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Chapter 28 Section VI

redemption 凑佳苗 1791Words 2018-03-22
After leaving him, I started to hang out with the old group of friends again, and I thought that was the life I should have.I can't live with a man who is obsessed with suicidal girlfriends and loses his job, or lives with him in misery.At this time, a friend introduced me to my current husband, Adachi. His grandfather was the founder of Adachi Manufacturing.He joined the company five years ago.This man has cold eyes and looks a little scary. When I asked him, "Don't you have a woman you like?" He said, "If you do, I won't come here today." So I said, "Then please. He seemed to think my statement was very interesting, and said with a smile: "Please take care of me too." He reached out and shook my hand.After that, we started dating.

About the third date, I was going for a drive when I suddenly felt nauseous, and he pulled the car over to the side of the road.As soon as I got out of the car, I suddenly became dizzy and fell unconscious on the ground. When I woke up, I found myself lying in the ward of a nearby private hospital.He sat on the edge of the bed, and I hurried to sit up. He told me to lie down properly, otherwise it would be bad for the baby in my stomach. I felt like passing out again.My boyfriend who had never had any physical contact found out that I was pregnant, and it was over. This was my punishment for leaving my ex-boyfriend.I intend to forget everything and only pursue my own happiness. Maybe God will not allow me to do so.Rather than worrying about my relationship with Adachi, I feel more uneasy about the future of my life.If my parents knew the truth, and if the people around me knew about it, I wouldn't be able to live alone.I was ready to break up with Adachi, so I told him about the father of the child, but did not mention Akie.

However, Ashari's answer was beyond my expectation. He said that he would marry me and give birth to the child as his child. Adachi said this not out of love for me, but because he is sterile.He suspected that it was caused by mumps when he was in college. Although he didn't go to the hospital for a definite diagnosis, it can be concluded that it was infertility. He said he believed in the products of his company. He has ambitions.He is the grandson of the founder, but he is the son of the second son. The eldest son's son should be given priority in the company's succession rights. However, he believes that he is more capable than the eldest son's son, so he vowed to become the president.One day, he checked it out for fun and learned that he was infertile.If he cannot be passed on to future generations, it is impossible for the people around him to regard him as an heir.Since then, he has all but given up on the idea of ​​sitting at the top of the company.

Then the doctor told him that I was pregnant. In fact, it is a transaction.I get a stable life, and he gets the trust of society. We will soon register our marriage.In the eyes of outsiders, we may have had sex on the day we met, and the child was born prematurely, but the weight met the standard.The child was named Emilia, which was given by her grandfather, the founder of the company. It is said that it was the name of his girlfriend who was in love with him when he was studying abroad. However, in my heart, Emili is mine alone. However, I was not looked down upon for it.Adachi cherishes me very much, and loves Emiri very much, just like she loves her own daughter.

Everything went so smoothly, there was no warning before that moment.The ring should have been sitting nicely in its box, tucked away in the deepest part of the closet. One day, the company had a party, and I took out the jewelry box from the closet to find the pearls I wore for the party, but found that the lid of the box was open. When I opened it, the ring and the box containing the ring were gone, and neither was the suicide note.The next day, the ring was put back, but the suicide note was never found. "Daddy would be very sad if he found out that Momma likes someone else, so I think I should hide it outside. The ring was found, but the letter was thrown away. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Emili cried, like that It hurts.The child mistakenly thought that the letter was written by me. In fact, how could I write such beautiful words.

Emily hid the ring and suicide note in an abandoned villa, only to be discovered by him.At that time, he was planning to build a free school, and he happened to go there to look at the houses. Maybe he was planning to reorganize his life in a place with some karma with Qiu Hui, so he just happened to find it there.He must have been taken aback. He would never have imagined that there would be a familiar ring and a suicide note written for him in the snack box he accidentally discovered. Maybe he immediately realized that it was written by Qiu Hui. After that, he probably probed for a long time.The woman I love, the career I'm passionate about—is it my fault too?He thought I ruined it all and ended up leaving him.He wants to find me, he wants to know what is the most important thing to me.

Emery was killed by me, you were just unlucky enough to be involved.I said things I shouldn't have said, and you all kept what I said in your heart, and eventually led me to the suspect. I must atone for your sins. After we separated from Yuka, I went to see him. There were big stories about that free school in the weekly magazines.On the way there, I kept thinking about "Atonement" and wondering what I could do for you. Should I find a lawyer to defend your innocence for you, or give you some assistance in your life, or give you some spiritual compensation? However, I know that if I do that, it will only make you despise me even more.

All I had to do was confess my past sins and tell the truth to that criminal, Nanjo Hiroaki. Emili's real father is you. I explained everything to him very clearly. Afterwards, you probably already knew his ending through TV and newspapers.As for what I think about these matters, even if I don't write anything here, you should know. I wonder if you have forgiven me? Are you freed from the long-term haze? Adachi Asako
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