需要定出一个在若干年内,分期实行,除了遇到不可抵抗的特大的水旱灾荒以外,保证遇旱有水,遇涝排水的规划。这是完全可以做得到的。” 湘北山区平江县的实践,符合毛泽东关于中国小水电建设的设想。 用中国南方小水电建设的缩影来概括平江县的经验和成绩,应该是不为过的,也可以说具有一定的典型意义。 平江县地处湖南东北角,距省会长沙115公里,是著名的湘鄂赣革命根据地之一。平江县是一个典型的山丘县,境内群山起伏,沟谷纵横。全县多年平均降雨量在1457.5~2020毫米之间,人均水资源3816立方米,高于全国人均水资源的1.41倍,水量充沛。主要河流汨罗江自东北部江西修水县入境之后,径直向西穿越全境,落差达107.5米。汨罗江水量充沛,多年平均流量104.9秒立方米。 汨罗江共有支流141条,其中一级支流50条,二级支流67条,三级支流21条,四级支流3条。按水能理论蕴藏量划分:500~1000千瓦的有17条,1000~2000千瓦的有12条,2000~5000千瓦的有13条,5000千瓦以上的有7条。据计算,全县理论上最大可能的水能蕴藏量为28.02万千瓦,相当于24.5亿度电量;水力资源普查中【集雨面积≥10平方公里,河长≥5公里】汇总公布的资源量为19.0万千瓦。其中可开发量为9.3万千瓦,多年平均发电量近4.0亿度。 平江的小水电发展经历:一是上世纪60年代起步阶段;二是上世纪70、80年代快速发展阶段;三是上世纪90年代的稳定发展阶段。 1953年至1957年的七年间,全县共建成小【一】型水库4座,小【二】型水库77座,山塘21800口,河坝6200处,共完成土石方1261万立方米,水利投工931万个。 1956年9月,平江县第一座小型水电站建成。其时用的是木制水轮机带动12千瓦发电机投入运行。 1964年10月平江县委提出“大搞水轮泵,开发汨罗江”的战斗口号,仅花一年时间,在汨罗江上兴建拦河坝21座,水轮泵站20处,安装水轮机110台,发电机装机2231千瓦。 1969年至1985年底全县共建设山塘25630口、小【一】型水库33座、小【二】型水库213座、中型水库6座,总蓄水量5953.79万立方米,灌田55万亩,全县建成小水电站113处,装机189台,容量24765千瓦,全县已有13个区、镇,54个乡、700个村、8249个组、153128户用电。 截至2009年7月止,平江县拥有小水电站64个,总装机178台,总容量50090千瓦,多年平均发电量17142.54万千瓦时,占全县总用电量的38%。管理体制有国家、集体、股分、个人等多种所有制。 平江县在小水电建设的过程中,几十年来,一直成为各界关注的目标之一。 1964年平江县水利电力建设成果得到了中央的赞赏,成果陈列在北京第二农业展览馆展览。中央农业电影制片厂拍摄平江小水电建设成果大型纪录片《泵声隆隆山乡变》在全国放映。 1966年3月,国务院农村办公室在湖南召开湖南、广东、贵州、四川等10省、市水轮泵现场会,会议代表到平江修建的水轮泵电站参观指导。随后有广东、湖北、云南、青海、江苏、黑龙江等20个省、市水电代表团来平江参观水轮泵建设。 1966年7月全国工业会议在武汉召开,国务院、中央有关部委领导人谭震林、余秋里、钱正英、张平化等和各省领导同志100多人到多处水轮泵站视察。在此期间先后参观水轮泵站的还有越南、罗马尼亚、新西兰等国际友人。 1973年7月7日至11日,老挝爱国战线中央农业经济、水利电力干部访华团,由中央水电部对外司司长孙国禄陪同前来平江参观白水九兴、七星、青冲等水电站建设。 1980年3月15日至17日斯里兰卡驻中国经济参赞8人,前来参观大江洞、徐家洞等高水头电站建设。 1983年2月15日中央水电部第一副部长李鹏视察黄棠电站和县城生活电热。 12月12日国务院190号文件批准平江县为全国100个农村电气化试点县之一。 1984年2月24日至26日阿根廷驻华大使、商务参赞3人,前来参观小水电公司和白水电站。 8月9日至11日中央顾问委员会常委王首道视察白水、黄棠、徐家洞、大江洞等水电建设和管理。