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Chapter 39 Chapter 37 Desire

Host 斯蒂芬妮·梅尔 5122Words 2018-03-14
Winning is about tactics, and if Jared and Kyle were on the same team, they would win.If Jared and Ian play together, their team will win.To me, Jared was unbeatable, but after I saw the brothers Kyle and Ian fighting side by side, my mind changed. At first, for Ian at least, being teammates with Kyle made him nervous, but after a few minutes of running in the dark, they found a familiar tactic—a tactic that had existed long before I came to this planet. . Before Ian moved, Kyle knew what he was going to do, and vice versa, they had already told each other everything without saying anything.Even if Jared pulls the best players to his side - Brandt, Andy, Wes, Aaron, Team Lily and goalie Maggie - Kyle and Ian's team wins up.

"Okay, okay," said Jeb, catching Aaron's kick with one hand and tucking it under his arm, "I think we all know who wins. I don't want to spoil the fun, But there’s still work to be done, and to be honest, I’m tired, too.” One person protested a bit, a few people complained a bit, but it was more of a good laugh, as if no one was sad that the fun was over.Several people just sat on the ground, burying their heads between their knees and gasping for breath. Obviously, Jeb was not alone in exhaustion. Everyone dispersed in twos and threes.I slipped to the side of the passage to make way for them to get out.They might have gone to the kitchen, and it must be past lunch time, but it was hard to tell the time in such a dark hole.From a gap in the crowd, I saw Kyle and Ian.

At the end of the game, Kyle raised his hand for a high five, but Ian walked right past him and ignored it.So Kyle grabbed Ian by the shoulders and turned him around.Ian shakes Kyle's hand away, and I'm afraid they're going to fight—at first they look like they're fighting.Kyle punched Ian in the stomach, but Ian dodged it lightly, and then there was no fighting posture.Kyle laughed, stretched out his extra-long arms, and rubbed his fist against Ian's head.Ian pushed his hand away, but this time he had a little smile on his face. "Good game, brother," I heard Kyle say. "Your skills are still good."

"You're an idiot, Kyle," Ian replied. "You have a smart head, I have a handsome face, it seems fair." Kyle punched again, but not with full force.This time, Ian caught it, clamping Kyle's head tightly under his arm.Now, he was actually smiling.Kyle also scolded and laughed at the same time. I still thought it was violent, and it was stressful watching them, and I squinted my eyes.At the same time, it reminded me of a scene Melanie once remembered: three puppies rolling in the grass, barking wildly, baring their teeth as if their only wish was to rip their brother's throat.

Yes, they are playing.Melanie confirmed it, brotherly love is thicker than water. Just like them.That's it, which is a good thing if Kyle really doesn't want to kill us. if.Melanie repeated worriedly. "Are you hungry?" I looked up and looked up.My heart stopped beating temporarily, and I felt a little heartache. Jared still seemed to believe in us. I shake my head, which allows me to breathe and say, "I don't know why, even though I'm just sitting here and doing nothing, I feel tired too." He held out a hand. Rein in yourself, Melanie warns me, he's just being polite.

Do you think I don't know? I reached out to him, trying to keep my hands from shaking. He carefully helped me to my feet—on one foot, in fact.I was balancing on my non-injured leg and didn't know how to move forward and neither did he.He still held my hand, but there was a wide distance between us.It was ridiculous to think of jumping out all the way like this, and my neck felt hot.My fingers circled his, but I really couldn't borrow his strength. "Where are you going?" "Ah," I frowned, "I really don't know, I think there's a mat in the—storage room."

He frowned too. He, like me, didn't think it was a good idea. Then a strong arm lifted my arm and supported my weight. "I'll take her where she needs to go," Ian said. Jared's expression was wary, he was looking at me, not wanting me to know what he was thinking, but now he was looking at Ian. "We were discussing where to go just now, she is tired, maybe go to the hospital" Ian and I shook our heads at the same time, having spent the past few dreadful days in there, I don't think I can bear the room I was wrongly afraid of any longer, especially with Walter's bed empty''"I have A better place," Ian said, "those cots are hard as rocks, and she's got a lot of injuries."

