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snow cold blooded

snow cold blooded


  • documentary report

  • 1970-01-01Published
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Chapter 1 Darkness doesn't come suddenly

snow cold blooded 张正隆 18895Words 2018-03-04
"From that miserable time" ——It’s a bad meal. ——It’s a bad meal. ——It’s a bad meal. My second grandmother, a young woman with small feet less than 1.60 meters tall, stood in the sorghum field next to the mountain in my house, facing the dark back hillside, but she yelled in a singing voice, asking for my great-grandfather and grandpa. Grandma, three grandpas, two grandmas, and several aunts went home for dinner, announcing the end of the day's work. "Evil rice" means eating.I searched a "Modern Chinese Dictionary" and a set of "Chinese Dictionary", but I couldn't find the word "dai". The taste of that era.However, the author only changed the word "bad rice" to "eating" after going to school in the 1950s.Up to now, in the population of some 80-year-old people in the Northeast, especially in the countryside, it is still "bad food".In Taiwan and Hawaii, Zhang Xueliang still called "birth" "low birth" and "shooting" as "gun deflated", and his accent has not changed since he was old.

This is Nianzigou, Brother Mountain Township, Fengcheng County (now Fengcheng City), Liaoning Province.The five thatched houses of my family are located in a chair-shaped valley.In the middle is the kitchen, and at the east and west ends are the bedrooms of the northern and southern kangs. The embers in the two stoves are the only light in a ditch. The aroma of big son, small bean rice, and potato stewed pumpkin permeates the night.The yard is bigger than a basketball court, surrounded by a circle of thick and thin logs that are split in half to clamp a shoji taller than a person. On the west side stands a rice-packing warehouse that is taller than a house, and on the east side near the gate is a Outside the pigsty is a dung pile like a hill and a pile of firewood that is bigger than the dung pile.As I will write later, my ancestors stubbornly believed that it was this dung pile and firewood pile that secretly ruled the fate of our family.

Like the layers of lofty mountains in the mountains of Eastern Liaodong, here are high mountains and dense forests, where wild animals appear, and there is a sense of primitive wildness and vitality.According to what my father said during his lifetime, my grandfather’s grandfather traveled from Laizhou, Shandong to the east of the Guandong during the Daoguang period. After he landed at the mouth of the Yalu River, he never left here.It was not until a few years before the "September 18th" incident that a few families moved in at Mizoguchi, which was three miles away from my home, and gradually formed a small village.

My family is a family of more than 20 people with three generations.Families with such a population were rare in my childhood, but they were not rare at that time.Farming life and primitive labor bind people tightly to the land, and also maintain the traditional big family.One of the advantages is that it can explore labor resources to the greatest extent.Like my family, the three grandmothers are on duty in turn, each for a month, cooking and feeding the pigs, doing housework, and also serving as the "kindergarten head".I was busy working inside and outside, and from time to time I would cast my eyes and yell twice, telling those children, including my father, who were unable to work, not to run away when they were playing, and let tigers and wolves run away.

I say "my family" one bite at a time, which is actually inaccurate.Because I never lived there, I didn't even go there, even my father just spent his childhood there.It should be said that even my father was not very impressed with the impression and memory there. However, I dare say that the night when my second grandma sang "It's time to eat" was that tragic and shameful "September 18" night. I believe readers will, like me, remember the first time my grandparents met the Japanese. One night, a car approached from far and came to Nianzigou.The huge roar already made people tremble with fear, but the car light beams that shone brightly on a small mountain village and half of the hillside would scare people out of their wits.People who were still busy with something under the oil lamp, and those who were awakened in their sleep, all thought that some "monster" was coming, some ran away, and some wanted to run but couldn't.The car entered the village, the lights went out, and the mountains and fields returned to silence.I don't know how much time has passed, first a few bold men, and then almost all young and middle-aged men followed, all holding household items in their hands, and a few old foreign cannons used to fire silkworms to drive away birds and beasts.Everyone tiptoed, not daring to breathe, lest they wake up this "monster".Someone yelled to smash its eyes, the old foreign cannon made a "boom bang", people rushed to it, and smashed it with sticks and hoes.

According to my grandfather, people thought it was a "monster" at that time, and they had to be punished and subdued. disaster. In the night with pine torches, there is a kind of tragedy and heroism that is rare for farmers, and more is the excitement, joy and relaxation after victory. The next morning, the "monster" roared strangely, and ran away like an arrow. My goodness!The mountain people stared wide-eyed: What the hell is this?Even if you are blind, you can still run, without "falling off the road" (falling off the road and falling into a ditch)! All three of my grandfathers said that they met a few Japanese the next morning, and they were "mining ghosts" engaged in mine exploration (the ones who do business are called "business ghosts", and those who work as police officers are called "police ghosts". Those who cultivate the land in the pioneering group are called "crop ghosts" - and so on).My ancestors originally called the Japanese "Ryukyu people", saying that they came from Ryukyu Island, and they all had balls and nine out of ten bowlegged legs.As far as I know, such "mining ghosts" are all armed, and they must have special armed protection when they run into the mountains of Liaodong.But in the narration of my ancestors, there are things but no people, and there is no sign of "Ryukyu people".The body, mind, sight, and hearing are all taken up by this "monster" who "can still run without being 'out of the way'".

At the end, my grandfather, who is very good at "telling ancient stories" (storytelling), also said heavily: those "little noses" are ghosts and ghosts, and they are evil. We Chinese often call them "" Kick and kick" (meaning to die, to kill, to be finished). My grandparents, who had been subjugated slaves for fourteen years, called the Russians "Old Maozi" and "Big Nose", and the Japanese "Japanese", "Little Japanese", "Little Devil", and "Little Nose". A few days later, my grandparents heard from "village people" (village cadres): "Little Nose" has taken over our Fengtian (Shenyang) city!

My home is on the Songhua River in the northeast, There are forests, coal mines, There are also soybeans and sorghum all over the mountains and plains. "September 18", "September 18", From that tragic time, left my homeland, Abandon the endless treasure, vagabond!vagabond! All day price wandering in the pass! ... Not to mention how the fertile black land gave birth to such a sad song and gave birth to such a freak as "Manchuria".Let history freeze at the moment when the Kwantung Army bombarded the North Camp, and see what we can see and remember. September 18, 1931, was the seventh day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the first quarter moon.The first quarter moon of this season should pass away around 8:00 pm, and the earth will be dark immediately.

