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Chapter 12 Eleven to fifteen

Heike Monogatari 无名氏 6521Words 2018-03-21
eleven Physician Q&A After Minister Komatsuchi heard these things, he immediately went to Kumano to visit the shrine because he was very cautious about everything.In the temple of Zhengcheng Bodhisattva [1] in this palace, I prayed all night: "Father entered the Taoist Xiangguo, and what he did was mostly immoral. , but because of his unworthy status, he was not adopted by his father. Judging by his actions, it is probably difficult to protect the glory of a generation, not to mention the succession of children and grandchildren. , Going with the tide, I am afraid that it is not in line with the way of a good minister and filial son. It is better to retreat incognito, abandon the reputation of this world, and only seek the blessings of future generations. But I am an ordinary person, with dull aptitude, and I don’t know right from wrong, so I can’t make a decisive decision. I pray for this. Quan Jingang boy [2] expressly stated that if the glory of my Heing family is still alive, and I can still serve in the court, I beseech you to ease the evil intentions of entering the Tao, so that the world can be peaceful; , then please shorten Chongsheng’s lifespan to save the suffering in the next life. The above prayers, I only ask the great god to bless you.” I was praying with all my heart, and suddenly something like a lantern came out of the minister, and disappeared in a blink of an eye up.Many people saw it, but they were too horrified to speak out.

Back from Kumano, when crossing the Iwata River, his son Quan Liang, a young official under Major General Weisheng, wore a lavender shirt under his white hunting clothes. It was the color of the shirt, and it looked like mourning clothes.When Chikugo Shouzhen saw him, he reprimanded: "What's the matter with you? You have made the hunting clothes into something inauspicious. Change your clothes quickly." The minister stopped him and said, "My prayer has been fulfilled. Don't change it." At the same time, he sent someone to Kumano to offer coins and silk to express his gratitude.Everyone felt strange and couldn't understand it.However, it didn't take long before those princes really put on mourning clothes, which is really strange!

After returning home, within a few days, Chongsheng fell ill.He believed that the Kumano gods had fulfilled his wish, so he neither healed nor prayed.At this time, a famous doctor came across the sea from the Song Dynasty and lived in Japan for a while.The Prime Minister of Taoism happened to be in Fukuhara Biezhuang, so he sent Yuezhong Shousheng Jun as an envoy to deliver a message to Minister Komatsu: "Your illness is getting worse and worse, and it happens that a famous doctor from the Song Dynasty came to our country. It is really gratifying. Let him come to treat you. Treat me." Mr. Xiaosong got someone to help him up, called Sheng Jun to his face, and said, "Go back and report, and say: Regarding the matter of treating me, I have respectfully ordered the prime minister. But listen carefully. It is said that Emperor Yanxi [3] is a virtuous emperor, but he summoned foreign fortune-tellers to the capital. Even in the last days of Buddhism, this matter cannot but be said to be the fault of the virtuous ruler and a disgrace to the Japanese dynasty. What's more, Shigemori is a Ordinary people, wouldn’t it be disrespectful to the country to recruit foreign doctors into the capital? Han Gaozu raised a three-foot sword and leveled the world. When he was conquering Yingbu in Huainan, he was injured by Liu Shi. Lu called a good doctor to treat him. The doctor said "This injury can be cured, but give me fifty catties of gold." Gaozu said: "When I conquered the world, I was wounded many times and didn't feel much pain. Now my life span is over. Life and death are up to you. Even if there is Bian Que, what good is it? But if you don’t let him heal, it’s like being reluctant to give up gold.” So he gave the doctor fifty catties of gold but didn’t let him heal him. I still remember the words of the ancients. If you have no virtue, you will be ranked among the nine nobles, and you will be ranked in the three ranks. Your fate depends on God. If you don’t pay attention to God’s will, what’s the use of treating it indiscriminately? If the disease is destined to be doomed by God, it’s useless to seek medical treatment; If it wasn't for the calamity determined by God, one could be saved even without treatment. In ancient times, the elder woman [4] had no medical skills, and the Dajue World Honored One [5] died by the Bati River. This shows that the illness within the calamity cannot be cured by medicine. If the sickness of the Buddha can be cured, then Shakyamuni will not pass away. It is very obvious that there is no cure when the calamity comes. Besides, the person to be cured is the body of the Buddha, and the person who treats is Jiva. Now Chongsheng is neither the body of the Buddha, The famous doctor is not as good as the senior woman. Even if he is proficient in the four medical books [6] and is good at treating all kinds of diseases, he may not be able to help people who have accumulated filth for a long time. Even if he is familiar with the Five Classics [7] and can cure all diseases, he can cure all diseases within a kalpa. It is also difficult to cure. If his medical skills can prolong my life, wouldn't it mean that this dynasty has no deep doctor; if his medical skills are not effective, then what good is it for me to see him! Not to mention that I am It is not only disrespectful to the country, but also an insult to the government. Even if Shigemori dies because of this, he cannot remain indifferent to the shame of the country. This is what you want to convey. "