Jared is still holding my hand, does he realize how tight his grip is?I started to feel uncomfortable, but he didn't seem to realize it, and I certainly wasn't complaining. "Why don't you go to lunch?" Jared suggested to Ian, "You look very hungry, I will take her to the place you said" Ian chuckled slightly, his voice was very low: "I'm fine, to be honest, Jared, Xiaoman needs more help than just a hand. I don't know if you give her this Help, don't you feel comfortable, you see" Ian stopped, bent over, and quickly pulled me into his arms.It touched my ribs all of a sudden, and I was gasping for breath in pain.Jared didn't let go of my hand, and my fingertips turned red.

"...I think she has had enough exercise in the day, you go to the kitchen." My fingertips turned purple, and they stood facing each other. "I can take her there." Jared finally spoke, his voice very soft. "Can you?" Ian asked defiantly.He pushed me out, away from his body. transfer. Jared looked at me for a full minute.So, he sighed and let go of my hand. Oh.It hurts!Melanie grumbled.She was referring to a sudden pain in her chest, not the pain of blood backing up to her fingertips. Sorry.What do you want me to do? He is not yours. Yes, I know. Ouch.

Sorry. "I think I'll follow," Jared said, and a triumphant smile played on Ian's lips. Ian turned around and walked toward the exit. "I want to talk to you." "up to you." We walked down the dark passage, and Jared didn't talk about anything.He was very quiet, I don't know if he was still around, but he followed us as we walked into the light of the cornfield. He didn't speak until we had crossed the main square—until there was no one but the three of us. "What do you think of Kyle?" he asked Ian. Ian snorted: "He has always prided himself on being a man who keeps his promises. Normally, I would trust his promises, and in this case I would not let her out of my sight."