并为平江水电事业发展亲笔题词: “平江县委县人民政府留念:发扬革命传统,开发老苏区,实行综合经营,办好小水电”。 4月7日至9日斯里兰卡国家种植园部人民种植园发展部访华考察团12人,前来参观焕新、徐家洞、白水及时丰茶场等小水电建设和喷灌情况。 1985年7月24日至25日马里共和国农业部水土整治考察团9人,前来参观徐家洞、白水、范福岭等电站及官塘橘园喷灌。 平江县现有近百万人口。通过多年持之以恒的努力,将境内丰富的水能资源优势转化为经济优势,着力发展小水电事业。仅仅依靠小水电,便解决了近40万人的用电问题,有力地促进了地方经济的发展,加快了山区脱贫致富步伐,为经济的全面发展注入了动力,取得了显著的社会、经济和生态效益。 小水电是小型水电站的简称。 小水电的装机容量,世界各国的规定不一。1980年召开的第二次国际小水电技术发展与应用考察研究讨论会议【杭州·马尼拉会议】规定:100千瓦及其以下为微型水电站;101至1000千瓦为小小水电站;1001至12000千瓦为小水电站。中国在1986年规定:单站容量25000千瓦以下的水电站,都可按小水电来管理。有的国家,其限额已经提高到50000千瓦。 2005年,是中国小水电诞生100周年的纪念日子。但共和国建国前的小水电建设,只能说是有过尝试,其规模在国民生产生活中,可以用忽略不计来形容。建国后中国小水电的发展,经历了几个值得关注的历史阶段: 二十世纪五十年代始发阶段: 1953年,国家设置了小水电的专管机构。第一个五年计划经济建设时期,1955年全国水利会议对各地提出试办小型水电站的要求。为了促进小水电的发展,1956年在四川崇庆、福建永春、山西洪洞举办了三处全国小水电训练班,为各有关省、区培训了第一批建设小水电的力量。提出了“小型为主、社办为主、服务生产为主”的“三主”方针和“先动力后电力”的“两步走”原则。1985年全国农村水电会议,提出建设农村初步电气化的方针是:“小型为主,社办为主,生产为主,水电为主,动力与电力并举,兴修与管理并重,全面规划,综合利用,勤俭办站,认真贯彻多快好省精神。” 小水电这一新鲜事物,被群众称之为“夜明珠”。人民感受到了“电”的好处,无不积极参与。但这时的水电站容量普遍偏小,设备也简单,多为群众投资举办,国家在技术上给予指导和适当的投资补助,即民办公助。一些容量稍大的电站,则多由地方投资修建。 六十年代巩固发展阶段: 1960年,中共八届八中全会提出了“以农业为基础,以工业为主导”的发展国民经济的总方针。中央要求把工作重点转移到以农业为基础的轨道上来。国家提出重点建设32个商品粮棉基地。但是,水旱灾害制约了全国大多数地区的农业生产发展。因此,兴建电力排灌站,解决农业用电,已成为发展农业生产,提高粮棉产量的一项重要措施。为此,1963年中央批准在水利电力部设立农村电气化局,提出了农电发展的方针:“以商品粮棉基地为重点,以排灌用电为中心,以电网供电为主力,电网和农村小型电站【主要是小型水电站】并举。” 这个时期的发展,让诸如平江县这样的山区县,尝到了甜头。分布在山山岭岭的“簑衣丘”、“斗笠丘”,也可以得到灌溉,水轮泵轻而易举便可将溪谷里的水送到半山腰。从小水电所产生的效益中,人们已经不惧怕困扰着山区人千年百代的“雨三天遭灾,晴三天冒烟”的“老虎”了。但这还只是一个甜头,绝大多数山头,还用不上电,何况受到“文革”的冲击,眼看着就要摸得到的好日子,又放慢了步伐。 七十年代新发展阶段: 1969年,由国务院主持,水利电力部在福建永春召开了全国山区小水电现场会议。会议针对山区水力资源丰富,未被充分利用;山区旱涝保收农田比重很小,长期苦旱和受山洪威胁,严重影响粮食增产;山区为农业服务的工业基础薄弱,地方工业没有形成体系;山区普遍缺电,即使在大电网覆盖下的山区农村也没有解决供电问题;山区农业机械化进展缓慢等等,提出了加深对积极兴修山区农田水利和大力发展山区小水电重大意义的认识。会议针对文化大革命以来出现的物资供应紧张等问题,总结推广永春县自力更生兴建小水电的经验,提出了小水电建设要充分依靠群众,发扬“大寨精神”,实行“小型为主,社办为主,设备地方自行制造为主”的方针,坚持为农田排灌、农机修造、农副产品加工、县社“五小”工业和广大农村生活照明用电服务的方向。