Home Categories youth city Outstanding Work of the New Concept Award Winner: Blooming in Blossoms
Text/Zhu Jing In a fishing village by the sea, there lived a fisherman and his wife; they lived like many other fisherman's families. How many days have you been out at sea, and how many days are left to come back?Probably the life of a fisherman's wife is a bit monotonous, but they are used to it. The days were peaceful, until one day, that was the last time my husband went out to sea in autumn, and he brought back enough fish, enough for the winter, which made him and his wife very satisfied and happy, and the meal was more substantial than usual After dinner, he and his wife sat peacefully by the fire, and the wife was busy sewing winter clothes from sea otter skins, while the fisherman sipped hot tea. "How long have we been married, good old man?" asked the wife suddenly. "It's been twenty years." The husband said with a shy smile.

Suddenly the fisherman's wife burst into tears. "Oh, what's the matter with you?" the fisherman asked with concern. "You see, we have been married for so long, we are getting old, but we don't even have a child." "Yes." The fisherman fell silent after hearing this.The family was suddenly plunged into deep sadness. All this was heard by a fairy flying by the window.Some traces of the personalities of fairies can be found in the quotes from Peter Pan. Most of them are small and have beautiful transparent wings. There is no doubt about it. They are often soft-hearted, but also have a strange temper. Controlled mischievous tendencies and urges to hurt others.Therefore, wherever fairies appear, happiness and trouble often go together.

The little fairy passed by this fishing village because she had just attended the christening ceremony of her godson.Her godson was a newly hatched sea turtle, who was lucky to say that his three older siblings were crushed to death while hatching by his inexperienced mother.The moment he exposed his head from the eggshell, his father was moved by the great fatherly love, and swam for a month to the fairy island in the center of the ocean to invite a little fairy to be his baby son's godmother. The little fairy drank too much nectar made from nectar at the banquet at the turtle's house. On the way back, she was a little confused and stumbled; she leaned against the fisherman's window and thought, let's take a rest.

As a result, I heard this conversation between the fisherman and his wife.At this time, the little fairy hadn't recovered from the joy of celebrating the birth of a new life. After hearing this, she immediately had an impulse, "It's easy, I can give you a child." Her voice was as clear as a silver bell. The chatter was picked up outside the window. She appeared in front of the couple with flapping transparent wings, and her voice was like a gospel, promising the possibility of a definition of happiness, but there was an unknown mystery hidden. She said: "I can give you a child, but you have to agree to one condition."

Anyone who has read many fairy tales will know that trading with fairies often comes with many additional conditions like small tails.In this story, this agreement is called the yak agreement, which means that it has an additional condition that is as small and weak as a yak, but is actually extremely important.Perhaps the end of many stories will be very sad, but it does not prevent people from facing a story with a relatively relaxed heart. Soon the fisherman and his wife had a beautiful child, whose skin was as delicate as a flower petal, and whose eyes were as beautiful as the clearest sea water.Although she grew up in a fisherman's family, she grew up like a real princess.Everyone in the village likes her, and when they see her, they always say: "Oh, such a beautiful girl." They also like the white seagulls flying by the sea all the year round, the big trout passing by occasionally, and even the seaside The vultures perched on the dead trees all bowed their heads and shyly expressed their love to her.She knows water like a mermaid, and she often spends a day playing in the sea, and then returns home under the escort of dolphins.

Naturally, the fisherman and his wife loved her very much, and their family was very happy, so happy that they forgot their promise with the fairy.The little girl has a nice name called Xiao Ai.When Xiao Ai was 10 years old, a stranger came to the fishing village. He was probably in his thirties, or older, or younger.His disheveled hair and beard masked his true face, so it's anyone's guess.He was tall, with long hands and long feet, and his old clothes looked so ill-fitting that the sleeves and trouser legs were too short.When he came to this fishing village, he brought only a black cat with him.The villagers all guessed that he was probably a homeless person.

