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Chapter 6 Defeated in Zhangzhou

The brightest ten meters 田亮 1260Words 2018-03-16
I was kicked back to the Chongqing Amateur Sports School like a penalty kick and returned to the starting point. After half a year of trial training in the provincial team, I failed to stay and returned to Chongqing Sports School.But in front of his teammates in the sports school, he always boasted about his experience in the provincial team and put on an air of having seen the world. In the second half of 1988, I participated in the "Sprout Cup" National Diving Championship.This is my first time participating in a national competition, The point is in Zhangzhou, Fujian. Zhangzhou and Chenzhou are the training bases of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and they are also blessed places for the Chinese women's volleyball team. Twenty years ago, the Chinese women's volleyball team went from here to the world and established the great cause of "five consecutive championships". Twenty years later, Chen Zhonghe, a man from Fujian with a strong southern Hokkien accent, led the struggling Chinese women's volleyball team to another "two consecutive championships".However, these two blessed lands have nothing to do with me.Embarrassment and failure are my deepest memories of this place.

1988 was the first time I took a train out of the province to compete.Passing through Chenzhou City, Hunan Province from Sichuan, we transferred to Fujian the next day. We had to stay in Chenzhou for one night. At that time, the coach only booked two rooms, and we had 5 male players and 3 female players.There were only four beds in each room, and unfortunately I was assigned to the girls' room, assigned by the coach. Living in a room with a girl?This is so embarrassing, the players should have made fun of me, but the coach's arrangement is an order.So, like a prisoner, I lowered my head and tiptoed into the female player's room.Fortunately, the weather is very hot, everyone uses mosquito nets, and no one can see anyone; moreover, the coach stipulates that the players are not allowed to close the door when they are sleeping, and he will check at any time.As soon as I got under the mosquito net, I lay down motionless, not even daring to breathe, but fell asleep quickly.

In this way, I stayed up all night in the girls' dormitory.Fortunately, no one found me in the end, and no one laughed at me afterwards. After arriving in Zhangzhou, I took a good tour of this blessed place, but unfortunately I didn't bring myself good luck. Professional players are not allowed to participate in the "Sprout Cup". Although I was training in the provincial team, although I touched the threshold of a professional team, I was still an amateur player.Therefore, it is listed as the favorite to win the championship.Moreover, compared with many children in amateur sports schools, I do have too many reasons to be proud: I can jump 103 moves in the 10-meter platform, which is still an Olympic movement, while they can only jump in the 5-meter platform. Just simply dip into the water.

But in the official competition, I realized how insignificant my little knowledge was.The body is completely out of the control of the brain, the movements are completely out of shape, and what I care about is not the victory or defeat of the game, but not letting others join my team during practice! As a result, in the springboard competition, I was eliminated in the third round.As for the platform jumping competition (only the 5-meter platform at that time), I ranked outside the top 8, but my teammates at the Chongqing Sports School actually jumped 6th.The coach of the Chongqing team rushed up to me and yelled: "Hmph! You have also practiced in the provincial team. What a bad level, brag!"

This sentence made me sad for a long time. What is even more depressing is that because the provincial team only considers the top 8 players in the competition this time, I just passed by the provincial team again. It should be said that this game almost ruined my diving career.In the late 1990s, Sichuan diving was at its peak. "Diving Queen" Gao Min's generation of Sichuan athletes competed for gold and silver in the world, and their backup force is also full of talents.In this case, I, who didn't have many advantages, turned on a red light in my diving career. In the amateur group stage, the diving competition places special emphasis on the basic skills of the players. Although the movements are simple, they must reflect the beauty and norms of the movements.I am characterized by powerful tossing and good splash effects, but beautiful movements are not my specialty.This is doomed, I will not get high scores, I will not stand out in amateur competitions, and I will not meet the evaluation of "promising development", and the door of the provincial team will not be opened for me.

In 1989, I was kicked back to the Chongqing Amateur Sports School like a penalty kick, returning to the starting point. Zhangzhou, please forget me tonight. I said goodbye to this city sadly, sneaked back to Chongqing in the night, and returned to my home.
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