Home Categories Biographical memories if i were helen

Chapter 7 our little shop

if i were helen 张悉妮 6796Words 2018-03-16
Another golden autumn has come and passed. At the end of 1995, Dongri Computer, the largest computer market in Dongguan at that time, attracted investment.My dad rented two bunks there and was going to have a blast.Autumn has come this is a harvest season in the countryside rice is ripe Persimmons are red Oranges are turning golden The breath of autumn is very strong here in the city the sky is much higher The air is also fresh The leaves of the trees are turning yellow falling one after another Spread a golden blanket over the streets walk the streets walk into the park in the park

Pines and cypress leaves turn red drop many pine cones The lotus in the lake withered only water lilies left the lawn is yellow people walking on the lawn fly the kite autumn is everywhere in this golden autumn Not only did we reap the fruits I also gained a mood. Every morning, at about nine o'clock, my mother and I ride bicycles to the market, and we go home at about six o'clock in the evening.Sometimes I have to work in the shop until nine o'clock in the evening.I was five years old.Children who are about my age are either studying obediently in the preschool class of the elementary school, or they are still playing quietly in the kindergarten.

Fabre once said: "I have one of the biggest wishes, which is to build a laboratory in the wild. At that time, I was still in a living situation where I was worrying about the daily bread problem. This is really not easy to do! " Alas, our small shop is my computer laboratory!At that time, we were still in the living situation of worrying about the daily bread problem, which was really not an easy thing to do! However, it was there that I walked into the crowd, into life, and formed an indissoluble bond with Bill Gates.This year, Bill Gates took a whirlwind around the world, and "Windows 95" became popular all over the world almost overnight!

We too were blown dizzy by this whirlwind... My father was afraid that he would not be able to keep up with the times. So he took the lead in establishing the most inconspicuous computer "laboratory" in the world. This laboratory is our small shop. Here, I learned almost all the tools that I later relied on to learn. When I couldn't use my limited language to express the world I knew, and my desire to express it was so strong, so I naturally chose graffiti. How did I learn about computers? You may not believe it, but it has something to do with my fondness for doodling when I was a child.

Later, my mother said it was called "children's graffiti". However, this is a real thing! At that time, I was just a dumb child learning to speak! I remember one day, I saw a portrait drawn by a little brother, and there were two huge wings growing on the back of the person!Look again at the paintings I made when I first learned how to hold a pen: "Eat Chi" with a big mouth, a pair of wings, three arms and six fingers, a big triangular belly, big eyes that grow outside the head, and eyes On the side of the head, "Forbearance of Tears" with its mouth wide open, and even "The Death of Liu Bei and Zhang Fei" expressed only with symbolic lines...

Although the composition is naive, it is full of fantasy, a feeling that I can hardly express in words... It is hard to imagine that when I am an adult, I will still have such creativity. When I was learning languages ​​and learning to write, I would naturally want to learn to draw, and the same goes for learning computers When I was young, my father said, "The four treasures of the study, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, are the traditional stationery we use to express our thoughts and feelings." But one day, I discovered that there is something even more amazing, and that is what I discovered——Dad's computer!Dad said, "The computer is a modern stationery for us to express our thoughts and feelings."

Later I found out why Bill Gates, the son of Seattle in the United States, was in the computer room of "Lakeside Middle School". Lao Niu is still slow and stupid. After the PDP-10 microcomputer is connected to the Internet, why is there so much temptation for this talented child! Because I believe that the little Bill at that time was just excited about extending his hands and brain for this huge cultural tool of human intelligence... Yes, computers make me that intoxicated! Such a fascination! That's uncontrollable! So much so that when I used these machines, I thought they were born as extensions of our hands and brains... Gates knew why he found another self-a brain that was even far better than the human brain in some respects. Want a convenient and quick tool!

From then on, the magical mental work of human beings will bid farewell to thousands of years of farming-style operation-industrial mechanization! What a huge revolution in the mode of production of human beings! Thus, the great Gates saw his future road and turned it into the greatest realistic road that all human beings are walking together today. Whenever I linger among my hoarded wealth, I feel like a moth gnawing at the fruit that nourishes me in the dark. I cast aside this rotten prison. I don't want to always be attached to the rotten stillness, I want to find the eternal youth; I will completely abandon everything that has nothing to do with my life, and everything that is not as light as my laughter (in Tagore).

