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Chapter 39 3. If you don’t control the population, you won’t have enough to eat

The Chinese nation is a nation that advocates reproduction. In China, from the emperors and generals to the common people, everyone is proud of their numbers.Confucius had the admonition that "there is a surplus of land but a shortage of people, and a gentleman should be ashamed of it." Mozi, in addition to advocating that a larger population is better, also strongly advocated early marriage and early childbearing: men marry at 20, and women marry at 15.Therefore, for a long time, the Chinese governments of all dynasties have pursued the policy of encouraging births.Even when the population grew to a certain level of pressure, the imperial governments of successive dynasties did not alleviate the contradictions by controlling the population, but took measures such as reclaiming wasteland and increasing the planting area to feed the growing population.Therefore, during the long period of feudal rule in China, there was basically no concept of population control, and in the vast sea of ​​medical classics in our country, it only talked about how to have children, but never mentioned contraception and abortion.The ancients even regarded contraception and abortion as sinful acts, killing in disguise. Volume 9 of "Chuangwei Thatched Cottage Notes" records such a story: A woman asked a doctor to buy abortion medicine at a high price, but the doctor firmly refused. As a result, the woman was exposed because of the birth of an illegitimate child, the baby was killed, and the woman hanged herself. .After she died, the woman went to the palace of Hades to sue the doctor, but the doctor replied confidently: "Medicine is used to live people, how dare you kill people for profit! You are a traitor, how are you like me?"

China fully implemented the family planning policy in the 1970s.However, as early as the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of my country, our country had the idea of ​​implementing family planning. In the early 1950s, the leaders of the party and the state held a symposium on population issues, approved relevant reports, and advocated birth control; on April 10, 1960, the Second Session of the Second National People's Congress deliberated and passed the "1956-1967 National Article 29 of the Outline for Agricultural Development clearly stipulates: "Propaganda and popularization of birth control and advocating planned birth of children"; on December 18 of the same year, the Party Central Committee and the State Council officially issued instructions: In order to control population development, "use It is an established policy of socialist construction to change childbirth from unplanned to planned.However, in this year, the whole country criticized Ma Yinchu's "New Population Theory" with great fanfare, and the family planning proposal was quickly suppressed.

Later, with the pressure of population growth, the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as Mao Zedong called for population production to be carried out in a planned way more than once, advocating that population production should be included in the national economic development plan. In 1962, Premier Zhou Enlai admitted guiltily that "it is too late to publicize birth control, and we must publicize birth control"; in 1964, the State Council formally established the Family Planning Commission, and held the second national population census in the same year; in 1965, Premier Zhou Enlai made eight When talking about the issue of family planning, Chairman Mao also talked about it 5 times.However, on the one hand, the understanding of birth control is not clear. At that time, population control and population control were mainly based on the consideration of benefiting the physical and mental health and development of women and children, and avoided the problem of overpopulation. Advocating family planning may fall into the suspicion of Malthusian population theory; on the other hand, the implementation of birth control is limited, especially in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The theoretical criticism represented by Ma Yinchu's "new population theory" made the population The theory of more is better occupies a dominant position, and the theory of population moderation has become a "forbidden zone" that no one cares about.The policy at that time also misunderstood that the more people the better, saying that "more Chinese is a great good thing", and adopted a multi-child subsidy to encourage childbearing.Until the end of the 1970s, some theorists advocated the "hand-mouth theory"-don't just see that people have more mouths, more consumption, but also people have not only mouths but also hands, which can produce more consumer goods through labor.This is actually Lassalle's point of view that was criticized by Marx: "labor is the only source of wealth", but it was regarded as a classic at that time. In the state of rules, family planning is put on the shelf, and population reproduction is in a state of letting go and developing at will.

As a result, the population "snowball" got bigger and bigger. The average annual population increase increased from more than 10 million in the early 1950s to more than 20 million in the early 1970s, and the birth rate reached 43.6‰ at its peak.Population growth has reached the point where it cannot be controlled. In 1973, the Family Planning Leading Group of the State Council was established, and put forward the slogan of "late, rare, and few" births. From then on, the propaganda and leadership for strengthening population control began. On March 5, 1978, the first meeting of the Fifth National People's Congress reviewed and approved the revised "Constitution of the People's Republic of China", in which Article 53 stipulates that "the state promotes and implements family planning", officially "practicing family planning, Controlling population growth and improving population quality" is a basic national policy of our country.