I will write later that my ancestors did not work at sunrise and rest at sunset, especially in this season of "three springs are not as busy as one autumn".According to my guess, when my second grandma sang "It's time to eat!", it was the time when the Japanese Kwantung Army and the garrison took advantage of the dark night of the moon to move towards the North Camp and various targets.And with the explosion of the Nanman Railway near Liutiao Lake, when the 24cm caliber heavy artillery erected in the yard of the Japanese garrison near Nanman Station (now Shenyang Station) began to bombard the Chinese army in the Peking Camp, my great-grandfather and the following three generations More than 20 people should have finished their dinner under the oil lamp, or snored on the warm North-South Kang.

As for the car that ran into the mountains in eastern Liaodong and was regarded as a "monster" by the mountain people, did the three eastern provinces, and even Rehe, have long been under the shadow of the Sun Flag? They could not hear the sound of guns and cannons from the Japanese army attacking the Beidaying camp, so they became subjugated slaves in their sleep, and they didn't realize it for so long.They worked hard for a day, and the dream on the hot kang must be very sweet.They are really out-and-out rural grassland people, and they have lived such a life for generations.

I do not excuse my grandparents.I will write later that when I mention my grandparents, especially my three grandfathers who are young and middle-aged, I have to blush a little.However, the crux of the problem is that "the Chinese nation has reached its most dangerous moment." What are those people who are in charge of the Northeast power doing at that moment? When my grandparents regarded cars as "monsters", is Zhang Xueliang the "first person in China" who can drive a car and fly an airplane? Regarding the day of "September 18", on our planet, there is nothing more tragic, miserable, and unforgettable than this young marshal.The young and handsome commander-in-chief of the Northeast Frontier Army, deputy commander of the army, navy and air force of the Republic of China, the second most powerful man in China after Chiang Kai-shek, was sitting with his wife Yu Fengzhi and Miss Zhao Si at the Zhonghe Center outside the front gate of Peking In the box of the theater, enjoy the "Universal Front" performed by Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang. Wan Fulin, deputy commander-in-chief of the Northeast Frontier Army and chairman of Heilongjiang Province, also accompanied Zhang Xueliang in Beiping. Zhang Zuoxiang, deputy commander-in-chief of the Northeast Frontier Army and chairman of Jilin Province, held a funeral for his father in his hometown of Xiaolingzi, Jinzhou. Rong Zhen, Chief of Staff and Acting Commander of the Northeast Frontier Army, who sits in Fengtian, celebrated his father's birthday the day before. The two incumbents, Zang Shiyi, chairman of Liaoning Province, and Zhang Jinghui, chief executive of the Northeast Special Zone (Harbin), fell into the arms of the Japanese shortly after the incident and became traitors. The other, who also soon recognized the thief as his father, handed over Jilin to the Japanese, Xi Qia, Chief of Staff of the Supervisory Office who assumed the military and political power of Jilin Province, was spending time and drinking at the Jilin Club, a lecherous nest in Jichangbaoguan Hutong, Liangmixing Street. Look at the trump card of the Northeast Army stationed in the North Camp, the 7th Brigade of the National Defense Forces, which is very important to Fengtian defense. In response to a possible surprise attack by the Japanese army, Lieutenant General Wang Yizhe, the brigade commander before the incident, convened a meeting of officers above the company and agreed on seven disciplines, the last two being: "(6) Overnight leave for officers at all levels (staying at home) , changed from three times a week to once a week, and they are not allowed to go home when necessary, and stay in the camp. (7) Star duty officers of regiments, battalions, and companies are absolutely not allowed to leave their posts." But on the night of the incident, from the brigade commander to the subordinate The heads of the three regiments all went home.The only remaining chief of staff, Zhao Zhenfan, who has no decision-making power, stayed in Peking University to watch. What else do I need to say? The lights of Beidaying were turned off at 9 o'clock. Captain Jiang Mingwen, Captain of the 9th Company of the 3rd Battalion of the 620th Regiment of the 7th Brigade, was on vacation this day, but he was the star officer of the battalion. The battalion commander Yu Tianhong was not in the battalion, so he could not go home.After the lights were turned off, I went to Gelian to check the night, and it was past 10 o'clock when I came back.Undressed and went to bed, restless, feeling like something was going to happen.I casually grabbed Zhang Henshui's novel by the bedside, and when I saw "open the door and steal cattle and horses for a lifetime", there was a sudden explosion in the southwest direction, followed by intensive gunfire.not good!He turned over and jumped up, ordering the whole battalion to get up, collect the bullets, and assemble urgently. After more than ten minutes of assembly, Jiang Mingwen immediately commanded the companies to rush to the established positions. Before the incident, the officers and soldiers of the 7th Brigade used the walls around the barracks to build some bunkers, trenches