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Chapter 58 "Today we are all grateful to Dai Yi, with a heart of repayment"

Drink water and think of the source, don't forget the origin.Sacrificing to the heavens is gratitude to the gods of heaven and earth; worshiping ancestors is to express gratitude to life.People live in the world, need to have a grateful heart. There is such a passage in "Warring States Policy": "People have virtues for me, and I must not forget them; I have virtues for others, and I must not forget them." Thick" teachings. "Throw me a peach and repay it with a plum"; "Whoever says an inch of grass will repay three springs"; "The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring"; A thread and a thread, and the material resources of the constant memory are struggling."... These common sayings all show that gratitude has a long history in China.

The author of the book "Who Moved My Cheese" once said: "Life is half based on action and half on thinking." But the author believes that life depends on gratitude.Every time you take a journey in life, you should stop and think, and be grateful to those who are worthy or even unworthy of gratitude.Only by being grateful to others can the whole world be moved. Jiang Nanchun knows how to do business, but also how to be grateful.Looking back on Jiang Nanchun's entrepreneurial journey, every step contains a faint sense of gratitude, and there is a shadow of gratitude.

For his parents, Jiang Nanchun is always grateful for their understanding and support. "I'm really busy, sometimes I can't go home for weeks. I know my parents want to see me and chat with me, but I can't help it. But they do understand me and support me I am very grateful to my parents." Jiang Nanchun said with guilt. Jiang Nanchun is also grateful to his alma mater, East China Normal University, "East China Normal University is an all-inclusive school. If it weren't for the tolerance of his alma mater, I would have been dropped out of school. I couldn't believe it when I got my diploma on the day of graduation. Everything is real."

On Jiang Nanchun's blog, there is an article titled "Being a Volunteer", which mentions that Jiang Nanchun and a few friends have established the Huaxia Charity Foundation, which is mainly used to raise funds to help children with congenital heart disease. "I donated 2 million, and everyone raised 15 million. This year, we can save 500 patients with congenital heart disease for surgery. Our goal is very quantitative and precise. Our goal is whether we can help 3,000 people a year with our strength. What about it?” In Jiang Nanchun’s view, the act of gratitude is the path that many entrepreneurs, including him, will inevitably choose. "Actually, it's the same as doing volunteer work. "Righteousness" is a word with a lot of room for expansion. It is righteousness to be happy in the world, eliminate evil and promote goodness, and it is righteousness to serve the happiness of more people regardless of self-interest. It is righteousness to be compassionate and open-minded. Righteousness, defending the country is righteousness...Maybe not every one of us can be chivalrous, but I think everyone can do something for morality. Starting from righteousness, helping others is also helping ourselves to enjoy another kind of happiness."

The business partner is always the object of Jiang Nanchun's heart. "Tianqiao is a very good friend of mine. If it wasn't for his advice, maybe I wouldn't have come up with such a creative idea. I really admire it??? Yu Wei, haha, without him, how could there be a thriving Focus Group today? The media? I want to thank him." As a newcomer in the business world, Jiang Nanchun is used to "working intensely and spending simply", but in terms of wealth, he is used to sharing wealth with more people at the same time.With the repeated mergers and acquisitions, Jiangnanchun's shares were diluted by nearly 10%. This loss of nearly hundreds of millions of dollars made others feel sorry for it. "Maybe I gave up a little too much in the early days, but I have no complaints or regrets. The most important thing is that I 'passed' and I chose to succeed." Jiang Nanchun replied in this way to the question of "too stupid".

"Success in one thing does not depend on how good you are, but on how many resources you can coordinate." What he said when he was running for the chairman of the student union still impressed Ji Hairong, vice president of Focus Group, and with his accurate understanding of the value of resources, and With his own willingness to give up, Jiang Nanchun, who was almost self-made, quickly gathered a group of resources around him, and borrowed interests to mobilize resources efficiently. The Focus team often jokes like this: "Jiangnanchun dug a well and found a lot of people who carried water to sell to those who drink water. As a result, the person who carried the water got rich, and the person who dug the well also got rich." Gratitude does not necessarily have to be earth-shattering. , it is actually just an attitude towards life, a feeling that can discover the touch in life and be really moved by it.Gratitude taught Jiang Nanchun to think twice, to restrain himself, to reflect, and to find a harbor for the soul to dock and reflect on.

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