On September 25, 1980, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China published the "Open Letter to All Communist Party Members and Communist Youth League Members on Controlling my country's Population Growth", which explained the importance and urgency of family planning with a large number of facts and data.In the same year, the central government also issued the No. 1 document, which began to advocate "a couple having only one child". This policy was implemented in large cities and rural areas with relatively developed economies and cultures.The previous slogan was "A husband and wife give birth to two blessings".

After painful introspection, China has finally embarked on the road of family planning. Due to the successful advancement of the family planning national policy, the arrival of my country's 1.2 billion population has been postponed for a full nine years.According to statistics, in the past 20 years since family planning was implemented, 300 million fewer births have been born nationwide.The population growth rate has been curbed since the early 1970s, from 30‰ in the early 1970s to about 10‰ now. 300 million fewer births means that the people and the country have benefited.Only one item of childcare expenses per person from 0 to 16 years old can save 4 trillion yuan. 4 trillion yuan is equivalent to the total amount of fixed asset investment used by the country for national economic and social development during the 10 years of the "Sixth Five-Year Plan" and "Seventh Five-Year Plan".Assuming that the 4 trillion yuan is used for construction, 135 Baoshan Iron and Steel Plants can be built, 1,800 Shenyang-Dalian Expressways can be built, and 1,900 Asian Games Villages can be built.

300 million fewer births have led to continuous improvement in the health of the people in our country, and Chinese people are living better and longer. The average life expectancy has risen from 35 years in 1949 to 69.05 years, making it one of the countries with the fastest growth in average life expectancy in the world. . The reduction of 300 million births means that China's originally high-speed, unstoppable population express has slowed down significantly. According to internationally accepted standards, China has become one of the countries with a low birth rate.The cities of our country have reached the modern population reproduction form with low birth rate, low death rate and low growth rate.

Now, although China's population growth rate is still higher than that of Western European countries, such as Britain's 3‰ and France's 4‰, it is already close to the level of the United States (11‰) and Canada (12‰). The great courage and remarkable achievements of China's family planning have attracted worldwide attention. Mr. Miller, an internationally renowned population expert, believes that China is the only country that has the courage to face serious population problems.Demographers in the United States, Japan, India, Australia and other countries have also unanimously commented that China is the country with the fastest declining fertility rate in the world.China's effective control of population not only makes China's rapidly growing population train an emergency stop, but also has very important significance for stabilizing the growth of population in Asia and the world.

However, population growth is like a running train, and its huge inertia cannot stop it abruptly.Today, China's population situation is still not optimistic, and population worries still hang over the hearts of the Chinese nation like a haze. With a population base of more than 1.2 billion, the annual net population increase will exceed 12 million, which is equivalent to feeding an additional population equivalent to that of Chile.The newly increased population every year will consume 1/4 of the newly added national income, greatly slowing down the growth rate of the national economy. Therefore, we must continue to strictly control population growth, and gradually make family planning a voluntary behavior of people, change the concept of fertility, and reduce the fertility rate.At the same time, combine family planning work with the development of the socialist market economy, with helping the masses become rich and well-off, and with building civilized and happy families, and unify population control with regional socio-economic development and the improvement of people's living standards Only in this way can population control be carried out sustainably and effectively.

Modern people have already felt the pressure of population from the crowded streets and shrinking villages.When scientists from all over the world are studying how many people the earth can support, as a member of the Chinese nation, they have to consider how many Chinese people can be supported by the 9.6 million square kilometers of land under our feet. As early as 1956, Chinese scholar Sun Wenwen proposed the view that China's population capacity was 800 million based on the condition of cultivated land. Since the end of the 1970s, more scholars have calculated the population capacity of China's environment from the perspectives of food supply, fresh water resources, and economic development, and proposed that China's moderate population be 700-750 million, 630-653 million, 650-700 million 100 million, 950 million, etc.For example, Tian Xueyuan, Chen Yuguang, etc. proposed from the perspective of employment that China's economically moderate population in 100 years will be between 650 million and 700 million; Song Jian et al., from the perspective of food supply and water supply, proposed that the dietary level in a hundred years should reach that of the United States. Compared with the current level of France, the ideal population should be less than 700 million, and measured according to the average water consumption standard of developed countries, it should be between 630 million and 650 million; Satisfaction analysis proposes that China's population should remain between 700 and 1 billion after 100 years. These studies are all extrapolated or predicted based on the current situation in the early 1980s.Judging from the reality, China's population has already exceeded the ideal state expected by people, and it is still rising.

