Home Categories Biographical memories The brightest ten meters

Chapter 7 under the gaze of white eyes

The brightest ten meters 田亮 1738Words 2018-03-16
Groping up to the platform in the dark, and then jumping off one by one... The blank stares we received while training with the national team made us feel the coldness of the world and feel ashamed. In December 1991, after a one-month vacation at home, we started training again, but this time, the training location was changed to Beijing.This is also the third training venue we have changed in a short period of time. The train threw us to Beijing Railway Station, and then the taxi took us to a dilapidated place near the State Sports Commission at that time, and now the General Administration of Sports, with four large characters printed under the dim light - Huilong Hotel.

This is our first stop after arriving in Beijing.Apart from remembering the good taste of the breakfast pancakes, this expensive and hungry place really failed to leave any impression on me. Soon, we moved to a bungalow at the Beijing team's Sikuaiyu training base.Although the nearby alleys are deep, there are many talented people. Nie Weiping's go field is stationed here.The Shaanxi team rented three rooms here, one for Zhang Lian and his wife, one for the four male players, and one for the three female players. The four pieces of jade have become the base of our "Zhangjiajun", and Zhang Lian and his wife are also "revolutionary work on their shoulders", holding multiple positions such as coaches, chefs, and nanny.

The first thing that needs to be solved is the means of transportation.It takes 15 minutes to walk from the station to the diving hall behind the General Administration of Sports, and only 5 minutes to ride a bicycle.For us, 10 minutes is very valuable. Zhang Lian and the others went to a nearby second-hand car market and bought old bicycles for about 100 yuan.But for me, whose living expenses are only 5 yuan a week (although we had a salary in name at the time, but we didn’t cash it out in time, we received 5 yuan a week from Zhang Lian for living expenses), the price of a second-hand bicycle is really too high .So, I ran to my uncle's mechanic next door and asked him if he could get me a cheap bike.

Two days later, he actually got a rusty 26 bicycle and asked for 20 yuan.It's strange, where did he find this broken car, only the wheels of the car.With a main frame, a chain and two wheels, it was impossible to ride on the spot.But the price was very attractive, so I equipped the car with handles, bells, pedals, locks, inner and outer tires, and spent another 20 yuan. This 40 yuan combination bike is also the second bike in my life.The first is a children's bicycle that has been with me for many years, and it has activated my sports cells.Today, this adult bicycle is driving me to the starting point of my career.

I fell in love with this car.Every morning, the first thing I do when I wake up is towel down my precious car.I also borrowed engine oil from the mechanic uncle to remove the rust.Then, each of us had a bicycle, and a convoy rode over during training, and the scene was magnificent. At this time, I have really realized that diving has become my career, not a means of survival.But in practice, it is not as easy as riding a bicycle. Sometimes, diving even makes us feel humble. People under the eaves had to bow their heads.At that time, we borrowed the training hall of the national team, but we had to stagger the training time of the national team. If the national team trained in the morning and did not use equipment, we had to use equipment quickly.And if the national team practices on land in the morning, we will practice on water.When the national team conducts water training, we will conduct land training such as leg presses.And if any member of the national team finishes the water class in advance, we will rush forward without caring about the warm-up.

Since it is borrowed from someone else's venue, it is inevitable to suffer neglect and make things difficult.The lighting in the museum has not been modified, and it consumes a lot of electricity when the lights are turned on.Of course, the national team’s training must ensure the light. When it’s our turn to train, people turn off the lights to save electricity. This is a taboo for divers: they can’t find targets in the air, and their eyes are prone to problems.But we don't know the danger at all, we don't have safety awareness, and we have no other choice. We can only grope up to the platform in the dark, and then jump off one by one...

If the objective environment can still be overcome, then the cold eyes we received while training with the national team made us feel the coldness of the world and feel ashamed. In the first half of 1992, on the eve of the Barcelona Olympic Games, Xiong Ni, Sun Shuwei, Fu Mingxia and other stars were also making their final sprints in the diving hall. The tense atmosphere made people feel oppressed.Being able to observe the training of stars up close makes us excited and excited.In the past, children only had to say, "I saw so-and-so on TV," and it felt amazing, but this time, I saw a real person.

After seeing these stars, I never dared to approach them, I could only watch them secretly.When people came over, I quickly lowered my head, not daring to look at them.Of course, these big names of the national team never cast their proud eyes on us who are watching from the corner.The worst part is that sometimes, when it's still your training time, because they come early, there will be a "crash", and they will look at you with blame and complaint, as if you have made a huge mistake like. That look of disdain and contempt hurt me deeply. At that time, the coach also showed us the game video of Louganis, Xiong Ni, etc., but we only thought it was a technical video, and we didn't know who to admire.Perhaps, the stars are too far away from us. Even if they train in the same gym every day, they live in another world, unattainable.

This is inferior to others in skills and inferior to others! Living in such a stimulating environment, I am firm in my determination: I must train well and become a member of the national team.
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