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Chapter 54 53. Stealing chickens is not enough to lose money

My Crazy Life II 腾飞 2007Words 2018-03-04
Anyone who gambles can be divided into five types.One type of person is a greedy, curious person who wants to get rich overnight.They don't even think about it, where is such a good thing?The second type of people gamble with a fluke mentality, hoping to meet good luck, or people who believe that gambling is fair, in their eyes only talk about probability and luck.The problem is, what kind of society is it now, who still talks about probability with you?Almost every gamble has tricks.Where is the luck?When I stole the money from my family and sold the house, I played it with a sense of fluke. If I win it back, I will stop playing. This kind of thinking is the most unacceptable.The third type of person is a person who loses in, and always wants to make money and immediately withdraws from gambling. Such people will only get deeper and deeper.The fourth kind of people are those who really have no place to stand up, so they do some outrageous things regardless of the consequences: robbing, stealing, kidnapping, blackmailing, and then take the money to continue gambling, trying to get up from the gambling table.The fifth type of person is a scammer like me. Don’t think that I’m the only scammer in China. There are scammers all over the street, and there are almost any gambling games, but the way of gambling is different.

Basically, an obsessed gambler has a very empty mind. Only when he gambles will he forget all the unsatisfactory things, troubles, and loneliness. Therefore, gambling has become the most important content in their lives.People who like to gamble are very naive and pitiful. They always hope that they will win next time, and they always imagine that they will be able to make money next time. Gambling is the easiest way to change a person. As the saying goes: There are no fathers and sons in casinos, which makes sense.No matter how good friends are, once they sit at the gaming table at the same time, they become competitors.At that time, you are not a friend in the eyes of the other party, but a person who wants to be emptied out of his pocket.The other party also thinks the same way.In this way, there must be someone playing tricks and cheating.Greedy gamblers in casinos can betray anyone and cheat anyone.

After all, I think gamblers are extremely greedy people.How did those who lost miserably lose? 3/4 of the people were deceived and lost by others, and 1/4 of the people lost because of their own disobedience and luck.Some people are very in love with games, and love games is actually greed.He won't lose the game, he wants to win back if he loses, and wants to win if he wins. As long as there is 100 yuan on the table that he doesn't win, he will continue to gamble. At the gaming table, these greedy people showed their greedy side to the fullest. Speaking of which, I have to say a little gambler, whose greed impressed me deeply.

It was at a gamble I was babysiting for a friend, and they were playing sangong.That day he was a little bit excited, he was in the dealership, and almost all the money from the scattered players on the field went into his pocket.At that time, he had won about 170,000 yuan, and all the scattered players on the field were only about 1,800 yuan.If it were me, I would have taken the money and gone away, and it's not like I won't let you go.But I see his posture, it looks like he won't give up until he wins all the money of everyone on the field.Although I was just a spectator, my heart was still towards him, and I said in my heart: Boy, stop and go home, enough is enough.It's not about how noble I am, but because if he didn't play at that time, the game would basically be over, and I still want to go to sleep.Although I was anxious for him in my heart, I couldn't say anything.I could only watch silently.In the end, there was only one family left, and the scattered family still had 800 yuan in their hands, and the others lost it all.

It's okay to say that it's over like this, but the guy in charge of the village still wants to win the 800 yuan from others, and as he said, he called it won and gave everyone happiness money.His friends advised him not to play, but he insisted on killing the other 800 as well.The buddy who only had 800 yuan in his hand didn't want to play anymore, but seeing that he insisted on pushing again, he threw the 800 yuan on the table, stood up and made a posture of going, which means that if he loses this game, he will leave now.After the card was drawn, his point was a little bigger than the dealer's and he won.But that buddy obviously didn't have much confidence, so he continued to throw 1600 there, saying that he would continue to bet there.Open it again and win again, so he becomes 3,200 yuan.He himself even joked, "If you don't want me to go, then I'll play with him a few more times."

The kid who won gave half of the money to his buddy who came with him, and the two of them slipped 500 at a time. Gradually, they began to turn defeat into victory.In less than 10 minutes, the two of them got back 10,000.Several of his close buddies wanted to borrow money from him to play together.That buddy is also a straightforward person, everyone divides the points, and everyone comes up to bet. In less than two hours, the boy who sits on the bank has his capital of 30,000 plus the winning 170,000, and everyone wins. In the end, he only had less than 2,000 in his hand. Everyone saw that he had no deposit in his hand, and he was asked to renew the deposit.The kid who was in the dealership said that was all. Everyone stood up and said no more to play. The kid got a little anxious and said: "When you didn't have much money, I still praised your game. I'm almost out of money. Playing, a little too careless." A buddy was not polite, took his words and said: "Are you picky? You want to win all our underpants. We are not bad, we can give you Keep a thousand." The kid was choked up and couldn't say a word.At this time, everyone ignored him, and they were all counting their profits (in fact, they didn’t win much money, they all lost it themselves, so the kid brought 30,000 yuan. One person won two or three Thousands or so), and when they figured it out, they scattered.

Only the boy who was in charge of the business was still sitting there, holding the 2,000 yuan in his hand, as if he didn't quite believe that it would end like this.His friends saw that he hadn't won any money and couldn't get any happiness, so no one paid any attention to him, and they all left.He was still sitting there in a daze.I said, "Dude, we're breaking up, let's go." He stood up suddenly, slapped himself twice in the face, and left reluctantly.I was still thinking: why don't you ask me to slap you?If you let me, I will slap you. This kid is a typical representative of a greedy gambler. If he is not so greedy, maybe he will be better for a while.He also disappeared in the end, and it is said that because he participated in the burglary, he went in.Such a gambler will come to this step sooner or later, so when I learned that he went in, I was not surprised at all.When a person is at the end of his game, he can do anything.

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