Sheng Jun returned to Fuyuan and cried out what had happened.Enlightenment Xiangguo said: "I have never heard of such a minister who is concerned about national humiliation since ancient times, let alone in this end of Buddhism. Because he is incompatible with the reality of Japan, this time it is probably hopeless." After finishing speaking So he went back to Beijing sadly. On July 28 of the same year, Mr. Xiaosong became a monk and became a Taoist with the Dharma name of Jinglian.On the first day of the eighth month, I finally achieved the goal of not having delusional thoughts at the end of my life, and passed away suddenly.At the age of forty-three, he was in his prime, which is really sad.All the people in Beijing sighed: "The Prime Minister of Taoism is rampant in the world. Thanks to his mediation, the world is at peace. Now that he has passed away, the world does not know what will happen!" Only the former right general Zong Shengqing People said: "From now on, the world will be ruled by the general." I feel very happy.It is normal for parents to love their children, even if the unworthy son dies, they feel sad, not to mention that Duke Chongsheng is the pillar of the Ping family and a contemporary sage.Speaking of the separation of parents and wives, and the decline of the family, it is even more sad.Therefore, the state lamented the loss of good ministers, and the Ping family lamented the downfall of military strategy.All this is because the minister has a dignified appearance, a loyal heart, and a combination of talent, virtue, words and deeds.

-------------------------- [1] That is Amitabha Tathagata. [2] Nanwu is Sanskrit, also translated as Guiming, which is the opening words when praying to the Buddha.Kwon Kin Gang Boy is the guardian deity of Kumano Sanzan. 【3】Emperor Daigo. 【4】Jiva is a famous doctor in ancient India. 【5】That is Sakyamuni. [6] Four medical books refer to the four ancient Chinese medical books: "Su Wen", "Da Su Jing", "Nan Jing", "Ming Tang Jing". [7] The Five Classics refer to the five classics in medical books: "Su Wen", "Lingshu Jing", "Nan Jing", "Golden Chamber Synopsis", "Jia B Jing".

-------------------------- twelve No text saber【1】 The Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Chongsheng, was born a strange person. He could predict what would happen in the future. For example, what he saw in his dream on the seventh day of April was unimaginable for ordinary people.In his dream, he went to a far away place. On a seashore where he didn’t know where, there was a big archway erected by the roadside. The Minister of Internal Affairs asked others, “What kind of archway is this?” The archway." Many people gathered in front of the archway, and a mage's head was stuck on the tip of a knife and held high.The Minister of Internal Affairs asked: "Whose head is this?" He replied: "It is the head of the Taizheng Minister of the Taizheng family. Because he has done a lot of evil and is full of evil, the Damingshen of our company ordered his subordinates to deal with him." Hearing this, he woke up. coming.Since Baoyuan and Heiji, the Heike family has quelled rebellions repeatedly, and the Mongolian court has rewarded them with great kindness. He is the emperor's grandfather, and there are more than 60 officials in one family.For more than 20 years, his wealth and honor are indescribable, but because he has become a Taoist minister and the country is full of evil, his good luck has been exhausted, thinking about the past and the future, the ministers couldn't help but burst into tears.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and the inner minister asked: "Who is it?" The outside replied: "Taro Setaya Kanyasu." He asked again: "What's the matter with you?" "There is a very strange thing, I can't wait for the dawn, and now I am here to report, please back away from the left and right." The minister pushed back the people around him and told him to come in.Jiankang recounted his dream in detail, which was exactly the same as the minister's dream.The Minister of Internal Affairs was amazed to see that Setaya Taro Kenyasu could also communicate with the gods.