and semi-permanent bunkers. Once a battle broke out, they could enter the position.In addition, the bayonets are sharpened, the guns are wiped every day, each soldier is issued 200 rounds of bullets and 4 grenades, the magazines of the machine guns are full of bullets, and heavy equipment such as artillery and tanks are also well maintained and in a state of combat readiness. Before the team left the yard of the 620th regiment, Zhu Zhirong, the deputy of the lieutenant colonel, rushed up panting and asked to take the troops back.Jiang Mingwen asked why, Zhu Zhirong said that the brigade commander called and told the troops not to move, and handed the guns back to Curry, and the soldiers went back to sleep.If the Japanese come in, the officials will come forward to negotiate, and the Japanese will give what they want, and don't fight. Jiang Mingwen and several other company commanders suppressed their anger: "Will you give me my life?!" Zhu Zhirong said: "This is an order from the brigade commander." Amidst the sound of gunfire, Zhao Zhenfan desperately shook the handle of the telephone. First call the brigade commander's home on Sanjing Street, and the brigade commander said that he would go to Chief of Staff Rong Zhen to study it. While Zhao Zhenfan ordered the regiments to enter the position, he reported directly to Rong Zhen. Rong Zhen instructed: "Don't resist, don't move, put the gun in the warehouse, stand up to die, everyone will be benevolent, and sacrifice for the country." The sound of guns and guns became more and more intense, Zhao Zhenfan wiped the sweat from his face, biting the bullet He also called Rong Zhen to explain that most of the officers and soldiers were on the line of fire, and it was actually very difficult to close their guns. Rong Zhen said: "This is an order, if you don't follow it, if something goes wrong, you will be responsible." Rong Zhen arrived at the Northeast Frontier Commander's Office around 11 o'clock, and Wang Yizhe also arrived 5 minutes later. The phone rang like a fire truck. Beidaying is in a hurry: the Japanese army has broken through Xikamen, and they will kill anyone they see. Will they fight? The Xiaoximen police were in a hurry: the Japanese army attacked the city, if they didn't open the city gate, they said they would bombard it! The governor of Fengtian is in a hurry: the Japanese army climbed the city and shot into the prison from the city! Northeast Airlines is in a hurry: there are 42 planes waiting to fly at the airport, what should I do? Urgent everywhere, extremely urgent! The war has already started, what should we do?Wang Yizhe looked at Rong Zhen. Call Peiping and ask for instructions.Rong Zhen picked up the phone while talking. Tan Hai, Zhang Xueliang's aide-de-camp, answered the phone: "As the deputy commander instructed, proceed with caution, follow the orders of the central government, and resolutely don't resist!" The "non-resistance" that shocked the world - or "resoluteness"! On the evening of September 18, 1996, before retiring, the author interviewed Shan Lizhi, an old man of the Anti-Japanese Federation, deputy director of the Light Industry Department of Liaoning Province. Suddenly, a piercing siren sounded, and all kinds of vehicles on the street stopped immediately and honked their horns. , The whole city of Shenyang was shocked. Every year since 1995, Shenyang has sounded the alarm for 3 minutes from 10:20, in order to let the world remember the tragic and shameful time more than half a century ago, and to warn present and future generations. One of the warnings is to resolutely resist any enemy who dares to invade, and resist to the death! Peiping is in a hurry.Deputy Commander Xunjian: The Japanese army aggressively attacked the North Camp and Fengtian.Please show me how to deal with it quickly. After receiving Rong Zhen's phone call and this telegram without a "!", how many thrilling memories will be engraved on the pale face and beating heart of the 30-year-old young marshal who has just recovered from typhoid fever? "!"and"?"? The Japanese really did it? ! Is this day really here? ! For Zhang Xueliang, this is undoubtedly the most important moment in his life. Zhang Xueliang hurried back to Union Hospital from the theater and immediately sent a report to Chiang Kai-shek for instructions. In the middle of the night, I received a call back: Treat accordingly. Fifty-nine years later, the protagonist of the tragedy of the "September 18 Incident" said in an exclusive interview with Japan's NHK TV station in Taipei: At that time, I didn't expect the Japanese army to be so reckless. I thought they would never do it.I thought Japan was trying to provoke us with this military action, so I ordered no resistance.I hope this issue can be resolved peacefully.In my opinion, Japan's doing so is not only a misfortune for China, but Japan will be blamed internationally, which is not good for Japan.I thought Japan shouldn't do this.Later, the people criticized me for my non-resistance, which I cannot accept.But if I am blamed for not being able to see through the Japanese conspiracy, I admit that I am responsible.I judged that day: Japan's doing so will not do it any good.If I knew Japan was really going to war, I would fight them desperately. "Japan doesn't do it any good by doing this." That's true. But what about the fourteen years of slavery in the Northeast? "Tieling Incident"; "Longjing Incident"; "Wanbaoshan Incident"; incident". Since 1881, the island nation of Japan has been advocating that the "mainland" is Japan's "lifeline". In 