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Chapter 2 The footsteps of the first history

Beiyouzhaojin 曾曦 1839Words 2018-03-16
The remnant snow gradually melted, and the warm spring breeze blew gently.Miss Chun's light footsteps have quietly crossed the top of Shimen Mountain, giving birth to the verdant green.The new green is full of eyes, and unknown flower branches in various coins are competing to bloom. Inadvertently, Shimen Mountain has become a sea of ​​flowers and greens. This is a busy season!This is a sultry season!Faced with this flowing green, the gentle spring breeze has already washed away the filth and troubles in people's hearts, and no one can hold back.Stepping on the rolling green waves, sucking the refreshing pistil fragrance, indulging in the sultry spring breeze, carrying the chapters of "Historical Records Zhou Shi Ji" with a little drunkenness.I leisurely came to the barrier to the north of Zhaojin, this clear stream in Shimen Mountain in the middle section of Ziwuling in Qiaoshan Mountains, which is called Jiangxun River, to look for the footprints of Jiangxun, the prime minister of Zhou in ancient times.

A woman who can be regarded as the Virgin Mary by people for generations must be an extraordinary woman.For example, the Virgin Mary in the mythology of the Western world.The supreme beauty of Maria is tangible, which is derived from the "Song of Angels" by the famous British oil painter Leighton in 1881. The Virgin Mary holds the baby Jesus and sits on the Ionic capital.In this peaceful picture, the cultural environment of ancient Greek and Roman classical culture is deposited.Barren ruins, overgrown weeds, dark woods.It adds a mysterious and heavy color to the birth of Yeyou coin.The Virgin Mary on the screen is a little tired.But serene and comfortable, beautiful and elegant.Immersed in a kind of maternal love of family happiness.And Our Lady.Although Hou Ji, the "god of agriculture" who pioneered Chinese agriculture, was born, there are only some fragmentary written records and some distant folklore of Sima Qian, the sage of history.

"Historical Records Zhou Shi Ji" contains: There is a daughter of the Tai family named Jiang Xun. "Walking here, you will see the traces of giants. Your heart is happy, and you want to practice it. When you practice it, you move your body, like a pregnant woman. You will give birth to a child." This is undoubtedly a beautiful and moving saying in our Chinese culture that is different from the Western world. Fairytale.Although these legends are marked with the unique brand of "every great man is born, there must be a house covered by auspicious clouds or adorned by gods and ghosts" in Chinese culture, they all radiate our nation's respect and admiration for the Virgin Mary Jiang Mei and the God of Agriculture Houji. shine.

Jiang Xun, the "daughter of the Tai family", was the leader of the Zhou clan when Zhou was still in the matriarchal society, but it was a period of transition and transformation from the matrilineal nation to the patrilineal clan society.That is to say, in this season thousands of years ago, beside this clear stream in Shimen Mountain, there were beautiful persimmons, lush water and grass, lingering butterflies, tender warblers singing, our Holy Mother, we can imagine her without a doubt. For a person who is extremely intelligent, beautiful, and full of motherly fragrance.The radiant and energetic woman is also a person of temperament. She deeply loves nature and the primitive carefree life. She can throw away the scepter of the national ruler and come here leisurely. When you arrive at Shimen Mountain, a good place, you can go out in the wild.At this time, the clear stream at the foot of Shimen Mountain is gurgling, and the banks are intertwined, the spring breeze is smooth, and the falling flowers are colorful.Facing this beautiful and fresh nature, our Virgin Mary must have been intoxicated, intoxicated in the warm spring breeze, so that "the heart is happy".When she was walking along the clear stream, something more wonderful and mysterious happened. She accidentally saw the giant's footprints. After "seeing the giant's trail", the Holy Mother, with a mind of exploration, did not show fear and confusion like ordinary people, and "wanted to practice it" with great interest.Walking in the footsteps of giants, a dramatic result happened in the end, so that she became pregnant for no reason and gave birth to a child...

As it happened, perhaps our Virgin Mary was also at first bewildered.A young woman conceived for no reason and gave birth to a child.She thought it was a bad omen.According to historical records, she first abandoned the unlucky son in a narrow narrow path, intending to let him starve to death or let the cattle and sheep trample to death, but the herds of cattle and sheep, flying away from the beasts in groups passing by this road, but They all avoided stepping carefully.She wanted to abandon this unprovoked son in the wilderness.But these inaccessible boundaries often become crowded.This angry and ominous son will be lovingly rescued by kind passers-by.As a last resort, she put this "monster" in her heart on the extremely cold ice river, but all kinds of birds would fly from all directions, spread their wings to support him and cover him.From here.Our Lady was moved to tears.It was tacitly agreed in the heart that this "child without reason" must be the messenger of the gods, and he must be carefully nursed and cared for.According to the discarding process several times.She named it "Cun".This abandonment is Houji, the god of agriculture, who taught the people to harvest and made great achievements.It was Hou Ji who made the Zhou people end their primitive way of living by slash-and-burn farming, and brought the Zhou people into the era of agricultural civilization and patriarchal clans.

As the Yuanshan River goes southward, the clear surface of the river gradually widens, and the river water accumulates here to form a mirror-like lake.People excavated Kongkong Grottoes on the steep wall of the lake, and built a temple to commemorate the Virgin Mary. There are lotus thrones, three statues and more than a dozen stone carvings of Arhats.Although the temple has gone through the vicissitudes of the years, it is a little lonely and dilapidated, but it is still vaguely distinguishable like a living colorful mural.The smoky curls of cigarettes constitute a fairy-like atmosphere.in the haze.The Madonna of Ginger Newt seems to have sat on the lotus throne, gazing at the beautiful mountains and rivers, and comforting herself for the excellent offspring she has bred.Peaceful as the Virgin Mary of Sivan sitting on the Ionic capital, intoxicated by the spring breeze, like the spring breeze...

According to the winding pulse of the Meridian Ridge in the northern part of the Jin Dynasty, it is connected with the beautiful Shimen landscape. Shimen Mountain always interprets many wonderful and beautiful legends with a broad mind.The spring breeze is accompanied by these beautiful legends.Floating peacefully over Shimen Mountain...
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