The next morning, the legitimate son Quan Liang, Major General Wei Sheng, was going to the Emperor, when the minister stopped him and said, "A father shouldn't have said such a thing, you are the best in your life, but now The future of the world is uncertain, which is very worrying. Is Zhenneng here? Pour wine for the major general!" Zhenneng came in and poured the wine.The minister said again: "This glass of wine was originally intended for the major general to drink first, but you can't overrule your parents when drinking. I'll drink it first and then pour it for the major general." He drank three glasses in a row, and then handed it to the major general.The major general drank three cups in a row.The minister said: "Zhen Neng, give the gift to the major general." Zhen Neng took out a knife from the brocade bag.The major general thought to himself: "This must be the small black sword [3] handed down from the ancestors." When he was happy, he discovered that it was the unwritten sword worn by the minister when he held the funeral.The major general was shocked and looked very disturbed. The minister burst into tears and said: "Major general, it's not that Zhenneng took it wrong. This sword is an unwritten treasure sword used by the minister in the funeral. It’s useful, and now Chongsheng has gone before Daogong, so I’ll give it to you.” After hearing these words, the major general just bent down and swallowed his tears, choked up and unable to speak.I didn't go to serve the emperor that day either, and lay down covered with a quilt for a whole day.Later, when the Minister of Internal Affairs visited Kumano Shrine, he fell ill and died shortly thereafter.At this time, the major general realized that this was the case.

-------------------------- 【1】The plain saber without any decorations on the scabbard is usually worn by officials with less than six people, and ministers and ministers only wear it at funerals. 【2】In Kasuga Yamaga, Nara City, Kasuga Daimyojin, the clan god of the Fujiwara clan, is enshrined. [3] A double-edged sword made in the third year of Dabao (703), with a black-shaped metal decoration on the handle, hence the name.It was originally an ancestral treasure of the Minamoto clan. After Minamoto Yoshitomo was killed in the Heiji Rebellion, it was owned by the Hera clan. --------------------------

Thirteen minister of lanterns The Minister of the Interior devoted himself to eliminating disasters and cultivating goodness, and valued misfortunes and blessings in the afterlife. He built a temple with forty-eight rooms at the foot of the capital, corresponding to the number of Amitabha's Six Eight Great Aspirations [1].And hang a lantern in each room, a total of forty-eight lanterns are hung, shining like a nine-pin lotus platform [2] in front of your eyes, and shining brightly like a phoenix mirror, making people feel like they are in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.It is stipulated that on the 14th and 15th of each month, women from the Ping family and other aristocratic families with dignified faces and in their prime will be invited. There will be six people in each room, and a total of 288 people in 48 rooms will act as bhikkhunis who chant Buddha. Recite the Buddha's name for two days.Just like Amitabha Tathagata's great wish to welcome and attract [3] appears here, and it is also like the light of taking in and not giving up [4] on the inner minister.On the 15th day, the vows are fulfilled, and the Great Recitation of Buddha is held.The minister stood in the middle of the path [5], turned to the west and aroused the kindness of being reborn in the Pure Land, and said: "Namo Anyang, the leader of Amitabha, passed away, and universally practiced to help all living beings across the three realms and six paths [6]. Those who listened were moved to tears.Since then, people have called this minister the Minister of Lanterns.