此后,随着整个电力工业和小水电的发展和针对新出现的问题,进一步制定了一系列政策。这些具有“拨乱反正”意味的措施的制订,进一步调动了地方和群众办电管电的积极性,小水电新增容量由七十年代前期平均每年40万千瓦,增加到七十年代后期平均每年80多万千瓦,其中粉碎“四人帮”后的1977年、1978年,分别为70万千瓦、95万千瓦,党的十一届三中全会以后的1979年达到106万千瓦。到1979年底,全国已建成小水电8万余处,装机638万千瓦。 八十年代至今: 党的十一届三中全会以后,在邓小平亲自倡导下,国务院决定加快加大力度,开发利用丰富的中小水电资源,建设具有中国特色的农村电气化。 国务院〔1983〕190号文件指出:“农村电气化是八亿农民的大事,应当在那些水力资源较好的地方,提倡以地方和群众自力更生为主,积极发展小水电,实现农村电气化”;决定建设第一批100个农村水电初级电气化试点县。从1985年正式开始实施到1990年底,“七五”期间全国有109个县通过验收达到农村水电初级电气化县标准。在总结第一批109个试点县经验的基础上,国务院决定“八五”期间进行第二批200个农村水电初级电气化县的建设。到“八五”期末实际达标验收209个县。依据《九十年代农业发展纲要》规定精神,正式提出到2000年全国要建成1000个电气化县。 这个阶段,小水电的范畴已由单站容量从五十年代的500千瓦、六十年代的3000千瓦、七十年代的1.2万千瓦、八十年代的2.5万千瓦,上升到九十年代的5万千瓦。现在,地方电力已由小水电为主体发展为以中小水电为主体了。 大家都认为老原是一个固执的人、一个守旧的人、一个排斥新鲜事物的人。说明他固执、守旧,有一个比较典型的故事—— 老原住在一架高山上,坐在他的院子里,可以看到山下的镇上烟囱里的炊烟,甚至隐约可以听到吵架的声音。但走起来却不容易,腿脚健的山里人,下去要走四十分钟,上来要走一个小时。城里来玩的,山里的路走得少的,一个半小时下不去,两个小时上不来。 共和国建国后,人民政府花了不少工夫,陆续把这些世代居住在高山上的山民给迁下山来,帮助其盖房子,分田拨地。但老原一家却下不来,下来了三次,又上去三次,至今还住在山上。 第一次是七十年代初,那时老原还只有十几岁。那一天他的八十多岁的祖父过世了,老原下山来请道士上山去给祖父做道场。县里武装部的政委其时正兼着县委书记,他听说山顶上还住着人,便随那些道士上山去访贫问苦。政委走出一身老汗,才勉强跟上道士。政委没有批评他们搞的“封建迷信”,却大动恻隐之心,苦口婆心动员老原一家下山来定居。那时老原的父母亲还在。一家人挡不住政府的一片好心,倒也是下山了。但住了不到三个月,他们还是悄悄地搬上山去了。 第二次老原他们被动员下山是十年之后。县民政局和镇上一起筹了点钱,买下来一个生产队的保管室给他们居住。这次多住了三个月,又偷偷的搬回山上的屋里。 第三次是十五年后,老原的孩子下山上学时,被蛇咬了,幸好事发地点离镇上近,抢救得快,才没出大事。这事引起了各方的高度重视,为了孩子及子孙后代的安全和幸福,政府强令老原搬迁。老原不想再搬。政府便以“退耕还林”为由,不准老原在山上种地做田了。老原是一个老实人,不想违反政策法令。这样老原一家才怏怏下山。 最终老原还是回到了山上。这时他那上了大学的被蛇咬过的儿子也同意他回去。 政府见无法让老原离开故土,便不再为难他了,替他接了根电线,照上了电灯,让他也享受一下改革开放的成果。也没有再提“退耕还林”的话题,还是让他去耕种他的祖上种了百把年的几分薄地。 这一年老原家的老牛死了,老原和他老伴下山去又买了一头小牛。去他家的路太陡,四条腿的牛是无法爬上去的。老原让老伴用背篓背着牛,他自己则背着一样时尚的东西——洗衣机。 老原家用的是山泉水。泉水是用竹子从后面的山坡上接下来的,一年四季流淌不息,既不要蓄水池,也用不着水龙头。老原将洗衣机摆
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