1895, Prime Minister Aritomo Yamagata submitted the "Military System Reform" memorial to the Emperor Meiji, clearly proposing to expand the "lifeline" to Northeast China, and gradually formed a path to annex North Korea, occupy Northeast China, and then conquer China and dominate Asia. "Continental Policy". The "Outline of China Policy" formulated by the "Oriental Conference" held in Tokyo in 1927 made "the active policy of resolving the Manchurian and Mongolian issues by force" as Japan's highest state policy.After the meeting, Prime Minister Tanaka Yoshiichi said in secret to Emperor Hirohito the content of the meeting: "If you want to conquer China, you must first conquer Manchuria; The big key." The Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, Japan’s occupation of Korea and China’s Taiwan and Luda, monopolized the South-Manchuria Railway, planned the “Independence of Manchuria and Mongolia”, and proposed the “21 Measures” to destroy China. Doesn't Zhang Xueliang know about this bloody history? In the summer of 1928, Cai Zhikan, a Japanese Taiwanese, copied the "Tanaka Memorial" by secret means and handed it over to Zhang Xueliang.This is an extremely important strategic intelligence.As for Japan's overt and covert actions, many of them will naturally be collected through various channels.As for Japanese culture and national character, compared with the big and small warlords in various parts of China, from the general to the young commander, they should be more familiar, and even very familiar.As for who and why planned the "Huanggutun Incident" and killed Zhang Zuolin, the Chinese who knows the inside story best is Zhang Xueliang? So, how did the Northeast King respond? Four words: forbearance and self-respect. No matter how provocative and troublesome Japan is, it must be tolerant and retreat, so that Japan can find no excuse to expand the situation, so as to survive and develop in a peaceful environment. Since he presided over the Northeast military administration in July 1928, Zhang Xueliang has started to vigorously restore and develop the economy.Invested in railways, factories, and trading companies in the form of government-business cooperation, restricted and banned illegal activities of the Japanese and Koreans, and achieved considerable results.Of course, this is a fundamental preparation for the incident, a long-term strategic goal, and a big plan.Forbearance and self-respect is "a little intolerance will lead to chaos and big plans."It's just that the aggressive Japan will give up his "big plan" because of your "small ninja"? The idiom "a strip of water" seems to have been talked about too much for a while, as if the blood has really turned into water.And in that era when there was no concept of a "global village", nothing could best embody the meaning of these four words than the Northeast under the rule of the Marshal and the Young Marshal.Guarding such a brutal, powerful, and ambitious neighbor, the Chinese people in the black land suffered so much out of thin air, but it also benefited the Fengtian warlords.The young marshal who was just his son following his father's job, no matter whether he thought "the Japanese army would be so reckless", he had to be wary of this bandit who had the vengeance of killing his father.He knows that developing the economy and becoming stronger is not a short-term thing. On the contrary, it may stimulate Japan to become more impatient, so he put the black land, yellow land and red land under one banner. One of the motivations for the "change of flag" in the Northeast on December 29, 1928 was an attempt to curb Japan's ambitions. Chiang Kai-shek, who is sophisticated and scheming, came to "corresponding treatment". After the "Nakamura Incident", on August 16, Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram to Zhang Xueliang (before 1949, the date of telegram sending was always replaced by rhyme, and the rhyme of the 16th was "Mi".——Editor's note): No matter how the Japanese army provokes the Northeast, we should not resist and try to avoid conflicts. My brother must not be angry for a while and ignore the country and the nation. After Zhang Xueliang received the call, he informed the officers of the Northeast Army to follow the instructions, and on September 6, he sent a telegram to Zang Shiyi and Rong Zhen: As for the Japanese, no matter how troublesome they are, we must tolerate them in every possible way, and we must not resist them and cause troubles.That is to say, it is necessary to quickly and secretly order all subordinates to pay attention to it. On the previous July 8, in a telegram from the Deputy Headquarters of Peking to the Northeast Political Affairs Committee, it stated: "If war starts, the Northeast will definitely fail." On July 10, Zhang Xueliang also said in a telegram to Wang Jiazhen: If there is a conflict, it will repeat the mistakes of Lushun and Dalian, and it is obvious that Manchuria and Mongolia will be occupied by the Japanese, so we should avoid conflicts. After the "September 18th" incident, most of the public opinion condemned Zhang Xueliang as a "non-resistance general". The Taiwan Kuomintang still blames him, while the mainland believes that he did not resist under the orders of Chiang Kai-shek.It should be said that before Chiang Kai-shek's resignation, the Northeast Army's "non-resistance policy" of "avoiding conflict" had already been formed because of Zhang Xueliang's "theory that resistance must be defeated." Like all warlords, big and small, Zhang Xueliang did not obey Chiang Kai-shek