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Chapter 67 Cao Shirong

Beiyouzhaojin 曾曦 486Words 2018-03-16
Cao Shirong (1909-1934), formerly known as Fusheng, was born in Baoan (now Zhidan), Shaanxi. He had many contacts with Liu Zhidan in his early years and was influenced by revolutionary ideas. In 1927, he entered Yongningshan Senior Primary School in Shixian County. In the autumn of 1928, he joined the Chinese Communist Youth League. In the spring of 1929, he became a member of the Communist Party of China.Ji school participated in the revolutionary activities led by the party organization, and went to Luohechuan many times to publicize the revolutionary truth and mobilize the masses to carry out revolutionary struggles.

In 1929, during the anti-grain and anti-financial struggle of the security masses, the simple truth of "Why is the county magistrate so rich? Why are the people so poor?" was widely publicized, and more than 300 farmers in Luohechuan were organized.Together with more than 800 people from other places, they liquidated the KMT county magistrate.After settling accounts, the county magistrate lost his position, recovered the stolen money embezzled by the county magistrate, and expanded the influence of the revolution.Later, he entered Yan'an Provincial No. 4 Middle School and Yuhe Provincial No. 6 Middle School to study, actively carried out student movements, and served as the secretary of the special branch of the Communist Party of China.

In the spring of 1933, he was dispatched by the Northern Shaanxi Special Committee of the Communist Party of China to assist Liu Zhidan in the armed struggle at the Shaanxi-Gansu border.After the Red Twenty-Sixth Army went south to Zhongnan Mountain and failed, they broke through the encirclement of the enemy with Liu Zhidan, Wang Shitai and others, and returned to the Zhaojin Revolutionary Base after going through hardships and dangers.Participated in the battle of smashing the first "encirclement and suppression" of the Kuomintang in the Shaanxi-Gansu border, and did a lot of fruitful work for the establishment of the Nanliang Revolutionary Base and the development of guerrilla warfare.

In April 1934, he sneaked into Baoandan Bazhaizi and instigated the reactionary landlord militia, and was arrested because his identity was exposed.Tortured by the enemy, he remained steadfast and unyielding. On May 29, a heroic sacrifice.
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