He built a shack near Xiao Ai's house and lived there.He doesn’t seem to do much every day, just catch some small fish, pick some kelp and small crabs on the beach for cooking, and he often sits in front of the shack with his cat in his arms in the evening, until the dusk falls .His figure is so lonely under the starry sky.In this way, a year later, his cat died, and he still lived like that, but was replaced by a person sitting under the starry sky.It was so lonely, people lamented. The days are always similar and slightly different in the past, people gradually get used to that man, they don't know his name and origin, they just call him, that lonely old man.That person doesn't socialize with others, he's very weird, the only person he talks to in the village is Xiao Ai.The first time she stood in front of that shack was just out of curiosity, she walked up to him ignorantly, and looked at him without any dodge, his eyes were empty and sad.

Sometimes Xiao Ai will give him the beautiful starfish he caught from the sea, and he often collects the most beautiful conch from the beach for Xiao Ai.They sometimes look at the stars together, but they rarely talk. Sometimes he strokes Xiao Ai's long, dense seaweed-like hair, as if stroking his own cat. The years and vicissitudes we often talk about are actually just the accumulation of some ordinary days.The so-called friendship is just a habit, but a long-term concern.In the years of growing up, Xiao Ai did not feel that this man was special to her, and this lonely man only regarded watching a little girl grow up as a part of life, a content, a responsibility, and a gift .

When Xiao Ai was 15 years old, she gradually matured.Her eyebrows began to be as charming as a flower blooming to reveal its pistils, and her body began to show a feminine posture.She grew up to be a beautiful woman, like the omen of her appearance when she was a child, like the promise of a fairy, like the ideal of many people. 15-year-old Xiao Ai is in love, and she is in love with a hunter.The story begins very simply. On a hunt in the woods, the young hunter sees Ai being chased by a wolf and shoots the wolf to save her.The story started out so clichéd, yet proceeded so naturally.Xiao Ai fell in love with Hunter, and Hunter also fell in love with Xiao Ai, everything was irresistible.

If the story is like this, it is actually very good. However, in the year of Xiao Ai's 16th birthday, Xiao Xianzi came to celebrate her birthday and to witness the fulfillment of a promise.When the little fairy came into the fisherman's house, she stumbled a little, of course not because she was old, fairies never age; nor was she drunk, she was just always a little reckless. The fisherman and his wife were resting by the fire that night, at that time, as usual.They don't use fishing much anymore, and the hard-working hunters have brought enough prey to make the family well-fed.They were satisfied with this hunter, this marriage, and like all people who are about to grow old, it is easy to get carried away by the simple ending that is taken for granted.

