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Chapter 16 Creative Sparks After Labor Pain

The reason why the moon shines brightly in the vast universe is because it is better than the scorching light emitted by the sun; and in this era of increasingly fierce competition, the reason why Focus Media can emerge and rise suddenly is because of Jiangnan Chun Be good at using all the "light" that can stimulate creative sparks. There is a sociologist who has been exploring the spiritual world of successful people for many years. He discovered two essential forces of success: one is hard work under the guidance of strict and rigorous logical thinking; the other is sudden and enthusiastic inspiration. Inspired to act now.

However, when the inspiration that may change the destiny erupts in the secular life, most people are used to suffocating it, and then return to the original routine of life. They do not realize that the inner impulse is the human subconscious leading to the objective world. Direct express train. Jiang Nanchun, who was born in advertising, is good at sales, good at speeches, can talk in front of any stranger for 4 hours, sleeps an average of 4 hours a day, and has a tireless work enthusiasm. What is more desirable is His grasp on sudden bursts of inspiration and revelation. When Jiang Nanchun thought about his 10-year advertising career history, he concluded: "From the start of my business in 1992 to 2002, I have been in the traditional advertising industry for 10 years, and I think that after 10 years, I should change. .In the traditional advertising field, I found that I was no longer very competitive. I was thinking whether what I had done in the past 10 years was right or not. Finally, I came to the conclusion that what I did It must be experienced, but it is wrong, because as long as you continue to do it in this industry, you will have to pay a lot." Therefore, Jiang Nanchun decided to create a new industry model after 7 days of "retreat", so that he is no longer a An advertising agency sandwiched between enterprises and the media should itself be a new type of media.But what to do?

Just as Jiang Nanchun was thinking hard about how to find a new industry model and how to create a new media, an experience in an elevator made him suddenly enlightened.Therefore, this chance made Jiang Nanchun focus on the new target of the elevator entrance of the office building, that is, the LCD TV network in commercial buildings. That day, Jiang Nanchun went to Xujiahui Pacific Department Store to do business, but while waiting for the elevator, he was attracted by the poster on the elevator door.He found that during the short time when people were waiting for the elevator, they had nothing else to do except to read the posters attentively, and it was just these ten seconds that the advertisements on the elevator doors would leave people with a deep impression. deep impression.Jiang Nanchun felt very keenly that this was an excellent place for advertising.At this moment, Jiang Nanchun heard many people complain that the elevator was very slow.The casual words of the people waiting for the elevator inspired Jiang Nanchun, who was struggling to find a blank spot in the advertisement.If there is a TV, people will not be bored and wait for the elevator for a long time.

Jiang Nanchun suddenly felt that the idea of ​​elevator advertising was very interesting, and then became very interested in elevators.He once again found the boss of China World Trade Center and its property managers.Jiang Nanchun said to them, "How about I use the LCD TV to show some fashion shows plus advertisements?" Jiang Nanchun was an advertising agent for LG before, so he is very familiar with LCD TVs.The boss of China World Trade Center thought about it and said that it could be considered.After finally getting the recognition, Jiang Nanchun finally breathed a sigh of relief, but when he walked into the 50 office buildings in Shanghai with an LCD TV, he was not welcome.

Jiang Nanchun was almost always kicked out on the spot without mercy.Being rejected again and again made Jiang Nanchun silent for 3 months, but at this time Jiang Nanchun had already decided to try.During these three months, he has been busy transforming his own LCD screen.At first, when Jiang Nanchun walked into the building with a 5-centimeter-thick LCD TV, the property management company rejected him because the LCD TV was too thick. Unwilling to admit defeat, he decided to find someone to overcome this problem technically.Later, Jiang Nanchun successfully hung the 3 cm thin LCD TV next to the elevator entrance of the building.

