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Chapter 19 Chapter 18 Midterm Exam (Part 1) (No.96 - No.98)

the best of us 八月长安 1631Words 2018-03-03
When school was over the day before the exam, the school asked us to clear everything in the desk and go home to clean the classroom to prepare for the exam.I have accumulated too many exercise books in my desk - yes, it's embarrassing, but I must admit that I buy twice as many exercise books as Yu Huai, and I buy what I see others doing, and the backlog becomes a disaster . None of them are well done.Later, I was taught by Yu Huai that the idea of ​​each workbook is complete, and the time is limited, which adds so much burden to myself. It is better to focus on one or two books in a down-to-earth manner from the beginning.

But having said that, he still picked up my heavy cloth bag. "You can carry your schoolbag by yourself. I'll carry this for you. Where is your home?" I thought, I was a little blushing. "That... that... you want to take me home?" He took it for granted: "Nonsense, can you move back by yourself?" Regardless of my girlish coyness, he was already striding towards the door. The two of us walked happily on the way home, forgetting that it was our turn to be on duty that week. The setting sun was warm, and I found that every time I had a chance to be alone with him, it was dusk.

Very short good time, like the sun is going to set soon. The Zhenhua school building is built in the bustling city center, and there are cars and horses like a dragon. The bustling army after school and the private cars and official cars that come to pick up and drop off the children are crowded together. I followed Yu Huai's pace and shuttled freely through the gaps in the stagnant traffic.He is tall and has a long stride, and I have to work hard to keep up with him. I guess the string of the cloth bag is very thin, and I was about to ask him if he could restrain his hands, but when I got closer, I noticed that he was muttering to himself.

"Obviously don't do it, it's all blank, why keep it, throw it away, it's so heavy..." You nagging fart, you are the one who wants to send me off, okay? I took two steps back, swallowing all the words I cared about, wishing I could not strangle him to death with the rope thinned into a steel wire! However, I still meet my classmates, such as Jian Jian and β and Xu Yanliang who are dangling together (I really don’t know why these three people appear together). When they see us, they all show narrow smiles, looking ghostly. I pretended not to see it, my ears were red, and I strode forward pretending to be calm.

The boy in front had a school uniform on his back and put on that black T-shirt again. He was tall and swaying, as at ease as when he first saw him. "Hey, you wear headphones every day, whose song are you listening to?" I like to listen to the Walkman when I do my homework in the self-study class, but Yu Huai never listens to it. He said that he can't concentrate when he wears headphones, and I need to wear headphones to stop thinking wildly when doing problems. "Everyone has it. As long as it sounds good, it doesn't matter who it is. But... I listen to Jay Chou a lot, how about you?"

He looked up and thought for a while: "I prefer Beyond." I nodded: "I remember, the lead singer is dead. Huang Jiaju's lyrics and music are all well written. I remember who told me that most of the popular songs in the Hong Kong music scene at that time were actually covers of foreign songs. They just refilled the lyrics. Originality is the real glory of the Hong Kong music scene." He raised his eyebrows: "Oh, you still know a lot. Which song do you like?" In fact, I seldom listen to Beyond, after all, it is a Cantonese song, but for some reason, that kind of small competitive spirit makes me not want to say the familiar songs such as "Glorious Years", "Broad Sea and Sky", so I tilt my head, Said loudly: "I like "Life is Wonderful"."

In fact, I haven't heard it at all, I only know the lyrics and the title of the song. He yelled in surprise: "Ah, me too, you are the first person who likes the same song as me!" I opened my mouth wide, and slowly adjusted my expression to normal. I don't know what he is happy about, but I know what I am happy about. Random nonsense can become a common hobby.In fact, we are destined, right? It must be. My home is not far from the school, and it only takes 20 minutes to walk.Because it is an old house, the community is inevitably a bit messy. For the first time, I was angry because of these broken bricks and tiles and plastic bags.

All in all, I hope that the road will be full of flowers and the memories will be more beautiful. He handed the bag to my hand, and my arm sank, only then did I realize how heavy the bag was, and I vaguely saw the red line that was strangled on his hand, running across the palm. "I won't take you upstairs. Didn't you say that your house is on the third floor, and it's not too high. Otherwise, if your parents see it, they will misunderstand. I don't want to be chased all over the street by your father with a broom. " I imagined this scene for a while, and found it very sweet. I couldn't help but yearn for it, but I still bowed and said loudly, "Thank you!"

He waved his hand: "It's getting dark, go upstairs quickly, don't be late tomorrow." With his hands in his pockets, he turned around and walked away unsteadily, his schoolbag and school uniform swaying with his steps.I pretended to enter the opening of the building, guessing that he had gone far away, so I poked my head out again and stood on the side of the road watching Yu Huai's gradually blurred back under the dark blue sky. Many years later, I still remember this scene. It was as if I had seen the end of the story by then.In the cramped and crowded youth, he gave me a ride, then turned around and embarked on his own journey.His world is big, the road is long and far away; I can only stand at the door of my house, guarding the small world alone, and watch him leave.

He is alive and wonderful.
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