Our generation happens to be a generation passing by this ideal state.If you miss the sun, you can't miss the moon!What we need to consider more now is how to control China's population within the limit state that China's land can carry.If the ideal state of population is related to the development of the Chinese nation, then the limit state is related to the survival of the Chinese nation. We cannot repeat the same mistakes of the past. So, what is the limit of China's land carrying capacity?In other words, how many people can China's land support at most?Of course, any prediction cannot be completely accurate, because the development of society and the progress of science and technology are unpredictable, but this does not exclude basic estimates. In the early 1980s, the World Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations conducted comprehensive calculations on the potential population carrying capacity of land resources in developing countries, which aroused widespread concern.Referring to this method, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Natural Resources Comprehensive Inspection Committee of the State Planning Commission conducted a large-scale study on the production capacity of China's land resources and its population carrying capacity in the late 1980s, and obtained the most comprehensive China's Evaluation of environmental population capacity.As a result, the maximum production capacity of China's land resources is 830 million tons, and the maximum population carrying capacity is 1.66 billion people based on the per capita grain standard of 500 kg; the maximum population carrying capacity is 1.51 billion people based on the per capita grain standard of 550 kg .From this, it can be concluded that the maximum population capacity of China's environment is 1.5 to 1.6 billion people. In view of this, we classify 1.6 billion as the "lifeline" of China's population.If we exceed this limit, we have an existential crisis. So, can we control the population within this limit capacity?The answer is yes.Scientists have calculated that as long as we control and stabilize the birth rate at the current level, as the age structure continues to grow and stabilize, China's population is expected to enter a state of zero growth after a certain period of time.According to a more optimistic estimate, the time when China's population enters a zero-growth state will be between 2030 and 2050. At that time, the total population of China will just reach 1.5 to 1.6 billion people, which means an increase of nearly 400 million people on the existing basis. .Since then, China's population has gradually declined. Around the end of the 21st century, China's population will stabilize at an ideal state of 600-800 million. This is a very optimistic estimate, and as long as our population control is slightly relaxed, population growth will rebound, the time to enter zero growth will be delayed, and the population peak when it reaches zero growth will greatly exceed the 1.6 billion lifeline we have set .A large number of studies have shown that once China's population exceeds 1.6 billion, the survival of the Chinese nation will be threatened. The most prominent problem is the lack of food. At that time, the Chinese may experience the hunger of our ancestors again. . Through ignorance and arrogance, we have lost an opportunity to maintain an ideal population.But now, we must not irresponsibly push the Chinese nation into a dangerous abyss because of our recklessness and indulgence.For our own survival and for our future generations to have an ideal development environment, we must firmly hold on to this "lifeline" and resolutely control the population below 1.6 billion. To achieve this goal, we must continue to implement the basic national policy of strictly controlling population growth and implementing family planning, and vigorously promote the "one-child policy".The current policy of "promoting one child, controlling two, and eliminating three" is based on the fact that the total population of our country is too large and the future population growth rate is too fast. It must be unswerving It should be fully implemented, and the emphasis should be placed on rural areas, and efforts should be made to establish a new population control system suitable for China's conditions.Experts and scholars suggest that the next stage of China's population control should take the following specific measures: First, change the family's reproductive needs.It is necessary to start with the adjustment of the family's reproductive needs, indirectly guide the family's reproductive behavior, and form a new mechanism for the self-restraint of family population proliferation.In order to change the family's reproductive needs, it is necessary to exert substantive influence from the following two aspects: first, reduce the socioeconomic value of the family's childbearing.Through the use of various means mainly economic means, the labor force with different qualities widens the gap in employment choices and economic income, so that the number of children who are born now and the children with poorer quality in the future will be reduced or lost in practice. Its socio-economic value, thus inducing a new mechanism for the self-restraint of family population proliferation; second, increasing the cost of families having children.In the future, the state should use a variety of means, mainly economic means, so that the cost of bearing more children, especially education, will be more than the cost of having fewer children, enough to be compared with the income that those children may bring in the future become outweighed, thereby inducing new mechanisms for self-regulation of their population proliferation. The second is to establish various forms of family planning contract responsibility system.It is necessary to change the