Before becoming Focus Media, Jiang Nanchun carefully analyzed the status quo of China's entire advertising media industry. After thinking about it, he believed that the success of Focus Media will come from four main elements: the use of high-tech means to make the media have strong expressiveness and driving force; face-to-face Speak to a specific audience group, rather than to everyone; create a specific time and space, such as daytime TV commercials; to a certain extent, constitute a mandatory viewing environment. With these four concepts, Jiang Nanchun firmly believes that the business model he explored is competitive and can achieve mutual benefits for all parties including advertisers, building customers, shareholders, and employees.So after injecting funds to do this, Jiang Nanchun also firmly believes that his philosophy can persuade and impress investors to invest a lot of capital to operate Focus.

On this basis, coupled with Jiang Nanchun's sincerity, patience, diligence, and persistence, he really made up his mind to put the advertisement into the office building this time.He thinks that the people who watch this kind of advertisement are white-collar workers, their monthly income is more than 3,000 yuan, their purchasing power is strong, and the dissemination effect should be good. Won't you buy it?Jiang Nanchun said: "A lot of people hit me, saying that even if this thing can be achieved, it will only have such a small range." Jiang Nanchun has his own ideas on how to persuade advertisers to accept his new media.In order to open up the market as soon as possible, he carried the machine to lobby every day.In order to allow his sales staff to dispel customers' concerns, Jiang Nanchun specially organized a training session.At the training meeting, he seemed to be a customer who was specifically critical.

In order to let customers accept outdoor videos, Jiang Nanchun specially wrote a book "Hundred Questions and Answers" for sales staff, which listed the 100 most critical questions that customers may ask, and prepared answers one by one.He thought that in this way, everything was under control, but what happened next caught him off guard. Jiang Nanchun wanted to put advertisements in office buildings, which was easy to say, but not easy to do. He had to bear the opposition of property management and the "rolling eyes" of uninformed white-collar workers.And if tens of thousands of screens are hung one by one in the office building, it will not be able to run without toughness.However, as early as in college, Jiang Nanchun was good at running clients. By working as an advertising company, he became the first campus millionaire in East China Normal University.It's just that at that time, he was riding a bicycle to visit customers, but now he is driving a Mercedes-Benz to persuade every customer.In Jiang Nanchun's own words: "I will never let go of every opportunity, even if the chance is very small."

Relying on his empathy to think about problems from the perspective of customers and his sharp tongue, Jiang Nanchun persuaded the earliest batch of more than 40 high-end office buildings from June to December 2002.In January 2003, Jiangnanchun's LCD screens were installed next to the elevators of 50 high-end office buildings in Shanghai. At the same time, corporate customers such as China Merchants Bank credit cards and Hennessy wines also became the first batch of advertisers. With the rapid development of Chinese society entering the golden age of reform and opening up, different social and environmental factors have influenced and contributed to the different characteristics of contemporary audiences.

Previously, the annual special report of the Advertiser Research Institute of Communication University of China showed that in 2004 the advertising shares obtained by TV, newspapers, radio and magazines were 38.8%, 23.1%, 3.0% and 7.4%, respectively, while the expected advertising shares in 2005 were 38.7%, 22.1%, 2.8% and 6.9%, the first decline since the reform and opening up.At the same time, the media began to shift from satisfying the needs of the masses to satisfying the needs of some people and certain aspects, that is, from "broadcasting" to "narrowcasting", and from "mass" to "focus".

