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Chapter 18 Chapter 17 Bicycles on the Highway (No.92 - No.95)

the best of us 八月长安 2782Words 2018-03-03
I remember that the next morning was a cloudy day, and Zhang Ping stood on the podium and began to talk about the midterm exam.At that time, I didn’t know why but I didn’t want to look directly at the podium, but stared at the unattractive gray sky outside the window. Later, I heard the sound of chalk rubbing against the blackboard, and Zhang Ping complained that Yu Huai did not wipe the blackboard cleanly. I heard everyone open their notebooks and copy the time, place, and arrangement of the midterm exam on the blackboard, and the papers rattled. , but I just didn't move. Until Yu Huai pushed me: "Why are you in a daze, copying the exam time!"

I finally picked up the pen resignedly. At that time, it seemed that I was the only one still immersed in the joyful atmosphere of the school celebration, unable to extricate myself, as if the exam time on the blackboard was a curse. I just had to look at it, and with a bang, the real world rushed towards me, shattering all the beautiful bubbles . I told Yu Huai that I thought I was going to die. Yu Huai smiled, at such a young age, don't talk about death all the time.die?In your dreams! I still insist, Yu Huai, I think I am really dead. Only then did he take my little emotions seriously, sighed, and said, take your time, take the exam a few more times...

I waited for him to say beautiful lies such as "it will improve" and "it will gradually get better", but he paused and said with difficulty—— "You'll get used to it." Take the test a few times and you'll get used to it. We always don't accept our place in a group.Those who succeed in the fight get the position they like, and those who cannot fight will get used to it one day. wanna die?You are beautiful. Just when I was silent, he handed over a small note. "Ask me quickly if you have any questions you don't know. In fact, there are only a few types of questions, and you can understand them by analogy. It will be fine if you are proficient."

I held the note in my hand, looked up and saw him smiling silly at me. The exam is set next week.In Zhang Ping's words, there is plenty of time for review. Chinese in the morning and mathematics in the afternoon on Thursday. Friday morning is physics and chemistry, each one and a half hours.In the afternoon, history, geography, and politics were mixed together for three hours, which shows the status of these three subjects in Zhenhua before the division of arts and sciences. Zhang Ping said that teachers will work overtime on Saturdays and Sundays to correct papers, and when they arrive at school on Mondays, the rankings will be released.

"The more we get tired, the less you suffer. I remember when I was in school, the students waited for their grades to come out one by one. It was a chronic torture. Before all the grades and rankings came out, no one would We can’t learn new content, so our exam results will be issued as soon as possible in the future. Everyone must adapt to the fast pace, actively adjust their mentality, sum up experience and lessons, and welcome the next stage of learning, ha.” The first half is not as serious as Zhang Ping, and the second "ha" is all back to its original shape. "So, it is estimated that on Tuesday or Wednesday, the first parent meeting of the first year of high school will be held. Everyone will go back and inform the parents. If you want to ask for leave, prepare in advance, ha."

I told my dad all this, he nodded and said he understood, then patted me on the shoulder, and said again: "Easy to fight, despise the enemy strategically, pay attention to the enemy tactically, improved by nine places last time, this time... ..." It is estimated that he saw my eyes were too sad, so he swallowed the second half. "This time... take it easy, take it easy." I read K until half past twelve every night, and I went to bed when I couldn't hold on anymore.Sometimes, before going to bed at around ten thirty, my dad would knock on the door and enter the room and say a few nonsense things like "have a rest early, and get enough energy to pass the exam". I guess he also knows that being in good spirits often results in a blank brain .Of course, I can only respond with "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

I used to wash the dishes after dinner. Since I have Aunt Qi, I don’t even have to do housework. She even stops me from cleaning the dishes and leaving the table, telling me to put down the dishes and go back to rest or study. "Geng Geng doesn't need to do anything, go back to the house and rest for a while, why don't you watch TV and relax, Auntie can just clean up. After a tiring day at school, I don't need to do any housework, I will leave it to Auntie." I am so sorry.But it is too easy to go from frugal to extravagant. I abandoned the good habit of washing dishes in two days, as if I had never done it in my life.