Me, when I was very young, I crawled to my father's computer by chance. At that time, I didn't know how to type, so I used the mouse to click Windows and its learning programs. Almost immediately, I Be mesmerized by its magic.Especially when I discovered the "Paintbrush" program, I was almost fascinated by its simplicity and quickness. When I graffitied for the first time with virtual pens and paints instead of pens, a miracle happened—I, my little me, made a colorful picture in just a few minutes. picture!And never get that darn paint stain on your clothes again!I thought this was my greatest genius discovery yet!

I have been intoxicated and excited by this discovery for a long time... Thus, my interest in computers was developed. At that moment, I knew that no matter where I go in my life, no matter what day I live, I will never leave the computer, and I will never leave this extremely magical and beautiful machine! Later, I used the computer to draw a computer picture of a thick stack of disks. It is very beautiful, very beautiful picture!And mastered a lot of computer operation skills in painting. I gallop through time. oh my heart, In your chariot, the troubadour dances (in Tagore). In fact... This is the power of Gates, the influence of machine graphic symbols on me and the children of our generation!

 With the help of the computer, I quickly learned pinyin and characters, and learned to "touch typing". I was only five years old then. I don't feel any difficulty in this kind of learning. I even feel that learning computers is as natural as learning to speak, write and walk. Really, at that time, no one asked or forced me to learn computers. But I think the computer is a part of me! The same is true for subsequent studies. Interest plays a crucial role. interest is the best teacher! If you are "unlucky" to be interested in something, it means that you are obsessed with it, no matter when and where, you will be seduced by its beauty, and you can't help but obey their call. This is true for literature and art, traditional science, and computers in information science. After reading the above text, you must know how I learned how to use computers, right?In fact, it was just a love affair!Never force children to study, computer or otherwise! Cultivating interest is the most important thing in education! Useful, interesting, and fun are the best ways for people to learn. Later, I wrote tirelessly in a composition: If you ask me what I like best, I will answer without hesitation: I like computers best. Ah, the shores of the future... At dusk, the long grass topped with white flowers invites the moonlight to float on the waves of the long grass. Mom, if you don't mind, when I grow up, I want to be the boatman (Tagore) of this ferry boat! Then I went to elementary school, then middle school, especially "Donghu Middle School", and I liked computers even more.In addition to the reasons above, there is still a little mystery: that is the name of our school, which has the same word "lake" as the school Gates had when he was a child.Later, I was honored to win the third prize of the computer work "The World I See", the winning prize of "New Hope Website", and the winning prize of "My Conversation with Computers" in the Luohu District Elementary and Middle School Information Festival. I like computers. Could it be fate? The judges commented on my computer works: a group of computer painting works made with computers, as well as other PowerPoint works, the capacity is very large.Each individual work is very readable, fluent, and easy to read; the proportion of pictures and texts is arranged reasonably, in line with the cognitive rules of students of all ages... There is only one word for my New Hope website: excellent! I was encouraged and I loved computers even more.Suddenly I realized: Bill Gates, the son of Seattle in the United States, was in the computer room of "Lakeside Middle School", why he was crazy about the machine that didn't have a monitor by accident!Why does the computer have so much temptation for this genius child!Love... It turns out that love is the best teacher!If you are "unlucky" to be interested in something, it means that you are obsessed with it and love it!No matter when and where, you will be tempted by its beauty, and you can't help but obey its call! Later, I wrote another award-winning composition——"My Dialogue with Computer", the subtitle is——Man-machine dialogue, communication, maintenance, understanding, and cooperation are the prerequisites for modern interpersonal communication. When I was young, when I was clamoring to play computer games but didn’t know how to play them, my father told me that learning computers is actually very simple, that is, you talk to computers, as long as you know the language of computers. After hearing this, my mother said disapprovingly, it is easy for you to speak, but computer language is not easy to learn.Dad said, you misunderstood. The computer language does not only refer to those digital languages. Saying - I'm up and running now.In this way, when the monitor is turned on and a graphical interface appears on the monitor, there will be questions from the machine, and you have to answer the questions and make the response you think is correct. So, I turned on the computer under the guidance of my father. First of all, a series of white English letters appeared on the black screen of the computer, and the numbers of a series of letters appeared repeatedly. I didn't understand what this meant, so I asked my father, who smiled and said, "That's a computer." It starts the self-test program, which checks whether its own memory is enough to start the operating system program." I nodded with a vague understanding. Soon, the