for everything.The history before and after the flag change, the "September 18th Incident" and the "Xi'an Incident" has proved this point.If not, would Chiang Kai-shek still need to rack his brains to win over Zhang Xueliang before the Great War in the Central Plains?Just give an order.However, in the Northeast Army, the "Zhang family army" who "eat Zhang family food and do Zhang family affairs" has a strong consciousness.Northeast finance revenue is also handled independently, and no payment is made to the Central Ministry of Finance, and the central government does not support Northeast finance.Zhang Xueliang has considerable autonomy in making decisions about the Northeast, and he can assert himself whether he resists or not. In an interview with a reporter from NHK TV station, he also said that "the national government's instruction is to 'handle accordingly', and 'handle accordingly' means to act according to the situation", and "it does not mean not to resist". During the Jiangqiao Anti-Japanese War, Ma Zhanshan resisted, what did Chiang Kai-shek do to him? But then again, if Lao Jiang bites the steel and says "hit", can the young marshal not hit him? What he advocated was the "National Anti-Japanese War Theory", and the premise was to stop the civil war and unify the outside world. After receiving Rong Zhen's "100,000 urgent" telegram, Zhang Xueliang called Yu Xuezhong and other senior generals for a meeting, and said: "Our soldiers' bounden duty is to defend the soil. The strength of the army can come from a steady stream, and it is definitely not something that I can handle alone. Now that we have obeyed the orders of the central government, all military affairs and diplomacy are the problems of the whole country. We should only report to the central government quickly and wait for instructions .We advocate the war of resistance, but it must be a nationwide war of resistance; if there is a national war of resistance, the Northeast Army is obliged to fight at the forefront." On December 29, 1928, he switched the flag and supported the central government, and on September 18, 1930, he issued a clever telegram to support the troops to enter the customs. This idea is reflected and practiced.It turned out to be a tragic coincidence: on this day a year ago, he led more than 100,000 elite soldiers into the customs, and he quelled the Central Plains War with one shot; on this day one year later, the Japanese shot him The back road, ended his lair. Chiang Kai-shek's purpose is "to fight against the outside world, we must first settle the inside."When he sent the "non-resistance" telegram, he was commanding an army of 300,000 in Jiangxi to "encircle and suppress" the Red Army. This kind of contradiction, confrontation, and conflict finally led to the "Xi'an Incident".The young marshal, who couldn't bear it anymore, lost the "Northeast King" of the Northeast, and was furious. With a heroic spirit of "don't resist or give me death", he swayed a thrilling lightning that changed the course of Chinese history. Others don't need to resist, but Zhang Xueliang must resist, Yu Guo, his family, and himself must resist.In China, he is the second most powerful man after Chiang Kai-shek, because his Northeast Army is a pivotal armed force after Chiang Kai-shek's Central Army.And all of this is based on that rich black soil.China's warlords, big and small, are desperately grabbing guns, but if there is no land and territory of their own, no one can control them, and they can only be bandits.Antai in ancient Greek mythology cannot do without the land, and the young marshal who drank the water of the Liao River cannot do without the black land that gave birth to him.Having lost that piece of black land, he first drifted like a duckweed on the Chinese political stage, involuntarily fighting for Chiang Kai-shek, who seemed to be more terrifying than the Japanese in his eyes, the Communist Party. The bird was put in a cage, and it was still a caged bird when it was taken to Taiwan. But he understood too late. No matter what Zhang Xueliang thought or said when he received the "corresponding handling" telegram, at the moment when the fate of Northeast China was decided, his actions told people: You Lao Jiang will not send troops, let me handle it according to the situation , I think if you can't resist it, you can't resist it, then you can't resist it, you can't resist it. Hayashi Kujiro, the consul general of the Japanese Consulate General in Fengtian at that time, wrote clearly in his memoirs: "From a little after 11 o'clock that night until the dawn of the next day when Fengtian City was surrendered, the Chinese side was almost uninterrupted by the Governor's Office. I told the Consulate General by phone that neither the Chinese officials nor the people had any intention of resisting, and asked our army to stop the attack; at about 3:00 am on the 19th, they informed me that the gates of the city would be opened to show that they had no intention of resisting our army.” If you can't resist, if you can't resist, then you will be pulled down like this?of course not.Zhang Xueliang believed that Japan would not be able to withstand international pressure, and the Kwantung Army would withdraw its troops soon.He pinned his hopes on the "League of Nations" and hoped that the "League of Nations" would punish Japan for him and uphold justice. When I was a child, the author often heard the old people say: If the time was replaced by a handsome man, he would say "Damn it", and he would have fucked with the "little nose".Compared