old system that relied solely on administrative means to control population growth in the past, and find a new way to adapt to the implementation of family planning at this stage.Through the organic combination of responsibilities and rights in family planning, the introduction of a competition mechanism, the implementation of rewards and punishments for the poor, straightening out the relationship between parties and personnel related to family planning, and enhancing the sense of pressure of leading cadres at all levels of leading institutions, family planning The sense of responsibility of the competent departments and staff, as well as the sense of the legal system of the majority of marriage and childbearing personnel, have truly implemented the family planning work, so that the task of controlling population growth can be effectively guaranteed. The third is to establish and improve family planning institutions at all levels.It is necessary to strengthen the family planning work team composed of full-time and part-time personnel, pay attention to the training of family planning staff, improve their quality, and provide them with necessary financial guarantees. The fourth is to establish and implement technical policies and technical measures that can not only ensure the control of population growth, but also provide the masses with voluntary choice of contraception and birth control. The fifth is to implement the policy of rewarding and restricting family planning.It is necessary to encourage late marriage, late childbearing, fewer and better births, and adopt various measures to enhance the attractiveness and binding force of policies.Provide an attractive alternative to early marriage, early childbearing and multiple births to those of childbearing age through incentives; demand a considerable amount of compensation from those who do not practice family planning through sanctions that they should pay to the society.Adopt incentives and restrictive measures to provide different opportunities for people of marriage and childbearing age, so as to induce them to make decisions that are conducive to reducing family size and controlling population growth. The sixth is to strengthen the pertinence, knowledge and service of family planning publicity and education.Combine publicity and education with contraception and birth control more effectively.According to the needs of different groups of people, it is necessary to disseminate relevant knowledge in a targeted manner, organically combine conceptual publicity and education with actual service provision, and guide concept renewal and awareness transformation through publicity and education.The first is to shift from the domestic awareness of the population to the global awareness; the second is to shift from the awareness of economic aggregates to the per capita awareness of the economy; the third is to shift from early marriage and early childbearing, "more children, more blessings" to the marriage concept of late marriage and late childbearing, fewer births and better births; the fourth is From "many people are powerful" to the awareness of optimizing the population. In addition, a very important aspect is to pay close attention to the construction of family planning laws and regulations, strengthen the management of floating population and family planning management, formulate and promulgate birth control laws as soon as possible, and use economic, administrative and legal means to control population growth.To fundamentally control the population, we must not only strengthen administrative and economic measures, but also adopt and implement legal means to truly institutionalize, legalize, and standardize birth control, population planning, and control policies and measures.Only in this way can we truly control China's population and truly ensure that China's population will not exceed the limit of the embarrassing situation.To leave living space for our descendants, we should not only consider our own development, but also consider the survival of future generations.This is where humans differ from other lower animals. But what do we want to leave to future generations?Is it money?Is it real estate?Or something else? In fact, the most important thing is to leave a space suitable for survival and development to our offspring. Experts pointed out that in modern industrial society, in order to maintain a person's life, 25 tons of various substances are dug out from the earth's soil and lithosphere every year. The more the population, the faster the resources will be exhausted.But people now know that there is only one earth for human beings, and the resources on the earth are limited. Now that we use more, our descendants may have less.Therefore, we cannot fail to consider leaving non-renewable resources necessary for survival to future generations as we develop. American scholar Paul Harrison described in his book "Human Quantity and Human Needs": Due to the pressure of population growth, the consumption of fresh water, energy and mineral resources has obviously accelerated.Fresh water is a limited resource. It is predicted that by the year 2000, there will be a shortage of fresh water in parts of South Asia and Central America, especially in North Africa, East Africa and West Africa, and some areas may experience absolute water shortage and drought.If oil resources are exploited at the same rate as in 1982, they will be fully exploited by 2016.Although oil reserves will increase with people's exploration, the speed of exploration is not as fast as the speed of extraction, so the life of oil extraction is shortening.Various mineral resources will become increasingly scarce. According to the current consumption rate, 12 kinds of mineral resources will be exhausted within 50 years. Land degradation is a serious problem for developing countries, especially