windows95 program appeared on the computer, and then a very beautiful graphical interface popped up.Dad gave me pointers and said: "That's the 'desktop' of the computer. Those small icons represent the programs or files that people want to use, and that column is the taskbar. You must double-click the small icon representing the program or file you want to use to open it. "The 'Start' menu on the top of the taskbar is to help you open the programs or files you need more conveniently. If you want to try it, first click 'Start', then point to 'Programs' or other option buttons, if The program or file you need is not on the menu, point to the folder containing the program, and then click the program or file name. You have to remember that this is one of the conditions for man-machine dialogue." I tried to do what my dad said. I point to "Programs" on the "Start" menu, and I see the "Programs" menu after the "Start" menu, so I just point to "Accessories" in the "Programs" menu, and I see that on the "Accessories" menu there is a The Paintbrush program, so I clicked it. A blank window appeared on the computer. Dad said: "Look, this is the brush program window. If you want to draw with a computer, you can use this virtual electronic 'pencil' to try to draw a few times. In addition, you must remember that this is one of the conditions for human-computer communication .” I scribbled a few times, and my father said: "Now we don't use this program, you can turn it off!" Immediately, I clicked the "×" option button on the side of the program window, and a question appeared on the computer: "Save the changed result in untitled?" I was at a loss, and my father said again: "This is a dialog box from the computer, asking you to save your homework just now - Zhang Xini's painting, if you want to save it, press 'OK', if you don't want to save it, press 'Cancel' ’, in short, freely choose as you wish.” I clicked "OK", and another dialog box appeared on the computer. Dad said: "You write your file name next to the file name on this dialog box, it can be called anything." I just typed a file name, in fact, I named a file name, and then, after pressing the "Save" button, it disappeared automatically, as if it had evaporated. I couldn't help but say: "Wow, this computer is really fun, as magical as a magician!" Dad said: "There are so many useful, interesting, and fun things in this computer! You will learn slowly in the future, think about it carefully, and you will learn it soon. The computer is not as complicated as you think! But let's close it first. computer!" I curiously said: "Oh, is it the same as the previous one, press the power button of the computer?" Dad said: "No! The computer is not an ordinary electrical appliance. It is a high-tech tool. It cannot be turned off casually, otherwise it will damage the computer!" I said: "How can I turn it off?" Dad said: "Do as I say, first click 'Start', point to 'Shut Down System', then click it, select 'Shut Down Computer' from the options in the dialog box that appears, and click the 'OK' button .” I did it once, and the computer turned into a black screen, and only one line appeared: "Now you can safely shut down the computer." Dad said: "Now you can press the computer switch, you have to remember, this shutdown step It's one of the ways people maintain computers." I nodded understandingly again. Through my first conversation with a computer when I was a child, I think: "Man-machine dialogue, communication, maintenance, understanding, and cooperation" are important conditions for modern interpersonal communication.Without this prerequisite, modern human communication is impossible, or at least difficult. "Dialogue·communication·maintenance·understanding·cooperation" can change everything around you, this is my personal experience.  Every day, when we wake up, we communicate... First of all, communicate with yourself: Sydney Zhang, it's time to get up... Then, communicate with mom: Mom, I'm leaving... Then communicate with the school: teachers, classmates, class, get out of class... Sometimes we communicate by talking; sometimes we communicate on the phone; sometimes we communicate by text...   Finally, we use the computer network to communicate, communicate with the future, communicate with history, communicate with sports, communicate with music, communicate with literature... communicate with people who know each other and do not know each other.A scholar can know the affairs of the world without going out...planning the strategy and winning a decisive victory thousands of miles away! The Internet is the most developed communication tool in the world today!Using the Internet, we can communicate with the whole world without leaving our homes! Communication is dialogue, communication, and people overcoming time, space and individual barriers... Communication and communication can change everything around you. Let me just give you an example of my communication on the Internet! For a while I needed a teacher for my math, but there was no math teacher.I posted a post on the Phoenix Forum, and as a result, I successfully found the teacher. Also, I collected all kinds of useful information on the Internet, and used the Internet to send articles to newspaper editors. As a result, my "masterpiece" was published... This is communication, communicating with the outside world, and fulfilling my wishes. Communication is everywhere in life. In today's world, you can't imagine a person who can live without communication! The 21st century is a century of communication, and informatization has increased "communication" to an incredible speed. Only with communication can we cooperate and improve our own level in all aspects. People who are good at