Home Categories foreign novel mountain sound

Chapter 38 Nest One

mountain sound 川端康成 1895Words 2018-03-21
The bells of the nearby temples chime at six in both winter and summer.Shingo doesn't matter whether it is winter or summer, he gets up early when he hears the bell in the morning. Although you get up early, you don't necessarily get out of bed.That is to say, wake up early. Of course, it's the same six o'clock, but winter and summer are very different.The bells of the temple ring at six o'clock all year round, so Shingo thought it was the same six o'clock, but in fact the sun has already risen in summer. Although Shingo had a large pocket watch next to his pillow, he had to turn on the lamp and wear reading glasses to see clearly.

So Shingo rarely looked at his watch.Without reading glasses, you can't tell the difference between long and short needles. Besides, there is no need for Shingo to stick to the hour of getting up.Rather, waking up early feels like nothing to do. It was not yet dawn until six o'clock in winter, but Shingo couldn't bear to stay in bed, so he got up to fetch the newspaper. After not hiring a maid, Chrysanthemum got up early in the morning to work. "Father, it's so early!" When Kikuko said that, Shingo felt embarrassed. "Well, sleep again." "Go to sleep, the water hasn't boiled yet."

After Chrysanthemum woke up, Shingo felt someone's voice, so he felt relieved. I don't know how old he was, when he woke up in the dark in the winter morning, he was bored. But when spring came, Shingo woke up feeling warm. It's past May and a half.This morning, Shingo heard the ringing of the morning bell, and then the chirping of the kite. "Ah, it's still there." Xinwu put his head on the pillow, listened quietly, and muttered. The kite made a big circle on the roof, and then seemed to fly towards the sea. Shingo woke up. Shingo searched for the sky while brushing his teeth, but he couldn't find Tobi.

However, the childish and sweet voice seemed to soften and clear the sky over Xinwu's house. "Chrysanthemum, our kite called just now." Shingo called out to the kitchen. Chrysanthemum put the steaming rice in the rice bucket. "I didn't notice it just now, I didn't hear it." "It's still in our house." "Oh." "Last year, I don't remember what month it was, but it also chirped happily. It was probably around this time. My memory is too bad." Shingo stood and looked.Chrysanthemum untied the ribbon from her head. Sometimes Chrysanthemum seemed to go to bed with her hair tied up with a ribbon.

The lid of the rice bucket was just opened, and Chrysanthemum was busy making tea for Shingo. "While Yuan is here, so will our Huang Daomei." "Hey, there are also crows." "crow?……" Shingo smiled. If the kite is "our family's kite", the crow should also be "our family's crow". "I thought this mansion was only for people to live in, but I didn't expect that there are all kinds of birds inhabiting it." Shingo said. "There will be fleas and mosquitoes soon." "Don't talk nonsense. Fleas and mosquitoes are not residents of our house. You can't celebrate New Year in our house."

"There are also fleas in winter, maybe they will be in our house for the New Year." "I don't know how long the lifespan of fleas is. Probably not last year's fleas." Chrysanthemum looked at Shingo and smiled. "It's about time the snake came out of its hole." "Is it the yellow-jawed snake that gave you such a fright last year?" "yes." "It is said that it is the owner of this house." Last summer, when Juzi came back from shopping, she saw the yellow-jawed snake at the door of the kitchen, and she trembled with fright.

Ah Zhao ran over when he heard Ju Zi's cry, and barked like crazy for a while.As soon as Ah Zhao lowered his head and prepared to bite, he moved away four or five feet, and then moved closer, as if he was going to pounce.This was repeated many times. The yellow-jawed snake raised its head slightly, spit out the red core, and without even looking at Ah Zhao, it moved smoothly and crawled away along the threshold of the kitchen. According to Chrysanthemum, the snake is more than twice as long as the kitchen door, that is to say, it is more than six feet long. The body of the snake is thicker than Chrysanthemum's wrist.

Juzi said loudly, but Baozi said calmly: "It is the owner of this house. It was there several years before Juzi married here." "If Ah Zhao bites it, I don't know what will happen?" "Then Ah Zhao will definitely lose, it can entangle Ah Zhao...Ah Zhao is white, it's just barking." Chrysanthemum trembled for a while.Since then, she's been coming in and out through the front door rather than the kitchen door. I don't know if the big snake is hiding under the floor or on the ceiling, it's really creepy. However, the yellow-jawed snake may be hiding in the back mountain.It is rare to see traces of it.

The back mountain is not owned by Xinwu.I don't know whose. Near Shingo's house stands a steep mountain.For the animals in the mountain, there seems to be no boundary between the mountain and the courtyard of Xinwu's house. A lot of flowers and leaves from the back mountain fell into the courtyard. "Kite is back." Xinwu said to himself, and then raised his voice, "Juzi, it seems that kite has come back." "Really. I heard it this time." Chrysanthemum looked up at the ceiling. The kite's cry continued for a long time. "Did you fly to the sea just now?"

"It sounded like it was flying to the sea." "Maybe they flew to the sea to look for food, and then flew back." Chrysanthemum said so, and Shingo also thought that might be the case. "How about some fish where he can see it?" "Azhao will eat it." "Put it high up." This was the case last year and the year before last. When Shingo woke up, he heard the kite's cry and felt a kind of affection. It seems that not only Shingo, but the phrase "our family's kite" has been commonly used among family members. However, Shingo did not even know if it was one kite or two.I only remember that one year, I seemed to have seen two kites soaring above the roof.

Besides, is it true that the chirping of the kite that has been heard for several years is really made by the same kite?Doesn't it replace it?Could it be that mother Yuan died unknowingly, and Zi Yuan cried out in grief?Shingo thought this way for the first time this morning. Xinwu and the others didn't know that the old kite had died last year, but this year it was the new kite that was singing, so they always thought it was the kite at home. He heard Yuanming in the half-waking dream and reality, so it was interesting. There are many hills in Kamakura, but this kite chose to live in the back mountain of Xinwu's house. It is inconceivable to think about it. As the saying goes: "It is rare to meet today, and it is difficult to hear each other today." Maybe this is the case. Even if people live with the kite, the kite can only be heard by people.
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