those with a majority agricultural population.Due to excessive population growth, excessive use of land has resulted in land desertification and degradation.Every year, about 6 million hectares of land in the world suffer from irreversible desertification, and 20 million hectares of land are depleted of fertility and can no longer be cultivated and grazing.It is worth noting that this is a vicious circle: the more the population, the more over-use of land, the more serious land degradation, the less arable land, which in turn leads to more over-use of land, and more serious degradation. In order to maintain a person's life, not only 25 tons of various substances are excavated from the soil and rocks of the earth every year, but also a large amount of waste residue, waste water and waste gas are produced during the processing process, and a large amount of waste is left after the finished product is made. thing. It has been described that if we continue to plunder resources and destroy the environment on such a large scale, decades or hundreds of years later, the earth left to our descendants will become a devastated garbage dump, with no forests, no pastures, and no cultivated land. No more, even birds are rarely seen. As for animals such as tigers and black bears, there are no more in the zoo. I only know a little bit from the movies and TV shows we have left for them.There is no oil for energy, no coal for heating, no gold, silver, copper, iron, tin and other mineral manufacturing machines, and even the water they drink every day can only be picked up when it rains... This is not sensational, the current world The excessive growth of population has caused damage to ecology and the environment that has exceeded the limit that the earth can bear. If we want to survive, our offspring must survive too! If we want to develop, our future generations should also develop! It is foolish to occupy the resources of future generations to seek one's own survival. It is selfish to seek one's own development at the expense of the interests of future generations. We cannot be castigated by future generations with this irresponsible approach.Therefore, since the 1970s, all countries in the world have been seeking a development path that can ensure their own development without too much damage to the interests of future generations. Therefore, the strategy of "sustainable development" has entered people's field of vision. In 1972, the International Environment Conference was held in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. The conference put forward concepts such as "ecological development", "development in line with environmental requirements", "non-destructive development", "continuous and sustainable development", "sustainable development "It was mentioned in front of people for the first time.The central topic of this meeting is that development should not damage the environment, and that economic development and environmental protection should be coordinated to seek a harmonious relationship. In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development chaired by Mrs. Brent, Prime Minister of Norway, adopted the term "sustainable development" in the report entitled "Our Common Future" and explained it as a concept: sustainable development is both Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.This formulation has gradually been recognized by countries all over the world. It is agreed that the common development strategy of the world in the 21st century is a sustainable development strategy. development path that is needed.” In fact, unlimited resource plundering not only affects the development of future generations, but also begins to endanger the survival of our present generation. In the past 10 to 20 years, with the rapid development of science and technology, highly developed productivity, coupled with the rapid growth of population, human beings have obtained more and more materials and energy from nature, and the speed has become faster and faster, which has greatly accelerated the development of resources and resources. The consumption of energy has caused the shortage and depletion of resources and energy.At the same time, human beings discharge more and more substances and energy to nature, and the result is pollution to the environment and damage to the ecosystem.When this damaged environment acts on human beings, it not only seriously affects the further development of human beings, but also poses a direct threat to the survival of human beings, such as land desertification, forest area reduction, greenhouse effect, and the destruction of the ozone layer. , are all manifestations of the deteriorating and tense relationship between the human social system and the geographical system, and their roots all come from the activities of human beings themselves.If we say that in the past due to ignorance, human beings experienced passive "obedience" to blind "conquest" of nature, then, with the tremendous development of science and technology today, human beings must adjust their relationship with nature. At the "United Nations International Conference on Population and Development" held in Cairo in 1994, scientists appealed to the heads of state in a joint statement: "We urge you to take actions that are tailored to the current situation and adopt a global unified population and development strategy. A policy of continued development. One more year of delay and the problem will be sharpened. Let 1994 be remembered forever as the year when people around the world decided to act together for the benefit of future generations." The Program of Action adopted at the Cairo Conference called on developed countries to take the lead in achieving sustainable consumption patterns and effective management of waste. This meeting gave a more detailed explanation of "sustainable development": "Regarding