-------------------------- 【1】According to Buddhist scriptures, Amitabha Tathagata once made forty-eight kinds of vows, determined to help all living beings. 【2】It means that the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss has three grades and nine grades, that is, the upper grade, the middle grade, and the lower grade, and each grade is divided into three grades: upper, middle, and lower. [3] Refers to the nineteenth vow of Amitabha Tathagata: to welcome the practitioners who are dying to recite the Buddha's name to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. 【4】It means that the Buddha's light shines everywhere, and all people are spared. The "Infinite Life Sutra" has a saying: "The light illuminates a hundred thousand worlds, and all living beings who recite the Buddha will never give up." 【5】While chanting sutras, we walk around Buddha statues, pagodas, and tombs, which is called walking. [6] The three realms are the desire realm, the form realm, and the formless realm; the six realms are the six realms that all living beings experience in the cycle of life and death because of their good and evil deeds: heaven, human world, Shura, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell. -------------------------- fourteen donate gold The minister also said: "Even if I have accumulated a lot of good roots in Japan, it is very difficult for my descendants to pray for my blessings. In order to practice the blessings of future generations, I should also accumulate some good roots in foreign countries." So in Anyuan In the middle of the year (1175-1176), a ship owner named Miaodian [1] was summoned from Zhenxi (Kyushu) and asked everyone to stay away from him and meet him.The minister took out 3,500 taels of gold and said to him, "I heard that you are a very upright person. The five hundred taels of gold are for you. Please take the remaining 3,500 taels of gold to the Song Dynasty. 【2】Give one thousand taels to the monks there, and the other two thousand taels to the emperor of the Song Dynasty, and donate it to Yuwang Mountain as money for buying land. Please pray for me from the monks in Yuwang Mountain.” Miao Dian took orders and took the Thousands of miles of waves, traveled far to the Song Dynasty.Seeing Zen master Defang, the abbot of Yuwang Mountain, and explaining the reason in detail, the Zen master was overjoyed and deeply moved, so he donated one thousand taels to the monks and two thousand taels to the emperor, expressing Minister Chongsheng's wishes in detail.The emperor was very moved, so he donated it to the five hundred towns of Yuwang Mountain [3].Therefore, the prayers there for the Japanese Minister Hirashige Mori to be reborn in a good place in the next life have never stopped. -------------------------- 【1】The owner of the ship should be a Chinese businessman. [2] Yuwang Mountain, that is, Ashoka Mountain, with the Ashoka Temple on the mountain, is in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China. It was very famous in ancient times and is one of the five mountains. 【3】Cho is the unit of area in Japan, and one town is approximately equal to one hectare. -------------------------- fifteen Fayin Q&A The Taoist Xiangguo was always restless because Mr. Xiaosong died before him, so he hurried back to Fukuhara and stayed behind closed doors.On the 7th day of the 11th month of the same year, the earth trembled for a long time.Yinyangtou [1] Abe Taiqin rushed to Beijing and said: "The earthquake tonight, according to the oracle, there will be major events. According to one of the three classics of Yinyang Dao [2], "The Golden Chamber Sutra" It is said that the year does not come out of this year, the month does not come out of this month, and the day is just around the corner. Therefore, this is a matter of urgency." He even cried.The faces of those who were playing the music changed, and the Pope was also very surprised.The young ministers and the people in the palace all laughed and said, "It's strange that Taiqin is crying. Could it be that something great will happen!" Taiqin is the fifth grandson of Anxin Qingming [3]. , All divination and calculations are effective, so people call him a god of predicting things.Once thunder and lightning fell on him, and the thunder and fire burned the sleeves of his hunting clothes, but he was completely unharmed. No matter in ancient times or in the last days, this is a rare person. In the past few days, Taoist Xiangguo originally lived in Fuyuan. On the 14th of the same month, for some reason, he brought thousands of people back to the capital.Although there is no definite information about this matter, the whole capital is very disturbed.I don't know who spread the news that the prime minister will take revenge on the imperial court.When Guan Bai Tengyuan Jifanggong heard the rumor, he hurried into the palace to report to the Emperor: "This time, Xiangguo came to Beijing to destroy my foundation house. I really don't know what kind of bad luck will happen!" The Emperor was also very frightened and said : "No matter what kind of misfortune you encounter, it is the same as what I have encountered in person." She said and shed tears.Originally, the government affairs of the world should be presided over by the emperor and Guan Baigong, but now it has become like this.How Amaterasu and Kasuga Daimyojin think about it is really hard to predict. On the 15th of the same month, the Emperor heard that the Daoist Xiangguo came to Beijing to take revenge on the imperial court. He was very panicked, so he sent the late Shao Nayan Rudao Xinxi's son Jing Xingxianyin as an envoy to say to the Daoist Xiangguo: "In recent years, the imperial court has been disturbed. , the hearts of the people are not harmonious, and the people of the Li people are not at peace. This is very unfortunate. Because you are in