However, I also became very irritable because of the test preparation.To put it bluntly, there is suddenly no one in this world, and one thing is pleasing to my eyes.Lin Fan became obsessed with four-wheel drive, and my dad became his team sponsor. Every night at eight or nine o'clock, my dad and Aunt Qi sat in the living room watching TV, and he set up his black plastic track and started debugging equipment. In fact, I can't hear much sound at all when the door is closed, but just the slightest sound can make my head buzz. It's a good thing I have only a little sense and humanity left, and I didn't go out like a shrew and tear his highway to pieces.But sometimes Aunt Qi knocked on the door and came in to deliver milk to me. I couldn't control my expression, and I turned my head to stare at her standing at the door, often with a stinky face that you and your son owe me 20,000 taels of silver.

I really didn't mean to. In line with the humming of the miniature engine that Lin Fan created in the living room, as sensitive as Aunt Qi, she quickly interpreted my expression as suppressed dissatisfaction. She smiled awkwardly, put the milk by my table, stroked my hair tentatively, and said, "Take a break when you're tired, combine work and rest." Then after she went out, I tiptoed to the door to eavesdrop, and as expected, I heard her reprimanding Xiao Linfan: "Put this thing away quickly, won't you be crazy? Can you be quiet for a while?" My dad didn't know and said, "Just let him play. Have you finished Fanfan's homework? Then continue playing."

Then I heard the sound of Xiaolin Fan dismantling the runway. He is still so well-behaved and quiet, never argues, and is not self-willed.I suddenly felt like an asshole. I was the one who was obviously incompetent, but I blamed a little boy who rarely had the opportunity to make noise. My heart is sour.What am I doing? I pretended to go out to pour water, and when I saw Lin Fan lowering his head and silently tearing down the runway, I walked over and sat cross-legged on the floor. "Why did you dismantle it? Don't play anymore?" He was startled, raised his head, and blinked his big black and white eyes: "Sister?...I won't play anymore....I'm tired of playing and noisy."

"It's not noisy," I grabbed a flat racing car and dialed the rear wheel twice.To be honest, I really don't know why this thing is so fun, why a group of boys, no matter how old or young, are crazy about it.I made a very interested look and said, "Put it on the shelf, let my sister run around too." Lin Fan timidly glanced in Aunt Qi's direction, and then gently helped me put the tracks back together. I grabbed one at random and said, "Come on, let's race!" I was about to put it on the top, but he stopped me. For the first time, I saw the fiery persistence and extremely professional expression in the eyes of this little guy: "This is not good, the engine has not been adjusted well, and the tires are too worn. Take this, This one is relatively new, I just changed the core, and the corner will definitely not turn over.” I didn't understand a word, but I still took it in a daze. At the moment when the racing car started, I was moved by Lin Fan's concentrated expression.I suddenly remembered Yu Huai's state when he was doing the problem. I called him several times and he couldn't hear him. It was completely different from me who was inefficient and listened to everything. Suddenly I felt emotional.This world belongs to talented people, but also to serious people, and even more to those who study seriously in gifted fields. So where is my talent? Lin Fan won.My dad cheered for him, he held my car in his hands embarrassedly and said: "My sister's car is still not tuned, I'm sorry, I will try again." Then he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to dismantle it. I patted his head, smiled, turned around and blinked at Aunt Qi, and went back to my hut to balance the chemical equations. The soft orange light from the desk lamp made my eyes a little sore.I suddenly remembered a primary school classmate named Wen Miao, a boy who was always unhurried.In the first and second grades of elementary school, the teacher asked everyone to stand up and talk about their ideals. Among the grand wishes of "the Secretary-General of the United Nations", "Astronomer" and "President of the State", he stood up with his nose dragging his nose and said: "I want to Have a good life, a comfortable good life." Everyone laughed at him, what a broken ideal. Although we have never known each other before, he has been living around me. Every time I see him, he always has a leisurely smile, similar grades, and a relaxed and happy look. A comfortable day. I thought of Shen Qi again, insisting on Qingshan not to relax like a moth to a flame, although the result was not satisfactory, but I think, she must have a hearty life and never regret it. What about me?I had the possibility of being comfortable, but I was unwilling to be mediocre and obeyed my parents' arrangement to take the Zhenhua exam. However, because I was really mediocre, the pyramid of life put me in the middle, like a patty in a hamburger submerged in salad dressing. Xiao Linfan's four-wheel drive began to buzz around the runway again. I suddenly felt like some idiot riding a bike onto the highway, and sooner or later I got run over to a bloody mess.
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