communication are successful people! Let the world work together to communicate, people-oriented, develop technology, create wealth, keep pace with the times, innovate and develop, and build a beautiful homeland! The above is one of my compositions, which later won the first prize. Yes, it deserves an award. I knew then it was going to be like this. In 1996, Dongguan... Although our computer shop is small, the quality of the participants is very high. There are A Quan, a top student from Tsinghua University, and A Jian, a top student from Renmin University (the top student in the college entrance examination that year). Both have achieved great results and now each have their own companies. Many people even come to study in our small shop. Among the grown-ups who have studied with me, one named Afan started writing with a computer. Now, he has made a name for himself - he has published several books and started his own "Cultural Publishing Company". You hold my hand, pull me to your side, let me sit on a high stool in front of everyone, until I become shy, afraid to move, unable to move freely... (Tagore) How happy I am to recall those days of freedom! I really learned to use a computer before my mother.In those days, I walked around the shops in the computer market every day, going up and down the five floors, dabbling in everything from chassis, motherboards, CPUs, hard drives, memory to various software, games and books... In the evening, my mother and I went home by bike. We usually walk for an hour and a half. At that time, we returned to the embrace of nature. We passed a lot of undeveloped land, canals, bridges, mountains and billboards saying "When Remy Martin does something good, it will come"... I already know most of the Chinese characters, so a lot of information on the street is no longer a secret to me... This is my great progress and pride! Perhaps, our business can grow bigger?To achieve the scale of a real company? Of course, if there are no accidents.  After returning home from the shop, I returned to the quiet countryside from the bustling city.You will feel that your own garden is very cute.Although some people think it looks like a big village.But to me it's the cutest place in the world. I also often come down the front stairs alone. Follow the path forward. When I reached the end, I turned a corner, which is the road I usually walk on. Surrounded by the most pleasant views. The Dongjiang River and Wanjiang River with wide and rapid water flow, and the ancient canal with the mysterious white tower on the bank... Especially in February every year, tulips, hyacinths, wild roses, and crape myrtle flowers all smile.We are like living on an island of flowers by the river and in the pond. Every time I take a step, I will have a lot of worries, for fear of stepping on the thorns of everyone's indifference.I am free at last (in Tagore)! It's been an amazing month.Even the trees have stretched their limbs, and the outstretched branches seem to be pouring out something to us... I remember Helen once said: I sometimes feel that the trees are really saying to me: "When will you humans learn to stand still like this?" What? Look at that restless Helen, who keeps shuttling among the flowers and grass, like a butterfly in the wind." Fabre also said: "I have had this dream for almost forty years. I want to own a small piece of land, surround the land on all sides, and make it my private land; lonely, desolate, sun-exposed, overgrown Vitex, these are the environmental conditions favored by wasps and bees. Here, without distraction, I can ask and answer with my friends, such as bee hunters, in an incomprehensible language, which contains A lot of observation and experimentation." Fabre later realized his wish. In the secluded part of a small village, he got a small piece of land. It was full of crouching grass, erythrina, and Spanish peonies—plants with orange-yellow flowers and claw-like inflorescences. "Above these," said he, "is the cotton-thistle of Illyria, whose erect branches sometimes reach six feet in height, and which end in large pink balls with small thorns. , It is really well armed, so that those who gather plants do not know where to start picking them. "Among them, the spike-shaped cornflower, with a long row of hooks, and the shoots of the raspberry crawling to the ground. If you don't put on your high shoes, come to the woods with so many thorns, You will be punished for your carelessness." Fabre also said: "This is my paradise that I have worked hard for forty years!" Well, our home was the paradise my parents had fought for half their life, even though we left it later. "Where among the rocks are the nests with the little sky-blue eggs to be found?" A home is a man's nest, a bird's love nest. I'm also very careful every time I go into the house. All the things, every plant and even the insects in the garden are my friends, my dear little animals, my little pug COME. My friends who were and are known, you all remain here, in the nest of love. Now, people often ask me the same way someone asked Miss Helen in the last century: "Does anyone bore you?" I don't understand what they mean. Miss Helen doesn't like those who are self-righteous and like to preach. She said they were as disingenuous and exaggerated as those who walk with you and shorten their stride to suit your speed, which is unpleasant. me too. Just when I was five... During the day, my mother and I walked into the shop in the computer market. Back home at night.My mom cleaned up the house while I was alone in peaceful contemplation.I am forever grateful for life! Thank you to the people who brought me these pure and beautiful memories in my life!
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