the court, everything can be relied on. However, instead of going to stabilize the world, it is said that you will go to Beijing to take revenge on the court. What is this? What's going on?" Fayin was ordered to come to Xibatiao Xiangguo's mansion, and he waited from morning to evening, but he didn't even reply. He thought it would be useless to wait like this, so he asked Yuan Yuan, the judge Ji Zhen, to pass on the emperor's will He went in and said, "This is my farewell." Then he withdrew.At this time, Xiangguo suddenly said: "Call Fayin." Fayin was called back again, and Xiangguo said, "Hey, Elder Fayin, what I said about Jinghai is right: first of all, about the death of the Minister of Internal Affairs, think about the fate of my family I can't help but grieve for this, and hold back my tears until today. This is what you can understand. Since the preservation of the Yuan Dynasty, wars have occurred frequently, and the monarch's heart is not at peace. I am only in control of the overall situation. , worked tirelessly to appease the emperor's anger many times; at the same time, he also dealt with the affairs of state, devoted himself to the affairs of the day. Since ancient times, such a hero as the minister of the interior has been rare. In ancient times, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty was so sad that he died because of Wei Zheng, so he wrote the inscription himself. 'In the past Yin Zong got Liangbi in a dream, but now I lose a good minister in Juehou.' [4] Standing in the temple to express condolences. Looking closely at the precedents of our dynasty, it is obvious that after the death of Minister of Minbu, the late Toba The emperor was very sad, so he postponed the Hachiman parade and suspended the orchestral music. This is a precedent for successive kings to express their condolences when loyal ministers passed away. I don't mean to mourn at all. Even if I don't show sympathy for my sorrow, I shouldn't forget all about the loyalty and diligence of the minister of the interior. Even if I forget the loyalty and diligence of the minister of the interior, I shouldn't show no sympathy for my sorrow. Right! It seems that both of us, father and son, do not conform to the emperor's will, which makes our Heike family very embarrassed. This is one. Second, the Echizen Kingdom was originally a territory bestowed on Shigemori. But it was withdrawn immediately after the Minister of Internal Affairs passed away. Is this because of any fault of the Minister of Internal Affairs? Thirdly, when Nagon was vacant, the two lieutenant generals Fujiwara Kitomichi hoped to fill in. I also strongly recommended it, but in the end I did not agree , and made up Guan Bai’s son Fujiwara Shijia. Even if what I said is unreasonable, I should agree once. Besides, the two lieutenant generals are the sons of the regent’s family. Disagreement. But the imperial court took completely opposite measures, which is really very regrettable. Fourth, Xinda Nayan and others conspired in Lugu to rebel. It was not entirely their fault, it was all the Emperor Instigated. This is not my intention to bring up old things. The Ping family has gone through seven generations, how can I just abandon it! Not to mention that the future generations will have to serve the court one after another, it is probably impossible to do it. I am old and lose my son, it is tantamount to a dead tree without branches; it is useless to think about the future, so I can only let it go It's gone." He said very angry and very sad.Fa Yin felt both scared and pitiful, and his whole body was sweating profusely.Under such circumstances, it is difficult for anyone to answer correctly, not to mention that I am a person close to the Emperor, and I have known about Lugu's party plan for a long time. Walk like a tiger's tail.However, Fayin is not an ordinary person. He said without panic at all: "It is not bad that the Heike family has made many achievements in the past, so it is understandable to have resentment for a while. But in terms of official position and salary, the court treats your Heike family very well." It's generous, isn't that the Emperor's reward for your meritorious deeds? As for the rebellion of a close minister, it is said that it was ordered by the Emperor, but that is nothing more than a slander by the conspirators. It is more important than hearsay, and less important than seeing it personally. This is secular It is a common problem. The body is bathed in abnormal court favor and acts against the emperor. People and gods can learn from each other. It is a great fear. The will of heaven is unpredictable, and so is the emperor's will. Wouldn't it be against the etiquette of people and ministers to commit the following things, please pay attention Think carefully. The details of what you said should be transcribed by Fayin." After saying that, he withdrew.All the people present said: "Ah, it's amazing. Xiangguo was so angry, he didn't panic at all, and he answered calmly before retreating." There was no one who did not praise Fayin. -------------------------- 【1】Yinyangtou is the chief of Yinyangliao, belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in charge of astronomy, calendar calculation, divination and other matters. [2] Refers to the "Golden Chamber Sutra", "The Cardinal Sutra", and "Shenshu Lingjing" of Yin and Yang Dao. [3] He was born in the period of Emperor Huashan (984-986) and Emperor Yiyi (986-1011). He was proficient in astronomy and yin and yang divination, and had four doctors in astronomy. 【4】See Bai Juyi's self-note to "Xin Yuefu Qide Dance".Yin Zong is Gaozong Wuding, the sage king of Yin Shang. 【5】Old customs, within seventy-seven forty-nine days after death, recite sutras for the deceased's soul, which is called the bardo in Japan.
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