the production and consumption of all economic activities sustainable over the long term, including industry, energy, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, transport, tourism and infrastructure for an ecologically sound optimum use of resources and minimum waste.” The Program of Action reaffirms that the right to development is a universal , inalienable rights and an integral part of fundamental human rights; the human being is the central subject of development.That is to say, controlling population growth is conducive to sustainable economic and social development, and only sustainable economic and social development can fundamentally solve the population problem. As the famous philosopher Rousseau said more than 200 years ago: "Man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains. He who thinks he is the master of everything else is more restrained than everything else." The huge population and relatively small per capita resources make it more urgent and necessary for China to implement a sustainable development strategy. Looking at the total amount of resources, China is undoubtedly rich in natural resources and can be called a resource-rich country.For example, the land area is second only to the former Soviet Union and Canada, ranking third; the cultivated land area is second only to the former Soviet Union, the United States, and India, ranking fourth; the permanent grassland is second only to Australia and the former Soviet Union, ranking third 3rd; forests and woodlands are second to the former Soviet Union, Brazil, Canada, and the United States, ranking 5th; river flow, ranking 6th; among mineral resources, tungsten, antimony, zinc, titanium, vanadium, rare earth, heavy The proven reserves of spar and others rank first in the world.If the overall abundance of major natural resources is measured by the proportion of the world's total, China ranks third after the former Soviet Union and the United States. However, because China is also the most populous country at the same time, and there is a big gap with other countries. For example, compared with the former Soviet Union and the United States, the two major resources countries, China's population is four times that of the former Soviet Union and nearly five times that of the United States. Therefore, from In terms of the relative quantity of the per capita level, China's resources are not only not rich, but can even be said to be in short supply. Except for the total value of mineral resources, the rest are less than half of the world's average level, and most of them are even less than the world's average level. 1/3. Therefore, China has a positive attitude and rapid action in implementing the sustainable development strategy.In addition to China's strict family planning policy, which has led to a rapid decline in China's population growth rate, China is also the initiator and signatory of a series of international environmental protection conventions.China not only signed the "21st Century Agenda" and the "Rio de Janeiro Declaration on Environment and Development" adopted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, but also faithfully fulfilled the commitments made at the meeting and took the lead in launching "China's 21st Century Agenda - China's 21st Century Population, Environment and Development White Paper" .In addition, it is also a signatory to the Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. "China's 21st Century Agenda" promulgated in 1994 put forward China's strategic goals for sustainable development, including controlling environmental pollution, improving the environmental quality of key cities, and slowing down the deterioration of natural ecology.Specific indicators, such as 84% ​​of industrial wastewater treatment rate, 20% of urban sewage centralized treatment rate, and 90% of industrial waste gas treatment rate in 2000; national forest coverage rate of 15-16%, prevention and control of desertification spread, and annual governance Soil erosion covers an area of ​​20,000 to 40,000 square kilometers; cultivated land resources are protected, with 3.3 million hectares of newly added cultivated land from 1991 to 2000; the area of ​​various protected areas across the country reaches 100 million hectares, and all natural ecosystems are protected. At the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held on September 12, 1997, General Secretary Jiang Zemin clearly pointed out: "my country is a country with a large population and relatively insufficient resources. It must implement a sustainable development strategy in the modernization drive. Adhere to family planning and protection The basic national policy of the environment, correctly handle the relationship between economic development and population, resources, and environment. Resource development and conservation should be developed simultaneously, and conservation should be given top priority to improve the efficiency of resource utilization. Coordinate the development and improvement of land and resources, and strictly implement land, water, and forest management. , minerals, marine and other resource management and protection laws. Implement the system of paid use of resources. Strengthen the control of environmental pollution, plant trees and grass, do a good job in water and soil conservation, prevent and control desertification, and improve the ecological environment. Control population growth, improve population quality, and pay attention to population aging problem." Controlling population growth, protecting the environment, and saving resources are our solemn promises to future generations! On the horizon of the 21st century, we have seen the hope and dawn of a virtuous cycle and coordinated development of population, economy, society, and resources.
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