with the big handsome, the young handsome is far behind, and he is still tender.Otherwise, "Little Nose" wouldn't "kick" the handsome man. In May 2001, the author interviewed a person who witnessed the "September 18th" incident in Suiyang Town, Dongning County, Heilongjiang Province.The old man's name is Chen Guangzhong, he is 93 years old, and he was a soldier in the communications company of the 7th Brigade of the Peking University Camp.On the night of the accident, a bullet was shot into the left cheek, and there were not many teeth left in his mouth. The old man said that at the beginning he heard the sound of guns and guns, and he didn't understand what was going on. The officer said that the Japanese were conducting exercises.The shells fell into the camp, and "Zi Liuzi" (an old Northeast saying, "Zi" means bullets, and "Liu Zi" means ballistic) whizzed. Is there such a drill in the world?Some brothers were injured or died, and everyone became red-eyed.But the higher-ups don't allow beatings, they call it "stand by", what kind of dick "stand by", isn't that "wait for death"?Some ran to the warehouse to get guns regardless of what happened, and got them quickly, and some were beaten to death by little devils without clothes on.Without receiving the order to retreat, some officers just stood there "to die", the soldiers have to obey the order!Some were killed, some were captured, and some were forced to escape by their subordinates. The old man said, raise soldiers for a thousand days, and use them for a while, and your superiors will not let you fight, so why raise soldiers?Hit and don't fight, retreat and don't retreat, just stay there and get shot, what the hell, don't our little soldiers die? Use the blood and lives of officers and soldiers to add weight to the balance of the lawsuit that hit the "League of Nations". Dear foreign adults, take a look.Were the bomb craters and bullet marks full of battalions made by the Chinese army themselves?The brothers lying in a pool of blood, in the yard, in the barracks, and under the bed, were not only unarmed, but many of them were not even properly dressed.There are also these gun depots, ammunition depots, these light and heavy machine guns, rifles, artillery, and tanks are all neatly placed, and none of them have been shot one by one. Gentlemen, you can check and inspect them at will.In this way, isn't it clear at a glance what happened on the night of September 18? I have read all the wars in China and abroad, ancient and modern, and those who have left a mark in history, either defeated the many with the few, or defeated the strong with the weak; or they were not afraid of violence, and would rather die than submit.As for the time when they bowed their knees and surrendered and opened the gates of the city wide, many countries and nations have also experienced it.But how many people are so unresisting, bravely killed, and humiliated?Is there any more? The spooky Japanese devils planned everything clearly.What are the "League of Nations", "axioms", and "justice", they don't care about these things in their mouths.In this world, whoever has big pockets and hard fists is the boss, and how many people are willing to stand on the side of the obviously weak and therefore destined to be the loser?They believe in the law of the jungle, the strong and the winner will not be punished, because the right to speak will always belong to the winner.What they want are facts.What's more, the Japanese army who attacked the Beidaying camp fired empty ammunition at the beginning. Seeing that you didn't fight back, they moved the real ones.In case the attack fails, then I'm just doing a drill, and the black lights made a mistake in the wrong place.No matter where your lawsuit goes, "misunderstanding", "regret", "not to be an example", one mouth, two lips, let's talk together! Take up the bayonet, Brothers, spread out! This is our land, We don't hang free cards! This place is ours, We have lived for hundreds of generations; This place is ours, We can't let it out! ... This is a barracks song of the Northeast Army back then, "Raise the Bayonet". The determination and spirit of defending the territory and vowing to fight the enemy to the end is so awe-inspiring and heroic, just like the resistance dedicated to the "September 18th" Written by night. During the Shandong Anti-Japanese War, the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army and the Shandong Column fought against Yu Xuezhong's Northeast Army. The Eighth Route Army sang "My home is on the Songhua River in the Northeast...", and some officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army stopped fighting, or shot into the sky. up.And after the night of "September 18", if the Northeast Army sang this "Raise the Bayonet" again, wouldn't it be humiliating themselves? "The Japanese are coming in!" It was originally open to the outside world, and foreign military representatives often visited the Ace 7th Brigade of the Northeast National Defense Army. Those who arrived shouted "Fucking bastard", those who got it shouted "Fucking bastard", those who dared not shoot in violation of orders, those who fought back and called "Fucking bastard", this shirtless, that barefoot, the officer couldn't find soldiers, The soldiers couldn't find the officer. Nothing was more chaotic than the Beida Camp on the night of "September 18", and nothing was more embarrassing than the Northeast Army at that moment. In the words of the old man Chen Guangzhong: "The Northeast Army has lost its face in its crotch." Just