"Focus" media (demassify/demassification media) is different from mass media (mass media), which is what we generally call traditional media (traditional media). The former pays more attention to the form of advertising, while the advertising goals are more specific and have penetrated into life. For example, an airport advertising company has developed an aircraft boarding pass media that directly faces middle- and high-income earners who board the plane. When passengers get the boarding pass, they must pay attention to the number of the boarding gate and the advertisement on it. In this way, The advertisement on the boarding pass has a 100% arrival rate, and some companies that produce high-end consumer goods will choose this medium.Only from the small boarding pass, we can see the operating concept and superiority of "Focus" media.Therefore, although many people think that Jiang Nanchun's little idea that made him rich in an instant was just a small accidental experience, but in Jiang Nanchun's view, more than ten years of advertising career has allowed him to see clearly China's economic opening? ? ?Changes and trends in the Chinese market and the advertising media industry. The British philosopher Bacon said: "A wise man creates far more opportunities than he encounters." Jiang Nanchun, who dares to seek glory from his youth, believes that this is indeed the case.He said: "Focus's building TV commercials came from a flash of my mind. In fact, any so-called inspiration is based on the long-term accumulation of knowledge and experience. My 10-year advertising career is this accumulation process, which makes me even better. Knowing what consumers need, what advertisers want, and what advertising media can do also makes me think a lot about the entire advertising media industry.” Therefore, Jiang Nanchun asserted that in terms of the effect of advertising information dissemination, the dynamic film and television performance characteristics of outdoor video advertising and the high-tech technology behind it make the advertising information capacity, media motivation, and publishing and broadcasting efficiency much better than traditional outdoor advertising. ; At the same time, outdoor video advertising promotes the concept of precise communication by audience, which coincides with changes in the product market, people's lifestyles, information needs and receiving methods. The traditional media-oriented concept of the advertising industry is challenged by the audience-oriented concept. . On the other hand, Jiang Nanchun believes that high-end office buildings are a good audience distribution point, and those who come and go are the high-income people in this society, that is, the people most advertisers want to hit the most. People are in a more boring space and time than advertisements, which makes advertisements have a good viewing effect.And this is indeed a huge blank advertising market. At the same time, Jiang Nanchun also targets the "three high" (high income, high education, high consumption) groups with a monthly income of more than 3,000 yuan.In the short time when they wait for the elevator at least 4 times a day, they form mandatory advertisement ratings, but the cost is only 1/10 of traditional TV advertisements. Following this line of thought, Jiang Nanchun established his own theory and new carrier of seamless advertisement communication.Focus communication emphasizes three-dimensional and seamless communication. Three-dimensional refers to the multi-channel communication of people's life diversification. A single media can no longer satisfy people's three-dimensional and diversified life.Seamless communication is based on the living habits of special groups of people, and conducts communication that conforms to their living habits.According to people's cultural life habits and media contact points, develop and create some new media forms, channels, methods, etc. that did not exist before. In May 2003, Jiang Nanchun formally registered and established Focus Media Holdings Co., Ltd. and served as CEO.Since then, Focus Media has been successfully born in Jiangnanchun's farsighted creative cradle, and is waiting to be fed... But who knows whether Focus Media will soar into the sky in the future?Facts will tell us everything. Lao Tzu's book contains a myriad of philosophies, "Tao can be said, it is very Tao; name can be named, but it is very famous." It also shows that only "the teacher is famous" can "the name is justified".There has also always been an unwritten law in the business circle, that is, a loud company or product name is twice the result with half the effort for the development of the company. At the beginning of operating the new advertising model, Jiang Nanchun, who dispatched troops and "investment", encountered a problem of whether it was big or small - what should be the name of the new company to be established? There is a very interesting story: "The illiterate sells melons" and "the professor sells melons". "The illiterate old man doesn't have much knowledge, so he thinks less and has less worries. When he makes up his mind to sell melons, he will do it right away. There may be twists and turns and risks at first, but the more he does it, the more he has experience, and finally he makes a lot of money. The professor sells melons first. Gross profit, then calculate the industrial and commercial tax, and finally weigh the risk of selling melons: If I buy a cart of watermelons, what if 1/5 of them are raw? Even if there are not so many raw watermelons, what if 1/5 of them are raw? So what if the ones are bad or can’t be sold at all... After calculations like this, there are many worries, and in the end, it’s a ‘victory’ to not sell the melons.” The truth of the story is very simple, that is, if you think simple, you can do it successfully.And Jiang Nanchun's name for Focus is actually the same as the story. Jiang Nanchun didn't gather the company's elite to think hard with him about what kind of name to call, nor did he spend money to entrust a so-called planning company to write a name for him.Simply referring to the company's new advertising model and the target group of the model, Jiang Nanchun made a final decision and called the company Focus Media. The key to enterprise naming is that the name can accurately and effectively convey the "gene" of the enterprise.Focus - divide the target group.The name is not only loud and powerful, but also directly highlights the company's business model and core philosophy. There is also a way to name it!Focus Media can be described as another representative of Jiangnanchun's creativity.
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