Until, the moment the fairy broke in.Almost simultaneously they sighed and said, "Oh, that promise." More than ten years ago, when the fairy sent them a beautiful baby girl, she also gave a prophecy about the baby girl's fate.She fluttered her wings playfully, seemingly inadvertently, not as if announcing a major event in another person's life and destiny.She said, this girl, she will be beautiful, wise, healthy, kind, she will avoid all bad luck and harm; Man, live her life.This is also an agreement between you and God, a promise. The fisherman and his wife almost forgot the second half of this passage.Until the little fairy appeared again. Xiao Ai is sixteen years old, and the little fairy thinks she is old enough to be a wife.She doesn't mind coming earlier to get this done. The fisherman and his wife pleaded pitifully to the little fairy, softly, in order not to wake up the beautiful daughter who was already asleep in the room. "Oh, Fairy, our daughter is still so young, let's wait a year later. It won't be too late to fulfill the promise." The little fairy said, well, yawned and left.She left a present for the poor little girl who knew nothing of her fate.It was a beautiful and wild necklace made from the teeth of 15 baby sharks. In fact, the little girl has already woken up. From the moment the little fairy slammed the door of the house, she thought it was her beloved hunter. Like all excited and shy girls in love, she quickly jumped out of bed, barefoot again. He walked softly to the door and listened to the conversation outside.She thought it was her hunter who came to propose marriage quietly, but she didn't want to hear this. Oh, she was so annoyed.She knew almost immediately that the husband destined for her was the old man who had watched her grow up.She was so sad, tears rolled down her beautiful face like pearls, the moon couldn't bear to see it and hid quietly in the clouds, the stars stopped blinking and mourned silently.This night was dark and hopeless. Xiao Ai naturally found the dear hunter and told everything.The brave hunter held her hand and said: "Let's run away. I heard that as long as we walk through this forest and climb two mountains, there is a beautiful and rich country on the other side of the mountain, and no one will find us." ." Xiao Ai braided her long hair, wore the most beautiful gown, put on that string of shark tooth necklaces, and embarked on a journey with her young lover like a real wife. They left at midnight.The whole fishing village was surprisingly quiet, except for that lonely man.When Xiao Ai and the hunter walked through the beach, they saw a lonely man sitting on the reef by the sea.Under the cold moonlight, he glanced at her, and she glanced at him.They didn't say anything and seemed to know everything about each other.Xiao Ai followed her lover without hesitation.And the lonely man continued to be silent under the starry sky, it seemed that this was the whole meaning of his life arranged by fate. When I walked to the woods, there was a gloomy moonlight in the boundless darkness.The bow and arrow that the hunter was invincible in the daytime seemed completely meaningless at this time.The deeper you go in the woods, the more intense the moonlight is, showing a heavy texture, which condenses into milky white moonlight milk in the woods.When they were tired, they leaned against the tree for a rest, and when they were thirsty, they scooped up a spoonful of moonlight milk to drink.The taste of moonlight milk is very cold, a little sweet, quite sad.After drinking, tears flowed involuntarily from their eyes.There are often shiny things seen on the trees in the dark, and the hunter told Xiao Ai that some of them are the eyes of owls, and they will not hurt people.Others are the eyes of slag birds. They will not harm people, but they will confuse people. If you look into their eyes for a long time, you will lose your way. As they walked, their feet gradually became more difficult, and the road began to become muddy. Every step they stepped on was in the wet soil, and there were some soft bugs arching between their toes.The two beautiful young men held hands stubbornly and bravely walked forward with fearless courage for love.The alternation of night and day can no longer be felt. The towering trees shade the sun, casting only strips of pale white light.Leopards and foxes run around deftly, while rabbits and squirrels pop up their heads by chance and quickly hide in their caves.Fortunately, when they were too tired, they encountered a barbara beast, which looked more like a Bengal tiger, with two eyes far apart, which made it easier to observe the surroundings.Barbara likes to be close to people. When this short and clumsy Barbara appeared far away, the hunter only whistled and it ran over like a tame hunting dog.Then it carried them a long way.Still not over. When the Barbara was exhausted and gasping for breath, Xiao Ai and the hunter got off its back.Xiao Ai gave it two dried fish and a sweet kiss, and it ran away happily.But where is the end of the forest?What else will they encounter?Will there be man-eating flowers and barbaric primitive tribes?They cannot foresee. But the hunter didn't say give up, just like Xiao Ai didn't, they were heading towards a happy destination. On the 12th night, the 12th night they were walking in the forest, when they were drinking moonlight milk while walking, Xiao Ai excitedly pulled the hunter's sleeve and said: "Look, the front--" There is a thin white mist vaguely indicating an exit.The end of the forest is finally here. They began to run wildly, out of the fog, out of the last forest border. They stood at the border of the forest and smiled peacefully.A minute later, the smile froze on his face. What they saw were low row houses, narrow roads, white windows inlaid with shells, and the flags of fishing boats blown by the sea wind. When they got closer, they even saw the lonely man sitting on the reef by the sea in a position and posture that would never change. Xiao Ai's tears suddenly came down.Where did it go wrong?Did he look into Zha Duniao's eyes too much, or did the barbara tiger go in the wrong direction in a daze.Although my dear hunter didn't say anything, he showed a tendency to bow to fate.Xiao Ai, like a child who has been let down, finally burst into tears desperately.While weeping, he followed the hunter's footsteps step by step on the way home in frustration.
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