over four months after the "September 18th" Incident, the Japanese invading army seized the main cities and railway lines in the three northeastern provinces. Another evil result of the non-resistance policy is that it greatly stimulates the ambition and arrogance of the aggressors. Commander of the Kwantung Army Shigeru Honjo and others stated in a memorial to Emperor Hirohito: "I dare to say that China's territory can be completely occupied within three months." Shiozawa, commander of the Japanese Marine Corps, said: "Shanghai was occupied in 4 hours, and Nanjing was occupied in 24 hours." Mao Zedong said: "Without this group of traitors, it would be impossible for Japanese imperialism to reach this stage of arrogance." It is said that Zhang Zuolin, who was blown to death by the Japanese in Huanggutun, said before he died: Tell Xiaoliuzi (Zhang Xueliang's childhood name), do it well.My stinky skin is nothing, tell Xiaoliuzi to return to Fengtian quickly! I always feel that among overseas Chinese, the one who misses this black land the most is this young marshal. After a while, I finally heard that he was coming back. The Marshal's Mansion had been renovated, and many people were eagerly waiting for a glimpse of the Marshal's demeanor, but the fellow from Northeast China still didn't come back. Yes, how did you come back? if resisted There are no "ifs" in history.But for the night of "September 18", we might as well ask "what if": what would happen if we resisted? At the time of the incident, the Japanese army had 1 regular army division and 6 independent garrison teams in the Northeast, with about 14,000 people, more than 10,000 soldiers (veterans) in the countryside, and more than 3,000 policemen.The Northeast Army has 165,000 regular troops and 40,000 irregular troops, of which there are more than 7,000 in the 7th Brigade of the Peking University Battalion alone.The Northeast Army was scattered all over the country, and the Japanese army did not concentrate their superior forces to attack Beidaying and Fengtian City. Instead, after bombarding Beidaying, they attacked more than 10 people along the Nanman (now Shenyang to Dalian) and Anfeng (now Dandong to Shenyang) railways. Towns and cities launched attacks one after another.At that time, the main force of the 2nd Division of the Japanese Army was still in Liaoyang.Only more than 600 people from the 2nd Independent Garrison Brigade attacked the Beida Camp.From macro to micro, the Northeast Army has an absolute advantage in numbers. Of course war is not a simple numbers game like "10 against 1".Generally speaking, the equipment is of course better than that of the Japanese army, but the 7th Brigade of the Peking University Camp is not inferior to the Japanese army at all.The brigade is a combat convoy, a mortar company, and a heavy machine gun company. It has 12 light tanks, 6 8.4 cm mortars, and 12 Mark Mi heavy machine guns.The regiment is a mortar company and a heavy machine gun company, the same as the brigade, and there is also a flat-fire gun company equipped with four 3.4 cm caliber flat-fire guns.Each infantry company has 12 Czech light machine guns, 120 simultaneous rifles, and 12 grenadiers.Many of the officers who handle these equipment are graduates of the Army University, Baoding Military Academy, Northeast Lecture Hall, as well as those who have studied in Britain, the United States and Japan. Almost none of the soldiers are illiterate, and most of them have a high school education or above. Among the many factors that constitute combat effectiveness, morale and spiritual strength are indispensable.In the midst of the chaos caused by "non-resistance", why did so many officers and soldiers rush to the armory to kick the door and smash the lock?So many people carried out the order to "stand up to die". Although it is not without sorrow, it also shows that it is not a rabble who bombed the camp when the disaster was imminent.As for the 3rd Battalion of the 620th Regiment, it only took more than 10 minutes from getting up to fully armed assembly, which also shows that this is a well-trained force. The 620th regiment was the last to evacuate from the North Camp, and Jiang Mingwen led the 9th company to cover behind.Arriving at the north wall, just as they climbed up to the top of the wall, there was loud gunshots outside. The Japanese army ambushing there opened fire all at once, and the bullets hit the top of the wall with gray stones flying.The officers and soldiers immediately lay down, and Jiang Mingwen commanded a few small cannons to bombard them, suppressing the Japanese firepower. What would it be like if the guns of the Peking University Camp could shoot out anger? 请看策划了“皇姑屯事件”的河本大作是怎么说的: 如果当时奉天军敢于试图公然反抗,则敌我兵力相差悬殊,日本方面的夜袭必败无疑。只有等待次日,即19日由辽阳赶来的第二师团主力的到来,再次发起攻击。那样,战局就将再起波澜,陷于复杂的状态,决不会有几天内便相继占领奉天、长春以及吉林的结果。 当北大营、奉天城和南满各地全力抵抗时,紧急调动吉林、黑龙江两省的部队乘火车南下,一年前进关的精锐当然也要出关。19日天亮后,再出动飞机。这一天,日本驻朝鲜飞行队也到了奉天,可它能来多少架?东北军有200多架飞机(还有说300架),空中仍然是优势。你打炸我的北大营、奉天城和南满、安奉铁路沿线城镇,我打炸你的军队、大营和南满、安奉铁路,以及一切可以打炸的目标。特别是那个第2师团主力,无论还在辽阳,或是北上奉天途中,都要把它打炸个一塌糊涂。日本军队再多,飞机军舰再厉害,也是远水不解近渴。一时间,即便不是把小鬼子打垮了,也把它打住手了。你打不下去了,那就坐下来谈吧。再把“国联”代表,或调查团什么的找来,那就更好了。 再看江桥抗战,数万敌军在飞机、装甲车、重炮掩护下不断攻击,东北军以死相搏,激战16天,光日军就毙伤5000余人。须知,当时东北已是大势已去,马占山独立难支,他指挥的又是黑龙江的省防军、屯垦军,比起北大营7旅这样的国防军,从官兵素质到武器装备都差多了。 事变之际,最需要的是当机立断,抱定打烂坛坛罐罐也要血战到底的决心。因为对东北、东北军和张学良而言,这已经到了最危险的时候,是最后的斗争了,必须咬牙横心,豁出老命小命拼命了。 可这位当家人有这等气魄吗? 事变第5天,张学良召集高级将领会议,研讨东北对策。 于学忠认为,日军现在东北各地横行,我们虽然避免全面冲突,也应集中几个旅的兵力,哪怕牺牲3个团,也要给敌人打击,挫其侵略气焰,并取谅国人。同时建议在北平的吉林、黑龙江两省军事长官,尽快返回防区,掌握军队。 张学良当时同意了,翌日又变卦了。 奉天沦陷,东北边防司令长官公署和辽宁省政府跑到锦州挂牌办公。