"it is good." "Ian, it'll be all right," I said, "I'm not afraid." "You don't have to be afraid, I promise—no one will do the same thing to hurt you again, and you'll be safe here." His eyes burned with such passion, it was hard not to look into them, to doubt anything he said. "Yes," Jared agreed. "You'll be safe." He was walking beside Ian, I couldn't see his expression. "Thank you." I whispered. No one spoke, and finally Ian stopped in front of the red-gray door of his room. "Would you mind opening the door?" Ian said to Jared, nodding toward the door. Jared didn't move, Ian turned so we could all see him, the look on his face was wary. "Your room? Is this where you think it's better?" Jared's voice was full of doubt. "It's her room now." I bit my lip. I wanted to tell Ian that this was certainly not my room, but before I could say anything, Jared was already questioning him. "Where does Kyle sleep?" "Sleeping with Wes for now." "how about you?" "I'm not sure yet." They stared at each other with scrutiny. "Ian, this is" I started. "Oh," he interrupted, as if he had just remembered me, as if my weight meant nothing to him and he had forgotten I existed. "You're tired, aren't you? Jared, please." Open a T, okay?" Jared said nothing. He swung the red door open and pushed it against the gray door. For the first time, I really saw Ian's room, the midday sun streaming in through the narrow gap in the ceiling.It wasn't as bright or as tall as Jamie and Jared's room, and a bit low, but it was the right size.This room is round - sort of like my hole, only this room is ten times bigger.There are two mattresses on the floor, leaning against the walls on both sides, leaving a narrow passage in the middle.On the back wall was a long low wooden cabinet, on the left side of which was a pile of clothes, two books, and a pile of cards; the right side of the cabinet was completely empty, but judging by the dust marks it had only recently been empty. from. Ian carefully placed me on the right side of the mattress, settled my legs, and straightened the pillows.Jared stood in the doorway, facing the aisle. "Is that okay?" Ian asked me. "okay." "You look tired." "I shouldn't be doing this - these days, I'm doing nothing but sleeping." "Your body needs sleep to recover." I nodded, I don't deny that I couldn't even open my eyelids. "I'll bring you food later—don't worry about anything." "Thank you, Ian." "What's wrong?" "This is your room," I murmured, "of course you will sleep here." "you do not mind?" "Why should I mind?" "It might be a good idea - watch your best approach and get some sleep." "OK." With my eyes closed, he patted my hand, and then I heard him stand up.A few seconds later, the wooden door hit the stone lightly with a bang. Do you know what you're doing, Melanie demanded. What?what did I do? Xiaoman, you are almost human.You have to understand how Ian feels about your invitation. invite?I see her thinking now, no, this is his room. There are two beds here.There aren't enough bedrooms here for me to have my own place, of course we could share a room, Ian understood that. Does he understand, Xiaoman, open your eyes.He started how do I explain you to understand, he feels to you like you feel to Jared, don't you understand? In a heartbeat of two, I can't answer this question. impossible.I finally spoke. "Do you think what happened this morning will affect Aaron or Brant?" Ian asked in a low voice from the other side of the door. "You mean Kyle will be expelled?" "Yes, they didn't have to do nothing before, maybe Kyle did it for them." "I see what you mean, and I'll talk to them." "Do you think that's enough?" Ian asked. "I saved both of their lives and they owe it to me. If I tell them to do something, they will do it." "You bet her life?" Conversation paused. "We'll watch her," Jared finally said. There was another long silence. "Aren't you going to eat?" Jared asked. "I want to stay here for a while, how about you?" Jared didn't answer. "What?" Ian asked. "Jared, do you have something to say to me?" "That girl," Jared said slowly. "What's wrong?" "That body doesn't belong to her." "what do you mean?" When Jared answered, his voice was stern: "Don't touch it." Ian chuckled softly: "You're jealous, aren't you?" "Not this question." "Really." Ian said in a mocking tone. "Xiao Man seems to be very cooperative with Melanie. It sounds like their relationship is very friendly, but, obviously, it is Xiao Man who makes the decision. What if it were you, what would you do? If you were Melanie, would you How would you feel? What would you do if you were the one whose soul had been invaded? What would you do if you were locked in and someone else told you what your body should do? What would you do if you couldn't Speak for yourself? Don't you want your wish - to be known - to be respected? At least by other people?" "Okay, okay. Got it, I'll remember." "What do you mean, what do you mean you will remember?" Jared asked. "I mean I'll think about it." "Nothing to think about," Jared retorted.Hearing the voice, I knew what his face looked like—clenching his teeth and clenching his jaw, "That body and the person trapped in it belong to me." "Are you sure Melanie still feels'·" "Melanie will always be mine and I will always be hers." forever. Suddenly Melanie and I were in two extremes.She was about to fly with joy, I wasn't. There was another silence as we all waited anxiously. "But what if it were you, what would you do?" Ian said in a low voice, "What would you do if you were put in a human body, wandered around this planet, and finally found that you had no one of your own kind? What if you are such a good person and you want to save the life you occupy and you risk your life to bring her home? What if you find yourself surrounded by savage aliens who hate you and hurt you and want to Kill you, and again and again, what would you do?" He hesitated for a moment, "If despite this, you still try your best to save and heal these people, what will you do? Shouldn't you have Life? Don't you deserve those rights?" Jared didn't answer, and my eyes got wet.Does Ian really think so highly of me?Does he really think I have a right to live? "Understood?" Ian asked hastily. "I'll think about it." "Think about it." "but still" Ian sighed and interrupted him: "Don't be nervous. Although Xiaoman's body is a human body, she is not a real person yet. She doesn't seem to respond to physical contact, her reaction to people no the same." It was Jared's turn to laugh. "Is that your theory?" "what's so funny?" "She was able to respond to physical contact," Jared told him, "with a sudden calmness again, and she was fully human, or her body was a human body anyway." My face is hot. Ian was silent. "Jealous, eh?" "I'm actually surprised." Ian's voice was tense. "How do you know?" Jared hesitated: "That's almost an experiment." "experiment?" "The experiment didn't go the way I thought it would. Mel punched me." I heard him grinning as he recalled.In my head, I see even his eyes are full of smiles. "Melanie punched you?" "It's definitely not Xiaoman, you should see how her face is? Hey, Ian, take it easy, man!" "Have you ever wondered how this will affect her?" Ian said. "Mel?" "No, you idiot, Xiao Man!" "Effect on Comic?" Jared asked, sounding confused. "Oh, get out of here, go out and get something to eat, and leave me to myself for a few hours." Ian didn't wait for his answer. He pushed the door open—hardly but lightly—and slipped into his room, putting the door back in place. He turned to me and met my eyes.You could tell from his expression that he was surprised, surprised and disappointed to see me awake.The fire in his eyes was burning, but slowly extinguished, and he pouted. He turned his head to one side, listening.I listened too, but Jared was gone without making a sound.Ian waited another moment, then sighed and slammed down on the edge of the mattress, facing me. "I guess we're not as quiet as I thought," he said. "Sound can come through the hole." I whispered. He nodded. "So," he said at last, "what do you think?"
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