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Chapter 59 Part 4 Becky is going on TV-9

I can't avoid it Maybe I can sneak away from behind. Or maybe I could just sit on the couch until he can't take it anymore and walks away.I mean, he's still too scared to walk in front of the camera after all, is he? Or I can pretend to be someone else.God, yes, I can! Besides, with makeup on, I do look like a different person. Besides—it occurred to me—who said he noticed me? He might have come here for other reasons entirely.Maybe he's here for some show.That's right, it has nothing to do with me.So I just got up, walked past him quickly, and was fine. "I'm sorry honey," a man in jeans approached, "I need to move this couch."

"Oh, yes." I stood up and met Derek Smeez's eyes without noticing.He was still looking straight at me.He is waiting for me. God! Well, it's all right - just keep walking and pretend you don't know him. I deliberately avoided his gaze, stood up, took a deep breath, and quickly walked across the studio.My steps didn't falter, my expression didn't hesitate.I keep my eyes firmly on the sliding door, and I'm doing pretty well.Now it's just a few steps away.only a few steps... "Miss Bloomwood." His voice hit me in the back of the head like a bullet.For a moment, I wondered if I should ignore it, or even rush out the door.But Zelda and Emma are nearby.They probably heard him calling my name.I can't avoid it.

So I turned around and gave what I thought was a very convincing expression of realization, as if I had just recognized him. "Oh, hello, it's you!" I forced a laugh, "I didn't expect that. How are you?" A technician motioned for us to turn down the volume.Derek Smeez firmly led me out of the studio and into the rest area.He turned to look at me and I gave him a confident smile.Maybe we can settle the matter amicably. "Miss Bloomwood..." "It's a beautiful day today," I said, "What do you think?" "Miss Bloomwood, our meeting." Derek Smeez followed closely.

God, I wish he forgot about that. "Our meeting," I repeated thoughtfully, "uh..." Then suddenly, "yes, it's tomorrow, isn't it? I'm looking forward to it." Derek Smeez seemed to be going mad. "It's not tomorrow! It's Monday morning. You didn't show up!" "Oh," I said, "that meeting. Yes, I'm so sorry. I was coming, really. Just... just..." But I can't even think of a decent excuse.I used up all of them.So all I can do is slump, biting my lip like a child who has done something wrong. "Miss Bloomwood," said Derek Smeez exhaustedly, "Miss Bloomwood..." He wiped his face with his hands, then looked up. "You know how long I've been writing to you? Do you know how long I've been trying to get you to the bank to meet me?"

"This... I'm not very..." "Six months!" Derek Smeez paused. "For six months, you've been prevaricating and procrastinating. Now I want you to think about what that means to me. I keep writing, keep writing. This matter has consumed countless time and energy of me and my assistant Erica. Frankly speaking, these time and energy can be better spent elsewhere.” He waved the cup in his hand vigorously, Some coffee was spilled on the floor. "Finally, I caught you, and you agreed to meet me. I thought you were finally going to take your situation seriously... but you didn't show up. You disappeared suddenly. I called Calling you at your parents' house only to be accused of being the most unwelcome harasser!"

"Oh, is that so?" I apologized, "I'm so sorry! It's my dad who answered the phone, he's kind of weird." "I've lost all hope of you." Derek Smeez raised his voice. "But what did I see this morning when I passed by an electronics store? What appeared on six different TV screens was the missing Miss Rebecca Bloomwood, who is addressing the nation. And, guess what, her advice is about?" He began to laugh, shaking (at least, I Think that's a laugh). "About managing money! You are advising the British people... how to manage their money!"

I stared at him in surprise, is this so ridiculous? "I'm so sorry I wasn't able to meet you last time," I said as seriously as possible, "However, I had a little trouble at the time, and if we can re-engage..." "Re-appointment!" Derek Smeez yelled, as if I had just made an international joke, "Re-appointment!" I stared at him angrily.He didn't take me seriously at all, did he? He wouldn't even listen to my explanation.I was going to tell him I wanted to meet him--I did--and he made fun of me, like I was some kind of comedian. "But it's not surprising that he did that," said a little voice deep inside. "Look at what you've done! Look at what you've done to him! In truth, It's strange that he can still be polite to you now."

I looked up at his still grinning face... and felt that I deserved it. Because, in fact, he could have been a little more aggressive with me.He could have suspended my credit card long ago, or requested legal assistance, or put me on a blacklist.And he didn't do that, in fact he was always nice to me and all I did was lie, avoid and run. "Give me one more chance," I said quickly, "please! I really want to get my finances in order and pay off all the money I owe. But I need your help. I..." I Swallowing, "I beg you to help me, Mr. Smeez." There was a long silence.Derek Smeez looked around and found a place to put down the coffee cup in his hand.He took a white handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his forehead, then put the handkerchief down, and looked at me for a long time.

"Are you serious?" he said finally. "yes." "Are you really going to work hard?" "Yes. And..." I bit my lip, "And, I've always been grateful for your care. It's true!" Suddenly, my eyes were blurred with tears.I want to be a good person and get my life right and I want him to tell me what to do. "Okay," said Derek Smeez at last, "let's see if we can get you out of this mess. You come to my office tomorrow, on time at nine-thirty. We can talk for a while." "Thank you." I felt my whole body relax, "Thank you very much, I promise I will be there on time."

"Better," he said. "Stop making excuses." Then a faint smile crept into his face. "By the way," he gestured toward the studio, "I think you're doing it there." Well done. Your suggestions are spot on." "Oh," I said in amazement, "thanks. This is really..." I cleared my throat and added, "How did you get into the studio? I thought they were heavily guarded!" "It's strict," Derek Smeez replied, "but my daughter works in television." He smiled lovingly. "She used to do this show."

"Really?" I really couldn't believe it. God, this is amazing.Derek Smeez actually has a daughter.In this case, then he may have a complete family, a wife or something.Who would have thought it would be like this? "I should go." He drank the coffee in his cup, "This is an arrangement outside the schedule." He gave me a stern look, "See you tomorrow morning." "I'll be there." As he walked towards the exit, I said quickly, "Thank you, thank you very much." When his figure disappeared, I sat down on the chair.I can't believe that delightful polite conversation just happened between me and Derek Smeez.And he does seem like a nice guy, he's so nice to me, and his daughter works in TV... I mean, maybe I'll know her, maybe I'll be friends with the whole family.Wouldn’t that be awesome? I’d go to their house for dinner and his wife would give me a warm hug when I walked in the door and I’d help her make a salad…   "Rebecca!" a voice came from behind me, and I turned to see Zelda walking towards me, clutching her notepad. "Hi," I said cheerfully, "how's it going?" "Great," she said, pulling up a chair, "now I want to talk to you." "Oh," I asked, "well, what about?" "We think you did a great job today!" Zelda crossed her legs. "It was great! I talked to Emma, ​​Rory and our program director." She paused deliberately, "They all want you to be on the show again." I looked at her in disbelief, "You mean..." "Not every week," Zelda said, "but pretty often. Maybe three times a month. Do you think your job allows you to?" "I...I don't know," I replied dazedly, "I hope so." "Great!" Zelda said. "Maybe we can do a promotion for your magazine or something, so your boss will be more happy." She scribbled something on a piece of paper, and then look up. "You probably don't have an agent yet, do you? Then I'll have to talk to you directly about the money." She paused, looking down at her notepad. "We are prepared to pay you every time..."
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