这回从蒋介石到南京政府,可不是有点儿含糊其辞,甚至让人觉得不无嫁祸于人味道的“相应处理”,而是命令抵抗了。因“九一八”事变而特设的特种外交委员会,秘书长顾维钧,或个人,或与宋子文联名,一再致电张学良:“兄拟将锦州驻军自动撤退,请暂从缓。”“现在日人如进兵锦州,兄为国家计,为兄个人计,自当力排困难,期能防御。”蒋介石也致电张学良:“锦州军队此时切勿后退。”“航空第一队已限3日内到平,归副司令指挥。” 12月30日,即东北军全部撤退锦州前两天,日军进占锦州前三天,南京政府还致电张学良: 北平张主任勋鉴:密艳电(“艳”的韵目代29日——编者注),并勘日御敌情形,殊堪嘉许!陈述困难各节,均所深悉。惟日军攻锦紧急,无论如何,必积极抵抗,各官吏及军队均有守土应尽之责,否则外启友邦之轻视,内招人民之责备,外交因此愈陷绝境,将何辞以自解?日军攻锦时,天津或有异动,亦须预先防止。总之,望该主任深体政府之意,激励将士,为国牺牲,是为至要。国民政府,卅亥印。 “兄为国家计,为兄个人计”,这话是不是已经说到家了?事变当夜,板垣征四郎是以本庄繁的名义下达攻击令的,一步到位。东北军则是赵镇藩、王以哲、荣臻,一级级请示到张学良、蒋介石那儿,蒋介石又把球踢给了张学良。如果说少帅年轻,还缺乏历练,由不抵抗到抵抗,事变当时就让他作出这样的决断,是勉为其难了,到江桥抗战时已经一个半月了,是不是应该回过味儿了?那边江桥受阻,这边再调集精锐出关、出锦州,向奉天攻击,劁猪割耳朵,让小鬼子两头难受,不是挺好的机会吗? “九一八”事变后的个把月左右,乃至再长一点儿的时期,对东北的命运走势是至关紧要的。日本也在调整政策,它也不是铁板一块,某种程度上也是走着瞧,看你的动向和战场上的态势。各地一些执掌大权的、后来投靠日本的人,也在看着少帅的动作。同样的荣华富贵,他们中的多数人,还是不愿意戴顶“汉奸”帽子的。至于马占山、李杜、冯占海、苏炳文等爱国将领,盼望少帅率兵出关,打回老家,那就不用说了。“舍不得孩子套不住狼。”你把小鬼子打疼了,让它知道辣椒不是巧克力,它就不得不住手了,甚至可能相当长的时间不敢轻举妄动。这与事变前的隐忍自重,可谓殊途同归。隐忍而无自尊、自重,只是一味屈辱地忍让、退避,这不是纵容、助长侵略者的野心和气焰,把东北拱手让给人家了吗? 即便日本不惜一战,从本土调来重兵,大打出手,东北到底还是沦亡了,张学良和他的东北军,不也能赢得世人的尊敬吗? “九一八”事变前后,我们有一个最大的错误,就是委曲求全,希望事态不扩大。现在明白了,对日问题实在没有委曲求全之道,过去这样想,不过是一个空虚的憧憬。今日我们对日本惟有抗战,决不再蹈前此覆辙。 提起张学良,光说道“九一八”事变显然是不公正的,因为他的名字还与“西安事变”紧密地联在一起。如果没有“西安事变”,蒋介石会继续“剿共”,中国的全面抗战不会那么早,日本军队也就不会那么早地陷于中国战场,日本会不会与德国联手,从东西两线夹击苏联?那第二次世界大战又会是什么样子?“西安事变”不仅改变了中国历史,还影响了“二战”历史。而人类历史上有着共同文化渊源的最大的一群人,当然也包括笔者和本书的读者,今天的生活、生存状态,也极可能不是现在的这个样子。 可张学良在说这话时,他早已成了“不抵抗将军”,东北军早就成了“误国军”,包括我的祖辈在内的3000多万东北人民早就成了“亡省奴”。 全东北工农兵学联合起来呀, 联合起来跑到火线拼命去作战, 张小胡子国民狗党出卖东北啦! 可恨日本帝国主义强占满洲啦! ... 国民党成什么样, 日本子进兵快到长江, 谁也不打仗,谁也不抵抗, 节节退让,退到石家庄。 张学良精兵二十多万, 全不抵抗只会交枪, 好个卖国张学良, 出卖中国许多地方。 ... 以上分别为当年东北抗联官兵唱的两首抗战歌曲的第一段歌词,一首叫《东北义勇军歌》,一首叫《无耻卖国歌》。其中的“张小胡子”即张学良。东北人管土匪叫“胡子”,张作霖是胡子出身,是“老胡子”,张学良就是“小胡子”。“西安事变”后,就把“张小胡子”、“张学良”改成了“国民党”,“出卖东北”、“卖国”的字样自然也没了。 也被戴上“卖国贼”帽子的蒋介石,也是有颗中国心的。最初的证据是淞沪抗战中,投入几十个精锐师,死打硬拼了一场抗战中规模最大的、也是伤亡惨重的阵地战。 蒋介石不让张学良从锦州后退,并要派去飞机助战,比之事变当夜的“相应处理”是进步多了。可他能亲临南昌指挥“围剿”红军,为什么就不能去北平督师抗战?倘能坐镇北平,严令抵抗,东北军会那样弃守锦州吗? “攘外必先安内”,在蒋介石的议事日程上,是有轻重缓急的。他总惦着把国内的反对派收拾了,特别是把共产党打灭了,再去对付日本人。 大敌当前,却有那么多打出来的和没打出来的反蒋旗号,不能不让他闹心。中国本来就贫困落后,再加上四分五裂,这个家换了谁也难当。自鸦片战争后,总是人为刀俎,我为鱼肉,官府的腐败、糜烂,更是源远流长,绵无绝期。这些当然不能都怪罪蒋先生,倒是实在难为了这位恰逢乱世的老大难国家的领袖。只是如此中国,就只有安内才能攘外一剂良药吗?强敌入侵,国难当头,中华民族到了最危险的时候,你再枪打炮轰消灭异己,把本来就贫弱的国力消耗在自相残杀上,这是安内,还是纵外、帮外?家不和,外人欺。有道是“兄弟阋于墙,外御其侮”,从来都是外敌打进来了,自家兄弟抛弃前嫌,携手对外。有时为了内部的安定团结,甚至不惜对外挑动事端,哪有老将的“攘外先安内法”?更何况你果真就有这等本事,能用血腥和暴力把内安了吗? 在后来的八年抗战中,无论蒋介石表现了怎样的信念和气节,也无论张学良在“西安事变”中怎样像鹰一样冲上历史的天空,在“九一八”事变这样决定民族存亡、历史走向的关头,他们都不是龙,而是虫。 stand up!不愿做奴隶的人们 嫩江水流啊流,流过悲惨的“九一八”,流到不屈的哈尔葛江桥。 洮(安)昂(溪)铁路上的哈尔葛江桥,横亘在嫩江上,是向北进入黑龙江省城龙江(今齐齐哈尔)的必由之路。蜚声中外的江桥抗战,就发生在这里。 11月4日,日军第2师团一个联队(团)从左翼渡江,被潜伏在对岸江边蒿草中的省卫队团击退。傍晚,日军在飞机、大炮和铁甲车掩护下,乘百余只木船、橡皮艇,再次强渡强攻。卫队团官兵待敌将靠岸时,步枪、机枪子弹刮风样射向敌群。 5日,伪军在前,日军在后,又向江北猛攻,又被击退。据日方发表的数字,这一天仅日军就亡167人,伤600余人。 6日,日军增调飞机、大炮,马占山也调派援军,并亲临前线指挥作战。从拂晓战至黄昏,日军高波骑兵队伤亡殆尽,滨本联队也几被全歼。 “九一八”事变后,日军在辽吉两省如入无人之境,一个小队(排)就可进占一座中等城市,根本未将黑龙江的省防军、屯垦军放在眼里。没想到这些二流、三流的东北军,一出手就把它打成这等模样,就大叫大嚷黑龙江军队得到苏联军火援助,有“新式武器”,为“大日本皇军”的“皇威”和“武士道”遮羞。而第2师团师团长多门二郎,因江桥之战伤亡惨重,1933年归国时不敢面对群众“欢迎”,时称“无言凯旋”。 在敌人绝对优势的地空火力下,黑龙江军队伤亡太大,6日晚主动撤离江桥一线,退守三间房阵地。日军也因伤亡累累,无力再战。12日,多门师团主力和长岛旅团、天野旅团及驻朝鲜混成旅团陆续开到,才重新发起攻击。而黑龙江只有3万省防军,可调兵力越来越少,仍顽强抗击到18日,给日军大量杀伤。19日,马占山率部撤出省城后,多门迟疑多时,派人侦察,确认城内已无中国军队,才敢进城。 毛泽东说:“中国人民的抗日战争,是在曲折的道路上发展起来的。这个战争,还是在1931年就开始了。” 其开始的重要标志,就是马占山将军领导、指挥的江桥抗战。 马占山,原省防军步兵3旅旅长兼黑河警备司令,强敌压境,受命代理黑龙江省主席,即坚定表示:只要一息尚存,就要抗战到底!江桥抗战中,多次亲临前线指挥、督战。省城某团增援三间房迟到三小时,马占山当即将团长枪毙。 辽宁、吉林沦陷后,黑龙江人心惶惶,许多官员争相进关。牡丹江警署署长邓铁梅,也辞职不干了。在马占山之前代其父万福麟执掌全省大权的万国宾,携带家眷和金银细软奔去北平是逃跑,邓铁梅辞职南下辽宁是抗战。 儿时,我就知道邓铁梅是我的家乡本溪县人。老辈子人常叨咕他,一口一个“邓司令”,说邓司令那人了不得,是咱们县出的大英雄,提起“邓铁梅”3个字,小鬼子也跷大拇指的。 邓铁梅曾任多年凤城县公安局长,在当地颇孚众望。他来到小汤沟,当地士绅纷纷来见,出钱出枪。各村屯青壮年背扛着大刀、长矛、鸟枪、土炮、“大抬杆”(一种威力较大的火药枪,需两个人抬,又称“二人抬”)、“快枪”(步枪,因射速比火药枪快,东北人称之为“快枪”)踊跃来投,很快组织起一支4000多人的队伍。第二年3月,邓铁梅直接指挥的队伍已达1.6万人,接受改编的3万人,在濒临朝鲜、旅大的安东、凤城、岫岩、庄河等县,形成了著名的抗日三角区。 12月26日,就在东北军即将退出锦州时,义勇军攻打安奉铁路上的重镇凤凰城。邓铁梅亲率一路主力,首先解决了南大街的伪警察大队,随即分兵捣毁了县衙门、公安局,砸开监狱。日军凭借炽盛火力顽强抵抗,大都是庄稼人的义勇军凭借人多势众和不甘当亡国奴的中国心,几次冲锋,前仆后继,日军除少数钻入地下室,大部被歼。 此后,这支义勇军攻县城、拔据点、扒铁路、炸桥梁,还曾用步枪打下敌机,经历大小百余仗,搅得敌人日夜不宁。 1934年春,邓铁梅患病,不能随队活动。当时,东北各地义勇军将领大都脱离战场,去往关内了,队伍也就散了。一些部下也劝邓铁梅去关内治病。《塘沽协定》已经签订,邓铁梅的部队只剩下千把人,大气候,小环境,义勇军大势已去,败局已定。但他明白,只要他邓铁梅留在这里,这方天地的反日旗帜就能撑下去。部下扯来敌人悬赏10万元取他项上人头的布告,他看罢,哈哈一笑。 邓铁梅有句名言:“能被打死,不能被吓死。” 5月30日,邓铁梅在岫岩县小蔡家沟养病时,被叛徒出卖了。 1932年,日军曾以安奉地区绥靖总队长头衔和20万元编遣费招抚邓铁梅及其部队,先让汉奸送信,不久又派来日军军官劝降。为了彻底断绝某些动摇分子的投降念头,邓铁梅下令,将6名日本军官全部处死。 日本人明白,对这样一个中国人动硬的是没用的,就以礼相待,饮食很好,还让他的夫人陪伴他。一些日本军官也常来狱中与之交谈,对他的气节表示敬佩。一次,一个军官拿把折扇,请他题字。邓铁梅略加思忖,提笔挥就:“五尺身躯何足惜,四省失地几时收。” 9月28日,邓铁梅被秘密杀害,时年四十三岁。 1932年1月3日,日军占领锦州,5日沿锦(州)山(海关)公路西犯。锦西县长张国栋召集官员开会,要大家立即赶制日本国旗,一会儿随他去城门欢迎“大日本皇军”。公安局长苑风台竭力反对,无济于事,一跺脚,带上几个部下跑了。 跑去县城西边的龙王庙,去找他多少年的冤家对头、当地最有名的胡子头“亮山”。 身为公安局长,苑风台的重要职责之一,就是剿匪打胡子。他知道一些胡子的去处,晓得其中一些人的脾性,明白眼下打鬼子、保国家还得靠这些中国人。 而用报号“亮山”的胡子头刘存启的话讲:虽说俺们和官衙势不两立,也跟这位局长大人打红过眼睛,可咱们到底都是一个祖宗,不能让日本子欺负咱中国! 当即联络“德全”、“震东洋”等绿林好汉,当晚大败古贺联队,击毙古贺传太郎中佐以下近百人。 邓铁梅任凤城县公安局长时,把胡子剿得七零八落,无处藏身,都往境外跑。胡子中流传一句话:“谁若口不对心,出门让他碰上邓铁梅。”而当邓铁梅树起抗日大旗后,他的队伍中就有当年被他剿过的胡子。 在东北各地的义勇军中,或多或少,都有收编的胡子,有的就是以胡子为主改编的。像辽宁的“老梯子”(高鹏振)、“老北风”(张海天)、“项忠义”(项青山),吉林、黑龙江的“宫傻子”(宫长海)、“双山”(姚秉乾)、“海青”(李忠义)、“天照应”(张希武)等,还成为义勇军的旅长、师长,或某某路军司令。 “老梯子”举旗抗战第一仗,就几乎全歼不破直治大尉率领的一个中队(连)日军,还生擒7人。 “老北风”的第一仗,是活捉了台安县大汉奸凌印青和他的13名日军顾问。 他们在黑土地上呼哨而来,呼哨而去,不大讲战略战术,却是枪准马快(大都为骑兵马队),熟悉地形,善于奔袭、偷袭,连奉天城也敢于攻击。第一次是1932年3月10日,化装成伪军混进城去,大白天把座东北最大的城市搅得沸反盈天。第二次是8月28日,利用雨夜摸进东塔机场,点燃汽油,十多架飞机在冲天大火中烧成铁骷髅。 东北素以多匪著称,张作霖、马占山都是绿林出身。“九一八”事变后,胡子又多打抗日旗号,难免鱼目混珠。但是,作为义勇军的一个组成部分,他们中的许多队伍是坚决抗战的,许多人是战斗到最后一刻的。像堪称“胡子专业户”的“老北风”,和他的四个儿子全部战死。台安县的“荣山”崔德志,被俘后拒不投降,日寇把他关在笼子里游街,押送刑场,一路大骂鬼子。曾任吉林救国军旅长的“老双胜”祁永全,弹尽粮绝,敌人上山喊话,封官许愿,他宁肯冻饿而死,也不下山投降。 中华民族到了最危险的时候,一些平日里耀武扬威,能耐大得好像这个世界都盛装不下的、也最该与黑土地共存亡的官们,一夜之间或者没了影儿,或者很快又人模狗样地陪着新主子登场了。而这些被他们逼得铤而走险,哪朝哪代都要被官府打灭的,在黑土地上被称为“胡子”的土匪,却见义勇为,挺身而出,向着侵略者和这些人模狗样的东西发出愤怒的最后的吼声。 1931年11月、12月,马占山将军率部进行江桥抗战,民族英雄邓铁梅的民众自卫军收复凤城县城凤凰城,揭开了东
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