Home Categories political economy Suning: the power behind
Suning: the power behind

Suning: the power behind


  • political economy

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 415206

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Chapter 1 title page

Suning: the power behind 成志明 248Words 2018-03-12
Looking back on the past 20 years, there are many unforgettable memories and countless gratitude, but there are not many clearly identifiable marks of success.Compared with the pursuit and goals of each stage of the enterprise, what we empathize with are various problems.What is gratifying is that Suning has been going all the way for 20 years and has continuously solved one problem after another and achieved breakthroughs time and time again. Looking forward to the next ten or twenty years, investors, partners, consumers and all walks of life, including Suning's employees, will measure the economic and social value of Suning enterprises based on the standards of large international companies.In the future, only by creatively meeting the development needs of the country and the industry, and leading to promote the coordinated progress of society and industry, can Suning continue to surpass its own limitations and move towards the goal of a world-class enterprise.

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